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miniature golf disaster

i think we should have explained the concept of miniature golf 

before we started our game…


they were all over this place.
some were two holes ahead.
no one was taking turns.
balls were flying through the fence into the parking lot.

we did not start this off right.
we had lost control.
and there was a 20 something's couple there on a date ahead of us.
what a bummer for them.
they had the place to themselves to be all goo-goo over each other 
until this big loud spaz-o family showed up behind them.
i mentioned to craig that maybe it served as good birth control for them?


at one point i looked over and i could only see annie's feet 
sticking out of the tunnel hole meant for a golf ball to run through.
she had laid flat on her belly and slid through.
…of course she did!
she crawled out and loudly announced "i'm widdle enough to do that!"
i am glad she didn't get stuck and have to announce that.


ummm….hubba hubba.  
that's all i have to say about that.  



have you seen "night at the muesem?"
the rest of the afternoon we heard "me want gum gum" 
and "you dumb dumb"  
i'm sure that couple loved it as much as craig and i did.


this place had the strangest assortment of figures.
there was also a frankenstein, a ghost, a skunk, an eagle…strange all together.


we didn't win a free game.

on our way out our boys wrestled over a club grip in the pro shop
(aka: causing a scene)
and then scott picks up a towel…that is for sale… 
and wipes all the sweat off his face with it.

this was not our finest hour as parents.

but i think we did our part of ensuring that couple of not going home
and getting pregnant 5 times.

and really, isn't that a nice thing for us to do?
we ARE nice people.  

oh my.

coach bags outlet - Humane Society is the 3rd largest shelter in the U.S., so they got a bunch of the dogs. Moasfdst of them were adopted out in a matter of days, but a few were “special needs” dogs that needed some extra TLC before being given a new home.

miniature golf new jersey - Its really good to see this blog, u have nice information about golf. Images here are also good. I will like too see this blog again.

Ashley - Oh, my! This is too funny! Ya’ll really ARE nice people! Hehe!!!

Sarah - LOL This cracked me up.

Art Cant Hurt - I just got back from running a few miles and was drinking some ice water while checking out your blog –
the bit about wiping his face on the towel in the store made me laugh hard enough that water came out my nose! THAT hasn’t happened since I-don’t-know-when! 🙂
SUCH A RELIEF to hear other parents having tales of woe too! Makes me feel less like a failure and more a part of a traveling family circus! Really – thanks!!!!

kell - ok. you have 5 children. in my mind, if they made it through the day alive, you’re great parents. mini-golf…you’re just brave. i think my 2 1/2 year old has a concussion(sp?) from banging his head on the concrete during meltdown after meltdown…yes, he lays flat on the ground where ever we are…in public. sounds like the craziness was going on all over america today!!!

Staci - Sounds like it’s a good thing you didn’t win that free round 🙂 I am laughing so hard at this post! I bow down to you for all that you do with your family. You guys are Super Hero Super Parents!!!! I hope you have costumes 🙂 I hope that was another check off your list 🙂

Marnie - ha ha! gorgeous! i bet those two went home and didn’t even hold hands the whole way there!

Deb - LOL!

jennifer - Glad to hear we’re not the only ones!!! Oh the stories I could tell but still…the joys of parenthood! Thanks!!!!

foreverfoldinglaundry - Oh, how I relate!!! That’s a great story. That dating couple may have been scared straight (so to speak), but the funny thing is all the people who had kids were probably looking at you with that look of, “It’s OK – I know what you’re going through!”

midwifeliz - That is a great story!! We have had days like that too. Today I took just my 4 yr old daughter to paint pottery. Yea.. while we were there she accidentally “took out” some ceramic mugs that were holding paintbrushes. Shattered. All over the floor. I have a three month rule…we can’t go back there for three months now. Oh. And once my three year old son once had an “accident” in a UPS store..on their brand new rug. I didn’t go back for almost a year.

Melanie - I am laying on the couch sick and of course I had to check in on my ‘whatever’ blog and it made my day! I can’t quite laughing. You’re a hoot! Oh, and by the way, I have been married for 17 yrs. and I feel the same way as you do about the hubby:)

Joanna Peck (Jodi) - OH MY GOSH!! sooo funny!! I have 2 boys and 2 girls…..and the big man (which equals 3 boys) and boy do I relate! Sometimes I feel like slithering out of places! But I can’t cause “I’m not widdle enough to do that!”

Stacey - Hilarious! You know, every year we say we need to take the boys miniature golfing and every year we say, maybe when they’re a bit older. LOL! You are a brave, brave girl. 🙂

Amber - This post was classic. If anything your family gave that couple on a date something to talk about, right? I love the 2nd picture where everyone is doing there own thing and all over the place. Meanwhile your husband is trying to actually golf 🙂 So funny.

diana - Funnier than any sitcom on TV!!!! You always make my day!
Still laughing….

traci - ahhhhhh, your “that” family..LOL
time for back to school…huh

PamperingBeki - Hahaha!!! That’s too funny!
We went miniature golfing in Colorado and I forgot to take my camera. 🙁 It was *very* similar to your trip though, but with three kids rather than five.
Baby was crawling in the tunnels, big kids were climbing on the sculptures, balls flying into the parking lot, The Girl singing Disney songs and dancing like a princess, “serious golfer” husband couldn’t believe the whole mess of us. It was great.

Joni - Holy Geez. Crackin’ up over here. My favorite pick is of Talby climbing up the rock formation. Looks like you were a sight to be seen!

danelle - Did you buy the towel or quickly put it down and get the heck outta dodge?

that girl - Those places always have a “carney” element to them and it sounds like you fit right in… just like when we go and my husband thinks he actually has to “teach” the kids how to play, hold the club etc. Doesn’t he know kids + sticks = hit things? Not my fave outing, but the kids love it and it looks like yours had a great time!

Bethany - That had me laughing out loud!! We only have two kids but I am telling ya that sometimes that is more than we can handle!! we have caused a scene or two as well…but somehow we survive and keep on plugging away!!

Leah Schoonover - HAHA… thats great! I love that he wiped his face with the for sale towel…that cracks me up.

Sara - you totally crack me up. Ain’t it grand being able to cause a scene? Thats how I felt on a 9 hour flight last summer. By the end of the flight I was letting lilly open and tear up unused sanitary pads-she stuck them all over the seat in front of us. I felt like “parent of the year” for that one. ha ha.

Crystal - At least you all made it home in one piece. 🙂 Some days there is something to be said about that. 🙂 Thanks for checking in on me…we are good Doug just had some time off for a change. 🙂

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