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we shaved our heads.

my friend had brain surgery on thursday.

YES…brain surgery!
like what McDreamy does…but for real….on her own head!
and i felt sick in my stomach all morning…full of worry.

we were getting updates through email from her husband about every hour.
and then emails began between my girlfriends.
diana suggested we all get together 
and shave part of the back of our heads kind of like jana had to 
for solidarity and love and support.  
a reminder to pray.
everyone jumped right on board!


thank goodness amy (my neighbor) has a hair salon in her house!
how convenient!












oh we crack ourselves up.

we laughed and laughed.  
if there was audio with this….it would be all laughter.
what a fun way to ease our nerves on this scary day.

we really love you a lot jana!

she's out of surgery….doing well…getting better…in recovery…
being missed very much by her family and friends.

praise GOD.  

i can't wait to see you again jana.
and give you a big big BIG hug.
i wish i could do that right now.

soon enough my friend.
get better.

you are deeply loved.

Melissa - I totally teared up reading this! What a beautiful gesture. Jana must have feel so loved by her girlfriends. Praying for her recovery and good health!

Cindy - What an incredible group of women you are! You’re so blessed to have each other.
Thanks for the cry.
I hope Jana is doing well.

Amanda Rettke - Well, this made me bawl of course. What a blessing. You guys gave her such a gift… I am so thankful for generous and loving souls like you guys… who make the world a better place!
Much love to you!

danyele - bless jana’s heart…and what fab friends! i love it! and i know she does too! and, for what it is worth, i think it’s fun too!

Suzanne - how amazing are you all?!?
that is just absolutely INCREDIBLE!!
Jana, how can you not recover quickly with such supportive friends as these?? No more surgeries…who knows what they’ll do next;) Sending you prayers & best wishes…

Ginny - You guys are amazing. You are all so lucky to have each other. I wish I had friends like that!
Good thoughts sent to your friend, hoping for a quick a recovery!

Trina - Wow …what a group of friends.. how blessed are you all! The fun and silly makes it all the better.. I’m sure your friend feels loved and supported beyond words!

callie grayson - praying for a speedy recovery for your friend Jana, and strength for her family and friends.
what a great bonding and loving thing you all did for her!! She is much loved!!

Elena Rego - First time here. This post brought tears to my eyes… Sisterhood is just the best thing in the world!

Musing - Found you thru StumbleUpon and had to tell you that this just made my day. πŸ™‚

Chrince - What a beautiful thing to do for your friend! Hope she has a speedy recovery.

sara - i hope your friend is doing ok. that is so sweet what you ladies did. a great group of friends!

Liz - You are an awesome group of friends. I’m sure she felt very loved by your actions. You are all lucky to have each other.

Aubrey - Oh man, I was totally waiting to see pictures of bald women and was wondering what you’d say you all said to your husbands. You’re smarter than I am–what awesoem friends you are. She must have felt your vibes and that’s why she’s doing well! πŸ™‚

bethany actually - One of the most awesome things I’ve ever seen. God bless you all, and especially Jana!

Alaina - Okay…that made me cry! Friends are such blessings! You guys are awesome! God is faithful!!!

MGF - Way to support your friend. She is lucky to have ladies like you in her life.

Patty - Oh. My. Goodness. What friends. What support. What tears. God bless you all and Jana.

rachel - What a great support system; she is very blessed to have family and friends like you. I wish her a speedy recovery!

deb - What amazing friends you are. I wish her a quick recovery.

carissa - what an amazing group of women!
you can feel the love!
lots of love & prayers for Jana!

jennifer - Friends are AWESOME! What would we do without them?! She is very blessed to have a group of girlfriends like you.

robin bird - y’all are amazing girlfriends!! you made me cry. i am sending my own hair care to jana, her family and her lovely freinds!!

Mary Ann - How great is that!!! So happy your friend is doing well… Love the Bud Light bottle on the table next to all the hair pieces !!!!

Sherri - Kaysville Momma - What great friends you are!!!

Heidi Jo - This is so very sweet. How lucky she is to have friends like you guys!

clgarrett - that was so sweet it made me cry!
i know that sick feeling, 12 years ago my best friend had brain surgery too. she’s 12 years post brain cancer!
fun photos!
i can imagine all the laughter!

Harper - Way to go ladies! I love that you all got on board! I am sure this will be such a kind and loving gesture to Jana, how hard it must have been for her to have to shave her hair, but with all of her friends doing the same thing, she not only fits in, but started the trend!

Sharla - Okay, tears here too. You are so blessed to have such a great group of friends and Jana is so blessed to have your support. I hope she’s doing well.

Staci - What GREAT friends! I’m so glad to hear she is doing well! Keep us updated πŸ™‚ I’ll say an extra prayer for her too!

northernmichiganmom - I have read your blog for quite some time now but never leave a comment. I had to comment this time to let you know that this touched my heart. What a great group of friends. I also have a close knit group of friends and I know we would do the same if ever in the position. Thanks for sharing and a speedy recovery to your friend Jana.

3 Peas in a Pod - I’ve never commented before but this post hit close to home. One of my very dear friends had brain cancer. I love that you all shaved your heads to support your friend. She’s lucky to have you.
Much love from NJ,

sarah - That was so sweet of you all! I was in tears by the end.

Jennifer - YOU GO GIRLY GIRLS! That is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it!
Smiles (and hugs to your friend),

Queenie Bee - Oh man, girl! No wonder you were feeling so blah the other day! My prayers are with your friend. What a blessing to have such a caring group to encourage her healing. I’m so glad you shared this!

Shannan - What a fantastic idea! What a blessing to have a group of girls like that. Keep us posted on your dear friend.

chris - Your friend is so lucky to have wonderful and caring friends like you guys are .
Well done,

traci - first of all, my prayers to your friend jana. hope she is 100% really soon. you girls rock!!! what an awesome way to show you care. so sweet. i love the bud light bottle on the counter. perfect!

katie - tears. Thank God for friends.

susanne - what a sweet thing you have done. you and your friends are very special and supportive.
i hope she is feeling better and things went the way they were hoping for.

susanne - what a wonderful and supportive thing you and your friends have done.
i hope she is feeling better and things went the way they were hopeful for.

Christine - i just found your blog. I love your style, your faith and your heart. This post really
touched me. You are all such wonderful friends. God’s blessings on you.
Thanks for sharing your story through this blog.

Erin - Way to tell your friend, “We’ve got your back!” This is so sweet and cute— she is going to CRACK UP when she sees it. And I think cry too… like I am.

Michelle - You brought tears to my eyes! Anyone would feel incredibly lucky to have you girls in their lives!

jesse Peak - Oh my Gosh that makes me cry! What a wonderful group of ladies you are! What great friends! I will keep her in my prayers!

Beth - that has got to be one of the coolest things that i have ever seen. what fantastic friends!

Marla @ Stolen Bon Bons - I think that is the sweetest story I’ve ever heard. Sending prayers and wishes for a speedy recovery to Jana!

traci - ok…you guys were laughing but this made me CRY!!! Sooooo thankful this friend is ok. What fabulous friends you guys are!!

Heidi Jo the Artist - This is incredible! Such awesome friends you guys all are! I will keep Jana and her family in our prayers.
Heidi Jo the Artist

kristin at prairie daze - you are wonderful friends.
you’re like a good book i would read.


lee ann - That just brought on chills and tears.
Everyone should have friends like you guys!

Darby - I can hear the laughter! Seriously. Y’all are the best friend’s a girl could have. Now, the lady with the really long, dark curly hair will have to wait years and years before her shaved part grows out! πŸ™‚ What a wonderful reminder to pray!!!!! Y’all are WONDERFUL!

Andrea - Ok, those last few photos made me cry. What is better than girl friends!

Margaert - This is a wonderful thing to do for a friend. I’ve been following your blog for a short while now. Found it through a friend of a friend. I will pray for your friend Jana. Thanks for blogging….
– M.

Lanny Stanard - OMGosh, how wonderful to have friends like you guys! I have tears running down my cheek… WOW…
Lanny πŸ™‚

Rosemarie - Wow – that is just amazing. Awesome.

Crystal - You are awesome friends! πŸ™‚

Cecilia LΓΆfholm - I’m almost crying in front of my computer! I think the support you showed your friend really showed how much you love her! And when she sees it, I think she will laugh a lot, just like you did. You seem like very nice friends!
Cissi from sweden

Beth - WOW SUPER WOW! What amazing friends, you all have bonded together! Best of luck to Jana!

pumpkinpinkcottage - what a bunch of amazing and beautiful friends you are…that is so beautiful..I’m glad to hear she is doing well, hugs, lisa

Rach - That is the sweetest thing ever. You guys define true friendship. Makes my heart smile. πŸ™‚

Melissa Mae - What wonderful friends she has! My mom has breast cancer, and I know that any kind of support shown by her loved ones means so much, whether big or small.

missanne - this post brought tears to my eyes.
you guys are amazing.
Praise God for your friend being out of surgery and doing well.
Many prayers for a healthy and happy healing.
p.s. i LOVE the shaved spots!

missanne - this post brought tears to my eyes.
you guys are amazing.
Praise God for your friend being out of surgery and doing well.
Many prayers for a healthy and happy healing.
p.s. i LOVE the shaved spots!

amie - ohhhh this made me cry so much! you are such an amazing group of friends!! jana is so lucky and so are you, and so are they! i want this…

Jane - You are amazing! I had brain surgery several years ago. This kind of support would have really helped me. Jana is so blessed to have all of you.

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