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september 11

i let this entire day go by without even noticing the date.
that is sad.
i wanted to share this video
my mom sent it to me this summer.
it’s beautiful.
if you are anything like me you’ll need a bunch of kleenex.
(or your sleeve)

i just remember how scared i felt on september 11, 2001.
i was on my way to a doctor’s appointment when i heard it on the car radio.
it was regular radio that had become all news that morning.
they screamed live on air when the second plane hit.
my kids were at school…sean at a sitter.
i sat in the office waiting area all alone…very pregnant
listening on the secretary’s radio.
i started crying.
i called craig and told him i thought he should come home.
i felt afraid and alone.
i picked up my kids from school.
i thought “if they hit Chicago…or something close…how could i find my kids…i am so pregnant…i couldn’t get there…they’d be so scared”
it was the only thing i felt i had control over.
i watched the coverage until my heart was too sad to take any more.
so sad…
so wrong…

Carrie - I felt afraid too- I won’t ever forget the way my sky looked that day

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