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this is what potty training looks like at our house.
i don’t know how other people do it
(nor do i care how others do it)
i just let them be naked as much as possible.
it’s what works for me…5 times over.

we had a laid back weekend.
cleaned the house on saturday…
cleaned out my dresser and closet…
baked a cake…
craig got the groceries (less time for me in a grocery store is always good)
we invited some neighbors over for dinner…
very last minute.
talby and sophie are buddies.
i can see them having lots of fun growing up together.
they can be quite silly.


it was pure summer to eat dinner outside
talking with friends
listening to the cicadas
surrounded by flowers
eating watermelon and corn on the cob
swatting at mosquitos…..

this is the yummiest cake!
it was the cover of country living magazine 3 or 4 years ago.
pumpkin cake with pumpkin cream cheese frosting…yum.
it was gone in a day.
craig requested another one…maybe i will post the recipe.


then today there was more neighborhood fun
one of our neighbors has this!




usually the big kids are on here
but today the little kids were loving it!
talby was so sweet and helpful to annie.
annie was scared but talby convinced her to climb up and slide down together.
it was darling.


thanks thomas’ for sharing this with us.
it made for a great sunday afternoon.

and they were all in bed before 8:00.
they needed it…very cranky kiddos.

kim in Camas - ScrapToMyLu - that’s exactly how I potty trained Lucas too. Hardwood floors and a nekked baby…….perfect. I tried that with his little friend though and he found the only area rug I had and pooped on it. LOL

Bren - I have so enjoyed your blog this summer!! And opening it up this morning to see a darling little neked butt, made my day! 🙂
It’s so sad when they get too old to run around nakey! LOL! Such freedom! And what an awesome fun bouncy toy!!! Did they rent this or buy it?
Take care 🙂

Karin - Oooo!! Please do post that recipe! I LOVE pumpkin recipes and that one looks fabulous!!

traci - LOL@ potty training in your house…hey, if it works for you then woooo hoooo for naked babies 🙂
Love your house…its just gorgeous.
Isnt that little sophie from another blog family finding the balance? It looks like a truely lovely day and I so enjoy your blog!!!

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