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i wish i could

If I could . . . if it was acceptable for a mother of five . . . or any adult . . . to have pink hair I would. I wish we could have hair like the Barbies with a button in their backs to make it longer or shorter whenever you want. But in real life this bright pink wig is as close as we get. It’s even the same style as Talby’s real hair.
Just added my photo album to the blog and it has my scrapbook vacation album that I just finished . . . very fun. Img_0926_1

Amanda - I know this post is old… but go for the pink hair even if it’s only for a little while. You only live once and you’ve mentioned pink hair several times. Heck do it in October and say it’s for breast cancer awareness month. Pink hair is awesome to have though even when you do have to go to PTA meetings with it.
Do the pink 🙂

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