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things feel a little crazy around here.
tonight there are 4 things on the calendar.
all at the same time.

the washing machine broke last week.
a sweet old repair man ordered a new motor for it and came back to fix it.
i ran a load and it died.
he said "well….i guess it your transmission…you'd better buy yourself a new washer"
we haven't done laundry since last saturday!


sean and i were talking on wednesday night after church.

sean:   mom…if you could come back from Heaven would you want to?

me:     it's probably so wonderful there that i would want to stay sean.

sean:    i wouldn't.  you'd be a prisoner.
            you'd have to wear sandals all the time.
            and sandals feel crappy.
            and you'd have to wear ragged clothes.
            i just want to wear my original clothes.

and then he left the room.


Diana - Good grief, what are you people doin’ to that dog… ROTFL!!!!
Wait… OMG I can’t stop… ROTFL!!!!!!!
*gasp* And Sean is cutesy-funny-silly, too! Oh, don’t tell him that! LOL!

colette - this cracked me up- Now I dont feel so bad when I dress Pearl- the big black lab- in christmas red and white striped stockings or a bee suit at Halloween! This is soo cute.

Jenny - What fabulous photos. The dog ones are precious.

jerusalem - that is all too crazy. I love the heaven stuff. Pretty much all my reasons for not wanting to be a missionary when I was a kid. lol.

sarah - hahahahahaha

traci - first of all, the pictures are hysterical!! waffle is a trouper. and sean, what a vision of heaven he has. very cute. it will be fun to run that one by him in about 20 years, see if his ideas of heaven has changed at all.

Chrince - Waffles in glasses is the best. My husband saw it too and laughed and laughed.

Michelle - I hear you sister! I am so far behind that I am praying for a snow day just so I can catch up!

Jenny - SO SO cute! Love kid quotes. And cute dog pictures.

amanda - Funniest dog picture EVER! 🙂 I needed a good laugh this afternoon … Thanks!

Wendy - I love the picture of Waffles with the glasses! Love it! I hope you get some clean clothes soon. And I hope we don’t have to wear sandals in heaven. If so I hope they’re comfy and cute Borns. 🙂

Heather - I needed a laugh so badly today — the crappy sandal comment did it. Thank you Sean.
BTW — someone just went on our blog and totally chewed us out regarding our post — no idea who they were. We deleted the comments but doesn’t that seem in bad taste on a little baby’s blog??

Liz - Looks like cabin fever. 🙂
I was thinking of making the switch to Typepad.. any advice? I was looking at their ‘price packages’ and had no idea what any of it meant.

Dana @BoysMyJoys - Oh, Meg! We had a similar situation a few months ago with our washer. I cried! I was so sad to have wasted money to fix it, and it only lasted long enough to refill with water and dirty clothes!
Bought a top loading, top of the line Whirlpool Cabrio with no agitator. Hated it! It spun so hard that it wrinkled our clothes! Even after drying them, I couldn’t get the wrinkles out of the clothes! Imagine ironing t-shirts! The store (HH Gregg) let me exchange it for another type. This time I bought a fabulous front loading Whirlpool Sport. I’m in love with it! Wish I would have spent money on a bigger tub instead of buying the drawer/stand. The drawer, though convienent, seems to add to the shaking of the machine during the spins. It sometimes shakes hard enough to knock the folded clothes off the top of the machine. But despite it shaking, it works like a champ!
Good luck with the washer shopping! Just remember that a lot of the washers for sale now REQUIRE high-efficency detergents, that cost a little more. Otherwise, you set off a sensor and it has to be reset by an expensive repairman!

brooke - This post of your little girl and dog is so sweet. how precious and your dog seems to be very tolerant. what kind of dog do you have? It is beautiful.
BTW, i love your blog! i can’t wait to see what is next and your play room is brilliant!

Beth - Oh man I have had a dryer that has seen the repairman for the last 6 months and still has not fixed it…maybe the best thing is for me to just get a new one…my has not died just keeps cutting off while trying to dry so push the button to turn back on and then cuts off again…then we do the same thing over and then finally the clothes will be finish…such a pain!
Sean really is a smart kid if he is thinking about what to wear in heaven…I never thought of that before! Kids can think up really some questions that make you use your thinking skills.
LOL…that dog of yours is really enjoyong his play time or is he the one really going crazy! hehehe
Just wanted to tell you again…I just love your blog…so intesting, every post grabs my attention! keep on with it! Have a great day!

Shannan - I guess I never really thought about the requirement of wearing ragged clothes in heaven…Streets of gold and ragged clothes. 🙂 I remember thinking as a little girl that the best thing about heaven was that there would be apples bigger than my head. I think my big brother told me that, and it made a huge impression.

Suzanne - #1 so glad your friend is out of the hospital…
#2 how cool a time with your other girlfriends, which i’m starting to see you have a ton…i have to say, after getting to know you in blogland, who WOULDN’T want to be your friend…did you guys just rent a house for the weekend?? and walmart & sonic??? what else could you possibly need?
#3 that conversation could soooo be one with my son, jack! he can come up with some doozies & make it seem so off the top with his reasoning!
#4 good luck with washer shopping!! get a cute, colorful one…it so matches your personality! i just sent jack to school with dirty jeans because i haven’t washed since saturday…not because ours is broke, but just cause i haven’t:)
happy wednesday!!

Brooke - uummmm….hilarious!!! i love all the photos! bum about the washer situation….check out your area to see if you have a “scratch and dent” sears….c & i got our $3000 3 door refridge there for $1200 because of a golf ball size dent in one of the doors, but i cover it with a fun magnet and you would never even know it was there. they always have a ton of washers and dryers!! They can be difficult to find because they don’t usually list them on the sears website…but they are worth hunting down!

JulieKP - Coming out of lurkerdom to say that first picture is one of the cutest things I have seen in a long time.

Karen - ok…let me get this straight. the dog’s name is waffle? LOVE IT. the pics are great. love the wig of course.

Lee Ann - Picutres! Hilarious!!!!! thanks for the 5am laugh! Good way to start my day. And Sean….so funny. No sandals needed to walk on streets of gold 🙂 And good thing you just paid that guy lots of money so now you can buy a new washer. Big Sigh. Hope you get it figured out soon so you can find the bottom of your laundry room again.

Lanny Stanard - Okay that’s the funnyest thing I’ve seen in along time! waffle is a doll no matter what he’s wearing…
Lanny 🙂

Sandy - Love the pink wig!

Lisa - Hilarious! Poor washing machine. Enjoy the excuse for not doing laundry 😉 I don’t know if anyone else will see the resemblance, but Waffles looks like a tired Jon Lennon in the last photo – LOL!

kara Griffith - I just LOVE kid convo posts!!! And, I know how you love cute hand-sewn etsy finds. Etsy item of your choice giveaway over at my place! Check it.

Staci - OH MY GOSH!!! I’m rolling on the floor of that picture with Waffle in the pink wig!!! LOVE IT! And those lampshades (from your last post) TO.DIE.FOR! I sooo want them!!!!

Donna - that picture of the dog is priceless, you need to enter it in some kind of contest……………it is soooo funny.

meghan - waffle is hands down the cutest dog i’ve ever seen. i think i’m in love with him….does he have brothers? hee hee!

PamperingBeki - I actually have an extra washer and dryer right now, if you want to borrow them. Seriously.
Strange and random, I know. I just got a new set the other day, but my last ones still work.

MGF - Poor dog, he need more love…….

Trina - Love this .. gave me good smile and laugh. WHAT KIND OF DOG IS WAFFLE? He looks like some type of doodle.. I just love love love him.
Thanks for the randomness.. I love randomness!

Michelle - Doggie in glasses is HILARIOUS!!!!!

Kim - Those photos of the dog are priceless. Seriously, I just about spit my milk all over my desk…I had just taken a sip.
And kids are just the best. I love the way they think about things.

Sara Ito - I am dying right now. Laughing so hard I may pee my pants. That was the best post I have seen all day. :0)

carissa - now that made me laugh! really great random goodness!
and oh how sorry i am about your darn washer! shoot! girl if you were close i would help you lug it over & we could tackle it together!

Carrie - If I can come stay with you for all the fun crafty things, I’ll do your laundry in return.
I think that is fair!

amy d - well thanks meg, (and jenn) my washing machine caught what your machines got and now mine is spilling water out of the bottom. maybe we could get a discount for multiple purchases 🙂 i laughed so hard at the pictures of waffle that i snorted 🙂 i bought a cute blond wig for miley after halloween for 95 cents, she didn’t sit nearly as still as waffle did, but it was too funny. sean and his sandles…priceless.

Jenny - I shared your blog with my sister b/c of your dog. She loves him (her?) too. What kind is it? 🙂

Rosemarie - Oh, good luck with getting a new washer sooooooon!
I wouldn’t want to leave Heaven, either. God has a craft room all set up for me, waiting. 🙂

Darby - meg.
that dog… he/she is too much. i’d like to spend some time with him/her. i know it’s a labradoodle but how old is it? i love it. i don’t want one… but i like yours! 🙂

Crystal - Cute photos! 🙂 And don’t you just love the thought patterns of kids. 🙂 Hope you enjoy your new washer…maybe now is the time to get one of those HUGE ones that does a ton at once…one of my good friends (with four boys) bought one and swears it changed her life. 🙂

Nichole - Love the photo of the dog with the eyes!
Sounds like its been a crazy week. I haven’t been able to do laundry either, but all the laundry machines work, I just haven’t had the change on hand to go use them.

jennifer - Out of the mouths of babes. I love it!
Our house is for sale. Has been for a while. My son says to me the other day, “Maybe God wants us to sell our house so that it will stay clean.”
Ya just gotta love ’em. They say the best things!

traci - ROFL…OHHHHH MY GOOOOODNESS…that last picture of waffle just was all I could take!!!! Funny stuff. Im so glad he is turning out to be a good dog 🙂 Sean cracks me up too, arent kids minds just crazy?
We had washing machine drama too….isnt life grand? At least you are blessed to have the money. Some families dont. Love your blog to PIECES!!!!!

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