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sean says out of the blue:

"why do womans get new hairdo's? 
then they show them off. 
new hairdos is just a big waste of money…
it's just going to grow back and they have to do it all again!"

craig replies:

"AMEN sean."

Heather (aka Digby's mom) - I just want to point out that of all of the people in your household and their featured hairstyles, Sean and Scott are the only ones who seem to have a high maintenance hairdo. (please reference the April 30th posting titled “Knuckleheads”) Seems to me that that style would require a LOT of touch ups!! I daresay Sean may be the proverbial “pot.” 🙂

Diane - LOL That’s a male’s thinking for you! I took my son shopping with me, and he wanted to leave so badly. I went into a shoe store, and he said- oh no! That’s even worse! LOL He’s 7.

melissa @ the inspired room - That was funny!!!

traci - WHAT!!! A cute post with NO fantastic picture??? Im going thru “whatever”

traci - i even say “amen sean”. don’t you just love how they observe and interpret things.

Joni - Too funny. I read it aloud to my hubby…he audibly laughed.

Marie - That’s hilarious! My hubby was in agreement with yours, what does he know? BTW, I loved all the pics of your house. I love the look of an older home and all its charm and character-you did a fantastic job decorating!

Lee Ann - What a male, logical, thinker. That is so funny! And that he’s aware that we “show them off.” LOL

April - hahahahaha…I cant do a thing but laugh at that….

cynthia - “womans”…
jackson says that.

Lanny Stanard - Oh my goodness that is so funny and true! wow a guys thinking for once LOL…

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