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my kids are off school today.
and monday.
today we are cleaning the house (not that it shows…) because it's a wreck.

these are some of my instagrams from the past week or so.
you can follow me on IG if you'd like…. i am Meg Duerksen.

have you ever made this Oreo pie?
my family LOVES it and it's soooo easy!
it's oreo brand pie crust, oreo pudding and cool whip.
and it looks fancy and your kids will gobble it up.
the recipe is ON the pie crust….yeah that simple.

(not working for oreo….i just LOVE oreos)

sewing is great for stress relief.
i am not sure WHY.
but it is.

this black feather was in my sheets as i was crawling into bed last week.
i screamed SO LOUD FULL ON TERROR because i thought it was a big spider.
i woke up the dog.
i was all shakey…. i have a fear of spiders.  did you guess that?

annie whispered this to me during communion last week.
i wrote it down immediately and passed it over to craig.

but how awesome would that be???

i love getting my hair done.
i feel so sassy when i leave the salon.

our high school has a fundraiser during half time of the basketball games called Pop-A-Shot
kids pay $1 to shoot a free throw and if they make it they get a 2 liter of POP.
(i am guessing the pop is donated)
TONS of kids run out there to try and it's no big deal if they miss.
they can shoot as many times as you have dollars.
it is awesome.
if your school doesn't do this…. they should.
talby made her shot.   🙂

brad paisley helped me make it through my miles last week.
this week i am so tired.
but i can't stop.
i do get quite tempted to quit very often.

five hours after craft weekend was over
my entire family on my dad's side showed up to stay for a few days.
my grandmother passed away last week and everyone came together to celebrate her beautiful life.
(more on that later)

she would have LOVED to see us all together in one place.

with her cousins at the craft house, annie started to make a flag with my scraps.
she reeeeeeally wanted to hot glue it all together.
i really didn't want her to but knew i should be encouraging her creativity.
she said to me "MOM….when i grow up i am going to be the president
and i am going ot make our flag look just like this!"
my heart melted.

these are the women in my family on my dad's side.
we each chose pieces of grandma's jewelry until it was all divided.
my dad made the rule we had to wear what we chose all evening.
it was fun.
my grandma had a lot of unique and special jewelry.
she would have gotten a big kick of the girls wearing it all at once.

kansas sunsets are peaceful.

we don't do valentine's day at our house.
we just don't.
and i am ok with that.
but then it does begin to feel like i am the ONLY ONE in the whole world who doesn't do it.
i got bugged about it so i took myself for a massage.
it was pretty rad. 

i love the relaxation room after the massage.
but yesterday it was filled with couples…. and me… and an older lady eating a smelly salad.
one couple was kissing and had a bottle of wine.
the other two couples had clearly never been there & didn't know it was the RELAXation room and they should be quiet.
i kept my book up high to block them all from vision but i could hear them.
i finally just went to the steam room to be alone.

i sound like an old lady.
i know.
i am happy they were going to go get their romance on… i just didn't want to see it.

but the masage and steam were fabulous…. yay.

happy valentine's (that i don't celebrate) to me!

i had five minutes at barnes & noble and i spent 4.5 of them in the line.
i wished i had bought the Travel Africa magazine because it looked cool!
i don't want to cycle in africa… but i do want to Travel Africa.

i bought the book on the Tattoos on the Heartand i am loving it already!
shannan told me it was good and she is right.  

(strong langauge… fyi)

have you seen hot pink Kitchen Aid in person?
it is super awesome.
i would never get tired of that color….would i?
it's perfect.
i saw it at target.


and this is what waffle and i just did.

he smelled beyond gross.

and now he doesn't.

alrighty…. my kids want me to play Sorry.
gotta run.
happy weekend to you!


Ash - just found your blog and wanted to drop a couple of notes:
a) i love the idea of craft weekends and totally wish i thought of it or had a house big enough to host…anyone.
b) we don’t do valentine’s either and i’m glad to see SOMEONE else out there that doesn’t do it either.
c) oh goodness, i want that kitchen aid mixer. i drool every time i see it at our target!
glad i found your blog and can’t wait to read more!

Tracy Fisher - i loved your “old lady” comment. so true. i get it. haha. -tracy
p.s. i want that pink mixer!!!!

Krissy - Annie would make a GREAT president!!! She has awesome ideas (like ribs at communion!)
I have that pink mixer, and I LOVE it!!! There is a blender that matches it that I want too. It sitting on my counter always brightens my day! 🙂

katie - You have a sweet girl, but I do have to do a ‘lil witness here as it just saddens me that you all are thinking of communion as “just food”.
In the Catholic church we actually receive Jesus’ body, blood, soul, and divinity….super crazy I know!
“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you; he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him” (John 6:53–56).
NOTE in King James bible the word “verily, veriely” is used which means truth…
If you want you can read this Catholic page to explain more as we know Jesus was not speaking metophorically
There are many miracles too that go along with our Holy communion – Saints that lived off it ONLY for years! anyway it is in your court if you want to look into it just felt I needed to say something…

andrea - Oooohhhh, I am so jealous! A massage. Sigh. I haven’t had one in FOREVER. We really don’t do V-day here either. Just school stuff – which is MORE than enough. But since I now have two at home for homeschooling, they didn’t do anything but share their little brother’s stuff from school. Good boy! He shared without me asking.
My yellow lab stinks too. We normally bath her outside but it is way too cold. Can’t do it in the house; she shakes and shakes and shakes… Hair and water everywhere. Have to take her into the dog wash at the car wash. Heated room, heated water, dog shampoo – worth it.

Kristin S - The photo bombers in your jewelry pic are hilarious.

Naomi - I have a pink kitchen aid, but not a hot pink one. I want it! So awesome!!

amy - The stoic-ness of Waffle’s face made me gaffaw. What a cute mutt.

colleen from Alabama - Ok, I officially LOVE waffle. That dog is such a poser! He looks like a little old man when he is wet like that. I laughed so hard and then I showed it to my husband so he could laugh too! PRICELESS! His face just cracks me up. Thank you for making my saturday morning with that. Love your random posts. Thanks for taking the time to share the fun.

Lisa M. - Loved this post, Meg. So nice to see all those IG pics! I love dunking oreos in black coffee. I then throw the coffee out because I don’t drink blk coffee 🙂 And did you know that an ONE oreo has over 50 calories!! I actually stopped eating oreos after I read that 🙂
I love to see that you’re still running! That’s awesome. I stopped over the winter and didn’t want to 🙁 busy season in my business and it’s so darn cold! Back at it soon tho! Thanks for sharing!

Juli - We don’t do Valentine’s Day either. He did bring home Soup for a Group from Panera for dinner so I wouldn’t have to cook since I was sick but I don’t think that counts. He would’ve done that anyway! 😉

Heather - Annie for president! I swear I went to grade school with the gal on the left side of the picture (the women on your dad’s side of the family). If it’s not her, she has a twin! Did she grow up in MN and her dad was a band instructor?

Sarah - I love love love your non-Valentine-Day day…and had to laugh at your relaxation room-oh yuck-experience. You are so funny. And I make that Oreo pie thingy too and it always disappears so quickly wherever it goes-and it’s so easy! Have a great weekend! (I would vote for Annie too!)

jessica - Waffle! That just made me so happy! I love your dog 😀

katie - We don’t really celebrate valentine’s day either. my husband and I had a nice getaway over christmas break and that was our money for valentines and our birthdays this year. plus with how much they celebrate in school i don’t think my kids need more! just saying you are not alone!!!

Kibaya - Hi.
Here in Finland we have two sides of valentines day. Other is like yours – be my valentine and the other one is friendship. We also call the day FrienshipDay instead of valentines day. I don’t do valentines but I do friendship! Cynics here are thinking that it’s only commershial and business and so on. But I did text to my friends to have a special day because they are special. And I sent two cards to my nearest friends. Nothing more 🙂
But because christmas, easter and Day of May is mainly our only decorational days in here it doesn’t bother us not to celebrate.

lindsey - we don’t really do valentine’s day either. its easier on both of us, to be honest. we’re lazy gift givers. this way, no one’s disappointed!

Kori - We don’t do Valentine’s Day either. I mean, seriously, we’re married to each other…who else would be our valentines? Right? I did, however, as I laid my tired self on the couch after work, get a full leg and foot rub that lasted for over an hour. Better than any flowers and cards I tell ya! 😉

beth - i’m going to go out on a limb here and say that at our house we do celebrate valentine’s day. the way i see it, we’re only on this earth for _? number of years, and there’s only a handful of special days to celebrate each year, so why not go all out and take every possible opportunity to turn an ordinary day in to something even more special? i like to really do it up for birthday’s and the other holidays through the year also. and by go all out, i don’t mean by spending lot’s money. it’s not about that for me. it’s about the little things i can do to show my family how much i love and treasure them. i got up extra early and made them strawberry waffles and bacon (something i would normally only make on weekends), gave the kids small gift bags filled with inexpensive things that they love and don’t normally get, drove the kids to school rather than the bus (a treat) then had a nice candlelit family dinner together that night. also, my husband brought home roses (for me) and tulips (for our daughter) when he came home from work. when the kids went to bed we shared a bottle of wine and a slice of cheesecake while we watched a movie. it was such a wonderful valentines day. i hope i’m not the only one?…

Lisa - We don’t do valentines in my marriage either. Mostly cause of me. For whatever reason I just can’t get behind that holiday. I so wish I had gotten a massage though!!!! That sounds amazing! 🙂

Colleen - Looks like a good week. Lots of family time. We don’t do it up big for V day either. We remember that we love each other without having a “special” day to display it. Speaking of display….that would have made me want to leave the quiet room too! Hope you won at Sorry…I try to beat my kids at games every so often. Keep it real, we don’t always win in life, right? Have a great weekend!

Michelle - We don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day either. Nice to hear of someone else who doesn’t go crazy for the day. Anyway, I love the picture of all the women wearing your grandma’s jewelry. Such a great tribute to her.

Jenny B. - That feather would have freaked me out too! I check my bed for spiders every night. Seriously. A friend of mine was bitten by a BLACK WIDOW that was in her covers. No joke. Anywho…
Ribs for communion. Hilarious (and somewhat appropriate). 😉
We don’t really do Valentine’s Day either. My birthday is 3 days before (and lots of other family members’ birthdays are in February too). We do cards. That’s it. And, of course, the cheap-o store-bought Valentines for the kids to give their friends. No big gifts or romantic nights out, though.
People kissing at a massage place? Eww… PDA! 🙂

Tracey - Waffle is so silly!!!
And I love the pink Kitchen Aid, but i already have a blue one.
We don’t really do Valentine’s either. I made heart shaped pizza and squirted cheesecake goo into strawberries. That was it—but my boys were all happy. 🙂

Rachel B. - I would vote for Annie!

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