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much better.
much calmer.
more sleep.


i got lauren enrolled in school…finally.
she was given a lower locker.
she went to the office and said “um..since i am like the tallest kid in seventh grade…would it be possible to have an upper locker?”
she decorated it later with a friend.
i remember football games, slumber parties, dressing alike with my friends, “going together”, hanging out at pizza hut and boys boys boys,
i wonder what she will remember.


i managed to get annie to play “sprinklro-ene” for almost an hour today.
(sprinkler under the trampoline)
i fell asleep on a blanket in the grass for maybe 3 minutes.


inside for a much needed wake up snack.
iced coffee and chocolate chip cookies…mmmm.

then an impromptu haircut on the porch.
i just thought she needed one.
she won’t wear ANY thing in her hair for more than five minutes
she won’t let me brush it.
it usually looks like this.


so i chopped a bunch off.
it’s not perfect but it will be super cute after a bath.


then she was rewarded for sitting still (sort of) with m&m’s.


then she shoved the whole handful in her mouth.


we ate a dinner of noodles and grilled cheese
went for a walk around the block with ice cream cones
a quick swim in the pool
and off to bed before 8:00.

now it’s lauren’s bedtime so i am off to the craft room to start scrappin’.
(or watch tv..whichever comes first)

traci - we have 1 more yr. before jr. high and I can tell you I am scared silly already! I have many teacher friends and aquantances who say jr. high is way harder than high school…YIKES. Their hormones are off the charts, kids tend to be so mean at that age and just the pressure to be “cool” is so huge. I do think it is very cool you live in a small enough town that you can just walk in the school, enroll and she can almost pick out her locker (and decorate it)…much different here and I just live in a small suburb.
The icedcoffee was making me DROOL…im a HUGE, HUGE coffee lover 🙂 and the best part of your post was your sweet babies hair!!! LOVE IT!!! How stinkin cute…I kept my daughters hair exactly like that til she was about 8 . LOVE IT.

kristin - oh…sweet annie hair.
7th grade seems so far off…i can’t imagine…

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