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new adventure (not puppy related)


but quickly for those of you who asked –

waffle is a golden doodle – half golden retriever half poodle.

he is a boy.
he is wonderful.
i love him.
i have a new baby to take care of!
since i can't have a real baby….
believe me i have asked for that too.
but craig is really ice cold on that….frozen you could say.

but enough about puppies for now.
let me tell about my new adventure that i may take.

i told some friends recently 
that i was thinking about photography more seriously.
like as a J.O.B.  
(scary scary thought)
they said "yes yes yes DO IT!"
then i asked if i could practice on them.
they said "yes yes yes DO IT!"
(also very scary)
they made me feel so good and warm and fuzzy.
i have good friends.

so here are my first guinea pigs…(so to speak)



he left for college 2 days later. 



they should be in a band and use this for their album cover.
(or whatever people call them now that we don't have records.)


my favorite.

it was fun.
i learned a lot just from my first try.
thank you gb and roger and kids.

one last thing…look what claire almost touched during pictures!


i was uncomfortable knowing this spider was in the same town as me.
it was the biggest spider i have ever seen. 
it looked like what you see in museums.
and i think that's where it should go.
far far away….and dead.

melissa @ the inspired room - Oh my gosh, Waffle is adorable!! Love his furry face!!! We got a puppy after our two girls because my hubby said no more babies. But, now, thanks to hubby who changed his mind, we have a son who is not a dog. 🙂
Waffle is too cute!

melissa @ the inspired room - Friend, I am thrilled you are considering this. You are gifted at not only the skill of photography but even more importantly, you see the joy in life. That is what makes an amazing photograph, capturing the beauty of LIVING.
Best to you and I can’t wait to see how God will use your gifts, talents and passions!!!

robin bird - i am clap happy glad i went a little farther back on your blog to see this new career move. and the new addition to the fam. waffle!! yeah waffle yeah craig! you are sooooo talented. your personality just shines with your photography. you will be brilliant at this!! a real live photographer. see the thing is meg… have been one all along. people will be happy when you photograph them. i’m just sure you are a real card in true life. yo uwill make babies and old men alike laugh out loud 🙂

Melanie - That huge black and yellow spider? We have those in our area too (northern IL). Believe it or not, it is just a common “garden spider”. But they sure are huge and gross, aren’t they?! *shudder*

Jennifer P. - I say yes, yes, go for it too! You have made the most mundane things look beautiful with that camera of yours, and I can only imagine how great you would make not-so-mundane people look!
Can’t wait to see where this takes you :)!

Stephanie - I did photography as a job for years – weddings, senior portraits, family portraits, etc. Do you know it took all the joy away and I stopped taking pictures of my family for years. I just recently took it up again and that is when I started blogging. You have a beautiful talent, but do pray seriously before you make the final plunge!

Jen CD - Fabulous job! You can literally SEE the love….we would be happy to be practice subjects sometime!

Lisa - Congratulations on getting Waffle. One of my friends in high school had a black full size poodle, his name was Shadow and he was the most gentle animal I ever met (and at the time I was scared of dogs). I look forward to hearing what funny stories come about between Waffle and Annie.
Good luck with the photo taking. It’s always nice to use your talents towards making others happy. I’m sure many people will have fond memories captured by you and your lens.
Take care,

Suzanne - GO FOR IT!! you will be, ‘cuz you already are, FABuLOUS!!

Crystal - I think it is pretty obvious that you are fabulous at it…when Doug and I buy the house that’s for sale on your street and we can be friends in real life, you can be our official family photographer. 🙂

Kelly - your favorite shot is my favorite of them too! So wonderful! Kelly

Munchkins and Music - That spider looks scary!

katie - how exciting!!!!
can’t wait to see all your new adventures in photography, you’re really good at it…really!

Liz - No question about it. Do it. But PLEASE don’t ditch the blog!

carissa - you go girl… you have built in… natural… unbelievable talent!
such an eye! a real gift!
your first “official” pics are great… oF cOurSe!
that Waffle… so precious!
i researched for an entire year… ready to have a labradoodle puppy shipped from Australia… i was completely obsessed… had to have her… had gone cuckoo!
we went in a sLiGhtLy different direction with our three pound yorkie! my husband is ready for a new puppy! not yet… but when we do tkae the leap… i want a Waffle! 🙂

chris - ALL your photos are wonderful you have a talent, I do not have such a talent don’t mistaken that , you would be wonderful to work with .
OK that spider is too creepy I can’t stand it …

Tiffany Hunt - hee hee. We aren’t keen on spiders here at my house either especially after knowing that black widows are extremely common. The only type of spider we look forward to watching is the kind in your photo which is a writing spider like Charlotte from Charlotte’s Web. They eat their web every night and re-spin a new one, always with an amazing Z formation through the middle of it. We have them all around our yard. We had one build her web on our back french door a few years ago and the girls insisted on getting up in the middle of the night every night so they could watch her weave her new masterpiece. It was amazing to watch. Unfortunately, a bird saw her and she disappeared. But normally, we prefer spiders as far away from us as possible.

cjs - “…frozen you could say…” oh, I am laughing.
kudos on the photography venture.
go for it. the stuff on your blog is already worthy of awards.

janice - Thank you for your beautiful posts. I was wondering if you could send me the link to the wall of amazing photography (12 photos framed in IKEA clip frames). I see you do not have it listed in your “happy things” section any longer. I truly enjoy your heart for family and friends.
PS: You are very gifted in photography. <><

traci - yes, yes, yes – YOU SHOULD DO IT!!! you have a wonderful eye and would make so many families extremely happy!! go for it meg. i have been thinking the same thing lately – in answer to that “what do i want to be when i grow up” question.

Jen - Did you kill it?????
Did you know that you and your blog alone has not only inspired me to get an SLR? But also to take a photography class? Your blog stands out because of your photography! Oh, and your cute family too!

amy j. - Oh, Meg… those are perfect! The pictures of the kids each captures their personalities so well (or what I know of their personalities from their Momma’s stories about them!) 🙂 The one of Roger and GB is awesome and the foot picture… I love how you can only see GB’s smile.
I can’t wait to be guinea pigs for you over here!

Nichole - That puppy is adorable! I bet the kids are happy!
And yes…yes…dear LORD yes! Start taking pictures as a career. You will love it because it’s something you’re passionate about, AND you get to flex your super strong creativity muscle!
P.S. Just looking at the picture of a spider gave me the shivers. *shudders*

amy d - i think you should also do pet photography as well, put miley on your list please 🙂 GO FOR IT!

chickadee@afamiliarpath - i love that spider! we had one like that last year that stayed for a while and she was so much fun to photograph!

southernseven - Well, when are you comin to Alabama
With a camera on your knee
Comin from ol Kansas,
My true love for to see(thats me)
It rained all night
The day I left
The weather it was dry
The sun so hot,
I froze to death
Southernseven, don’t you cry
Oh, Southernseven,
Oh don’t you cry for me
For I come to Alabama
With my camera on my knee
I had a dream the other night
When everything was still
I thought I saw Southernseven
A-coming down the hill
The buckwheat cake
Was in her mouth
The tear was
In her eye
Says I, I’m coming from the midwest
Southernseven, don’t you cry
Oh, Southernseven,
Oh don’t you cry for me
For I come to Alabama
With my camera on my knee
How’d ja like that?

Pam - without a doubt one of the things that draws me to your blog (besides your utter cuteness) is your fantastic eye and photographic talent. sometimes i wonder how you take such amazing shots…all with feeling and great lighting. i’m glad you have your camera listed on your blog…i’ve checked it out on amazon…maybe a happy b’day present to me 🙂 you’ve got the gift girl now go for it!!!
ps…if i were even a day closer to being in your area i’d hire you to take shots of my giries! xo

mom - You know that we are behind you. Your photography is fabulous. You CAN do it!

Bethany - Hey Meg!! I am SO right there with you in exploring the whole photography thing…on a professional level! In fact, I just blogged about it yesterday! I say GO FOR IT sister!! You take amazing pics!!
Thanks for sharing and good luck!!

Ashley - Yes, your photography is beautiful! You even make the spider look good – scary good. Or just scary. Eek!

jerusalem - Great pics! I think the “album” cover would actually look great on their MySpace and FaceBook Band pages. I think that is what all the kids are doing these days…I think.
The doodle is adorable. I want one please.

Nancy - Fabulous photos! I realize good subjects are important but the photographer is more important. You did a great job! Keep practicing. Maybe I’ll have to book an appointment with you for our family. I have been wanting to do family photos (it’s been 6+ years since our last ones) and I’d be more than willing to be subjects for you. Maybe we could meet half-way; Chase Co.??? Seriously, we could make this work for both of us. Let me know what you think and give me some pricing info.

lee ann - You are so talented Meg! You shouldn’t even hesitate about it. My husband reads three blogs and yours is one. He loves your artistic style. you got it girl, now go for it!
Oh, and maybe I should get a dog because I so NEED a baby! Hubby says no but it’s driving me crazy!

Sandra - Great pictures — especially the laughing couple. And the spider — icky but BEAUTIFUL! Incredible colors on him.

Aby - GREAT pics! Like always! I wish we were closer.. I’d hire you!! Good luck with your new J.O.B. You’re going to R.O.C.K.!

PamperingBeki - Hahaha!! As I was scrolling down I thought, “I’ll have to leave a comment that I don’t know those people…”. And then I reached the bottom picture and realized I DO know those people!! What adorable pictures. I’ve never met their kids before.
You did a great job.
I *almost* asked you to do pictures for the Mary Engelbreit ad I have coming in a couple weeks. But I’d just started stalking you… err MET you, so I was too timid to ask. I ended up doing them myself, but I knew you’d do a great job!

Leslie - I would totally pay you to take our pictures, if you lived in Texas, or I lived in Kansas.
We have a labradoodle and she is the absolute best dog. I thought yours was a goldendoodle…fun!

Leah Schoonover - Totally go for it Meg! You take great pictures (part of why your blog is so fun)! When you get famous just dont forget all of us that love your blog! I’m getting my own blog soon and will link you to it! Hope your having a great day!

traci - First of all… You get into photography is a no brainer. You not only have a fabulous camera but you have something even MORE important…THE EYE. You really know what works and doesnt. The pictures are amazing.
Im glad waffle is working out. As for a real baby…HA, you werent planning your youngest one and could you all even invision ONE day without her??? If you had another it would be the same way.

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