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art makes me happy

you know how staying inside (with 5 children) can make you feel crazy?

i do.
and yesterday i was pretty close to having a meltdown.
at 2:00 i sent myself outside for a time out.
while the kids were zombies in front of spongebob
i dead-headed all my flowers.
cheap cheap therapy.

afterwards i was calm enough for a project.


i dug out my paints from the dusty dirty craft room. 
(still a construction mess from the bathroom remodel)



annie got the marbles she wanted…
dropped them in the box with the paper and paint.
and watched them go.



just tilting the box back a forth till your picture looks the way you like.
talby liked to cover every bit of white on her paper.
annie was loving the marbles covered in rainbow paint.
and i was happy just seeing the colors.



so between gardening and paint we have dodged another bill for a therapist.
there other outlets too…coffee…chocolate…shopping…a quiet bookstore…

but for now…this is doing it.


thanks for the idea lauren.

Beverly - These are just gorgeous. I am going to have to try this. Thanks for the idea.

Beverly - These are just gorgeous. I am going to have to try this. Thanks for the idea.

Monica - Miniature golf, haven’t done that in a while. I feel inspired to go now!
I love the idea of using marbles for art!
This is my first time here BTW. I saw your link on Steph’s blog.

kell - coffee and chocolate have gotten me through this summer too!

Sandra - What a great idea! Three of my granddaughters are coming for a few days next week. We’ll definitely try this out.

Peggy Rice - Great idea! I think I will let my kids do this project so that I don’t lose mine.

Julie K. - Super gorgeous! That would cheer me up too!! You are such an inspiration.
Wish you had a whole week here so we could connect – I haven’t been to the flea market in a couple of years believe it or not – it’s too depressing to go with no money. So, until I have an extra $20 – I remain content because I don’t know what I’m missing out on! :o) Next time when you have more than 3 days in Chicago we’ll have to do a morning coffee at the minimum to connect. In the meantime – I’ll keep checking your blog! :o)

Nancy - What a cool project! Thanks for the idea and I hope you plan to frame those.

Stacey - Fun project! I may have to have my kiddos try it.
And staying inside with two kids drives me nuts, let alone five! I feel your pain. Thank goodness school starts next week. 🙂

The Mama's - That looks like so much fun! I have to try that.

Deb - I’m checking blogs in order to avoid chocolate. Lol. Love the paints!

Art Cant Hurt - Looks like your kids had a blast!
Glad you had a chance to try it out!
It’s so easy…so fun…and so much color!
Now get some mats to put them in and hang ’em up!
Take care!

Lanny Stanard - Okay are these masterpieces for sale? they are so cool, when do the kiddies go back to school? have a great rest of the week!

meleea - that looks like a great idea! my daughter would love that! we will have to give it a try.

cynthia - i am so doing this!

Staci - Too cool! I was having that day today…I think it’s a good thing school starts next Wednesday or people might be hearing about me on the news!!! (Of course, I kid!) I’m gonna do this with my kids tomorrow!! As long as Meg posts all her fun creative things she’s doin’ with HER kids…my kids are sure to stay alive another week 🙂

Stephanie - I love to marble paint – I think it is time we do the same! We just got back from camping and 8-9 loads of laundry later. Probably more, but I stopped counting!

Anna - Love this one…always have. Great fun for just about any elementary grade…however, the younger ones seem to appreciate it a little more 😉 Glad you all had fun doing it!

emily - love this . . . can’t wait to try it with my 3 girls!

Holly - What a great idea, and much cheaper than a therapist. I am in awe of your patience and how lovely your house is.

meg duerksen - HA!
these are books i would need to read….not write.
i am not thin.
not organized.
the house is soooo not clean.
and i doubt i am sane anymore.
but i think it’s funny that you all might think these about me.
do you have books for me about these things? 🙂

PamperingBeki - Chiming in with other ideas for your book.
– How to stay thin while consuming large amounts of chocolate and coffee.
– How to stay sane when the kids are out of school.
– How to keep a clean house with 7 people in it.
– How to keep an ORGANIZED house with 7 people in it.
Seriously. 🙂 No really.

Pleasant Drive - I do this with my class when I teach “how to” writing. Fun stuff, once again!

Mod Girl - “and i was happy just seeing the colors.”
I agree.

lorilee - AHHH one of my pre-school students’ favorite art projects! They also love dabbing paint and folding the paper in half. We often do this with butterfly shapes. In the fall,we use numerous drops of food coloring mixed in just a little water, dabbed onto a coffee filter to make fall leaves. These are really pretty in a window!
Happy Creating!

Aby - Too cool! We’ve got to try it before school gets started again! The girls would love it and I could definitely use some therapy!!

Amanda Jo - You have the best ideas for things to do with families! If you haven’t already, you should write a book!!! I’m serious.
Thanks for another great idea to add to my “to-do” list!

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