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i love my mail man.

i actually don’t even know my mailman.

but i love him (or her) because of all the goodies he brings.



my bloggy friend crystal went and got herself knocked up (lucky girl)
so she decided to send ME her coffee.
because she knows my addiction love runs deep.
and she sent me this mug too.
on the inside it is the color of winter spinach exactly.
how cool is she?
she did this just to be nice because she is such a nice person.
her blog is so fun to read so be sure you go and say hello.
her shop is full and FUN.
i love everything in it.
have a great day crystal.
thank you so much.

Photo 1562

here is me this morning…jammies and my first cup of coffee today.
mmmmmmmm….so good.

i am now charged and ready for my big trip to wal-mart with 4 kids!

be sure to enter the drawing in the post below.

Jen - I just found your blog from The Inspired Room. You make me so excited to have kids! Love your house and your blog style. I’ve also given up caffeine in preparation for getting preggers, but I still drink decaf! Luckily the withdrawal is behind me.

Marla - What a great gift. I have a post about an almost free Senseo coffee maker on my blog if you want to check it out.

Nancy - It takes more than a cup of coffee to get me charged for any WalMart trip – with or without kids! Good thing you’ve got a BIG cup to drink from.

amy d - i say we tell the mailman that megan is on vacation and just to deliver all the packages to your house (in case it rains of course) and just keep delivering the bills and junk to her house. she’s not going to read this is she? 🙂

Amy M. - Hi Meg…I am from Post Falls Idaho and picked up your blog from my friend Leeann in Portland. I love your blog and all the fun things you do with your kids. I too am a coffee lover and thought you might like this website. Its a hobby I picked up of tasting different coffees all over the world. You can read about the farmer and farm where the beans come from. They ship it right after they roast it. So eye rollingly delicious.
Hope you try it out it is very reasonable.

robin bird - nice jammies meg 🙂 this blogging world makes for a beautiful!

Gina - yummy! I love it when I receive surprises in the mail! It makes all the other junk mail and bills worth the look 🙂

Suzanne - any trip to walmart calls for a “charge”!! just for all the NO’s you have to say for the things they think they HAVE TO have! hope it went well…

traci - that is one big coffee mug. should keep you going all day. how sweet, enjoy!!!

Crystal - Oh Meg…you are too sweet. I am still grieving my coffee in the AM…no joke but I am glad it found a good home! 🙂 I have the same mug and it is one of my favorites…LOVE that shade of green. 🙂 Thanks for thinking of me at wal-mart…I’ll have to check it out. Have a beautiful day!

amy - How can I get your (our) mailman (it is a man, I’ve seen him) to start bringing your fun mail across the street to my house? Amy D, any ideas? I’ll share stuff with you. 🙂

Amanda Jo - How sweet and giganic is that coffee mug! She sounds like a great blogfriend…..

PamperingBeki - Oh good, the mug is huge!! I have a thing for big ol’ mugs. 😉
What a great friend!

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