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you might be a redneck…

if you like to go to Demo Derbies.


i wish i could say "craig makes me go"

or "the kids love it so i have to take them"
but the truth is…i love the demo derby.
it's very redneck…
lots of cowboy hats, tatoos and 'git-r-done' kind of talk.
it's small town fun at it's best.


talby, the boys and i were very good at picking the winners.

about 6 cars come into the arena at a time 
and smash each other up till only 2 left running.
then the winning 2 from each group go another round for the big winner.
$600 first place…not too shabby.


the car behind the green bumpered one was driven by a girl.

she won her group…girl power!
then the poor thing got out of her car to celebrate 
and her whole behind was hanging out the back of her pants.
i guess she couldn't feel it from the adrenaline rush from her big win.



after each group they bring out these big tractors to pull out the dead cars.

talby saw the tractors coming and with big eyes asked
"are they going to fight now?"

oh and it's LOUD.   
really loud.
i am surprised that i enjoy this.
but it's just fun to watch cars smash together.
and get stuck and figure out how to get un-stuck.
the mud flying at you is fun too.
and then there are yummy treats too.
i really wanted a funnel cake but i resisted.
sean got to use the porta-potties…that's always fun.
at least i get to go for a few more years and use the kids as an excuse.
i said on the way home "maybe i'll drive in it next year"
the kids were mortified.
it would be pretty embarrassing because as soon as a car would come near me
i'd duck my head and scream!
not really the mentality needed for a demo derby driver.
but just think of the sparkly pink car i could drive!
i bet if i'd have given you 100 guesses 
you wouldn't have guessed i'd post about that!
hope you had a wonderful holiday.
trying to tell my kid about Memorial Day i got all teary eyed.
we are so blessed.

seve - I. LOVE. the demo derby. The big county fair one is the best. Great people watching place too.

Jill (One Wired Woman) - How fun!! My boys would’ve been in heaven! ~Jill 🙂

Kimba - Now that’s some funny stuff! I always tell the story of how I married into this crazy family that goes tractor-pulling. It’s so hillbilly, but I secretly love it.
Shhhhh…Don’t tell. It will ruin a good story.

Suzanne - Wow! My son would want to join your family in a heartbeat! He & his daddy go to the “monster jam” every January the last couple years now, so this would be right up his alley.
Your pictures are absolutely incredible!! What kind of camera & lens do you use?? The color is so sharp!
That shot of the flags is breathtaking…

Cherry Menlove - I really love the picture of the flags in this picture. So beautiful, standing there like that!
Cherry Menlove xoxo

Allikayes Mama - That brought back memories of going to the derby with my cousins – in Nebraska – and we would wear big fake barbed wire tattoos on our arms! We thought we were so funny!

Jennifer P. - My brother (14 years older than me) use to do these when I was growing up. His was called “The Crash up Kid”. I think that may explain my adult hearing loss…. :).

April - Hubby drove in a derby a few years back…funniest thing I ever watched….I think you should do it….I’ll whip you up a whole bunch of pleated fabric blossoms that you can tack all over…..
remember girl power !!

Joni - wowzeers….I would never have taken you for the demo derby type!! i think it would stress me out…i would have to be reassured every few moments that there were no injuries. beautiful picture of the flags by the way…very touching. have a great week!

Mrs. Fox - I don’t think I would have pegged you for a Demolition Derby Dame, but it is a delightful surprise! I can’t talk. I have a secret, shameful interest in sumo wrestling. I guess it is the human equivalent of the demo derby. 🙂

Lanny Stanard - Oh my goodness I love the smash~ em~ derbys
we go every year sometimes more Shhh. We live a mile from one of the biggest fairs in Michigan and fact I think it is the biggest Hmmm. Have a great day…

traci - nope, never would have seen you or your cultured little small town family at the demo car
Im not redneck but I do love jeff foxworthy jokes BIG TIME and that git her done guy is a huge fav. of mine. Love the jokes just not one to watch mud flying, cars smashing and women with tight shirts and
LOVE, LOVE , LOVE the flag photo!

chris - I believe we call that “smash up derby” here in Canada , I went once with a boyfriend long long ago , it was so much fun , that’s just good clean fun ya’ll.

emily loria - I love the ol’ demo derby. I have not seen one since I was a redneck kid!

traci - “and in the #22 car – mash em up meg”
i can hear the announcer now.
every september at our local fair we have demo derbys. my husband and i work the grandstand gate for all the events (country singers, truck and tractor pulls and demo derby). it’s a lot of fun. glad you enjoy them.

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