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crafty crafts

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the craft room is overflowing with creativity.
i need to get back to it.


Amanda - This makes me want to learn to sew desperately!
Hope you are well…
God bless!

Sarah - These pictures are so, so inspiring. My crafty life has been dormant recently, and these photos are just what I needed to get back on track.

Carrie K - crazy cool goodness!!
i hope you rocked all those amazing supplies

Kelly - That all looks luscious! I linked to you today. 🙂 Happy Sunday. Kelly

Heather Mattos - Wish I was there!!!

vicki - Pure love….craft on your Craftiness (a title reserved for only the craftiest of crafty people!)

amy d - holy moses! why did i go to hobby lobby today when i could of just wandered across the street to shop the craft room 🙂

Alice - you go girl.

Brindi - Lanny sent me over from her blog. I am glad she did. I am in love with Waffle.

Staci - YOU my dear are INCREDIBLE!!! I just can’t WAIT to see what emerges from that crafty craftroom 🙂

traci - you always have the most beautiful, colorful photos. i am always so happy when i see them. happy crafting!!

Tommie Jo - Don’t you just love having a place to create?! I’m drooling over the fabric you have~

OK You are my NEW favorite blog.
No prize. Sorry.
But still.
You are fabulous.

Tami Veer - I can’t wait to see what you make for Cora!! I will be first in line to buy it! Your colorful pictures have brightened my day!

katie - how do you keep your head from EXPLODING from all the crafty possibilities???

Laura - don’t know what you’re making, but it must be lovely!

Kelli Linkis - CANNOT wait to see what you make with the black polka dot cross fabric cut out I saw! Ooooh, hoping it goes on youth and adult t-shirts! wink- Is this the creative stuff to help Cora’s Playground? God Bless Ya!
Kelli <><< ps. Still need to know how many crayons to put into each letter shape to make the letter crayons. I bought the silicone molds, have my broken crayons ready to go... thanks! Kelli

Kyleigh - Ohmygoodness… you and your LOVELY depth of field… SUMPTIOUS photos as ever, sending big love over the pond, soooo sorry to hear about Cora, it broke my heart. The crafting idea is amazing! Good luck, here’s to many happy playdays in Cora’s Playground xx

Tami - Nice and colorful lol. Have a great Valentines Day!

pam - can’t wait to see what you make!!! xo

Shannan - I’m swooning over all of that fabric. Crafting is so cathartic.

AnNicole@OurSuburbanCottage - Oh my gosh! Look at all that amazing, delicious fabric (I think fabric is delicious). I’m so jealous. I can’t wait to see what you make.

Jenn Thomas - Is there any room left for you?? Next time I need a little something extra, I think I might have to walk down the street and look at your stash.

Lazy Mom Leslie - Can’t wait to see what comes out of there!

jimaiemarie - i ADORE that scrap of Amy Butler fabric in the 8th picture down! I can’t wait to see what you craft, i’m SO excited! 😀

Lanny Stanard - Can I come over and play? wow what fun! come on over and see what’s happening on my blog… Hmmmm, how can I get the Cora botton? please tell me I would love to do my part:)
bIg HuGs!

The Rauths - i am salivating….cannot wait to see more!

adrienneK - gush!!!
cant wait to see the end products!!!

kasey - looks great, and cant wait…

ang - I can’t wait to see what you come up with!!!! I’ll be ready to purchase!
Ang from NE

Julia - oh my gosh – my heart is racing after looking at those pictures!!!

Aubrey - Can’t wait to see all the results!
Suddenly feeling the urge to buy massive amounts of red and white pom pom fringe.

Kelly - so fun! Kelly

Kelly Horn - I love all the photos you take! I am becoming interested in photography, and would like to know what kind of camera, lens, use.

Kelly Horn - I love all of the photos you take! Could you tell me what type of camera/lens you use? I am wanting to learn more about photography, and am needing some suggestions.

danyele - i see super fun shirts and fun crafty things happening in there…super fun!

CathyC - I can’t wait to see what you will make. Your craft things look like a candy store! 🙂

Lauren - I want to buy whatever you make! Everything will be beautiful.

sandy toe - Okay..I need to run upstairs..b/c my daughter got a notebook almost exactly like that with all the ribbon…do you sell those? How funny!
-sandy toe

Beth Ann - I am excited to see what you create!!!!
I must tell you that a friend and I both read your blog. At first we referred to you as “Meg that whatever lady” and now we are on a first name basis – I just sent a text to my friend and it read “There are a bunch of people selling stuff on etsy and Meg is making some items to sell as well”. Laughing, because we have never met but are on a first name basis when refering to you!

Lori - Wow! Can’t wait to see what you make. I think I’d buy just about anything you made. I was looking through the pictures of your house yesterday (love it!) and wondered where you get all your bamboo blinds on the windows? Are they custom, or off the shelf? I was out of town when you posted asking for questions about you or I would have asked then.

Allikayes Mama - Sorry about the double comment!

Allikayes Mama - You better post when all that crafty is for sale!! I want to buy!! Yay!!

Allikayes Mama - You better post when you get those crafty things up for sale!!! I am wanting to buy!!! Yay!

Kendra - I love all of your beautiful patterned fabrics and ribbons. Where do you get all of those?
Love your blog!

CherryTreeLane - Good for you. That is what I should be doing….Instead I am going to sit on my toosh and watch a movie in the rain….

Gini - When I was scrolling through the pictures, I saw the second one and my first thought was – OMGOSH, that shopping cart is full of fabric to buy??? Then I realized it must be just a wire basket. You always make me feel like being crafty. I just need to add a couple 2, 3 hours to my day!

Beth - Oh my, all those delightful prints and patterns just make me want to dive in and be crafty too! My creativity is in high gear…I must make time!

Gwyn - I wish I could get my hand on that fabric and ribbon!!!!

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