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on saturday we were invited to a surprise 40th birthday party for my friend kerry.

she was.
very surprised.
it was so fun to see her shock 
and then scanning the room at all the people there….lots of family and friends.
then she saw her mom was there!
so much fun.
she started to cry happy tears as she made the rounds and gave hugs.

her husband dan threw her a great party…really good BBQ and comfort food…yummy cake.
those coconut cupcakes were divine and the chocolate cake had coffee frosting!
i wanted seconds but i had seconds on the pasta and potato salad already.
her family is good at cookin'!

we watched a slideshow of her life in photos.
she was a teenager in the 80's…..need i say more?  

she was given lovely gifts….


this her youngest daughter…sweetie poo-pie as kerry would say.
kerry has sweet nick names for everyone.

they had a time of sharing your favorite memories of kerry.
and i wanted share….but i didn't…for two reasons.
1.  i have been extra emotional lately and knew if i stood in front of everyone i would cry.
2.  everyone was telling wild crazy stories and mine didn't fit.

so kerry….i'd like give my speech now…where i won't cry in front of all your family and friends.
here goes…
pretend i have a microphone…clear my throat..check that it's on…testing tesing….

"i am a fairly new friend of kerry's.  we go to tuesday morning bible study together.
i think that she is one of the kindest women i know.  she is compassionate of others.
she cares about her friends deeply.  she calls and checks on me when i miss our study.
she calls to go for coffee.
she offered to help (offered dan to help) insulate our attic when they had a rain day on the farm.
she loves her family so dearly…her kids are respectful and kind.  they always give me big hugs.
bottom line kerry….i really like you.  
you are fun and funny and crack me up.
and all these crazy stories of you make me want to know you more.
i am excited for our friendship that is to come….we could get in some real trouble.  
i feel blessed to be your friend.
and i promise never to give you a snake or make you look at a snake or talk about snakes.
happy birthday."
good job dan.

Alyssa - holy cow i loved that “facebook in reality” clip. i think i’m the only person i know not on facebook! ha!

Jeanne - This is a sweet reminder to let my dear girlfriends know how much I love and appreciate them! Thanks.

Jessie - Awe. Your speech reminds me of how blessed I am to have the fantastic friends I do in my life. And how fun surprise parties are!!! 🙂

MGF - Goof reminder to be thankful to great friends in LIFe.

Shannan - I love posts that remind me of what a blessing it is to be a girl and have girlfriends. And if they talk about coconut cupcakes, then all the better.

Amanda Rettke - This is awesome!!! What a wonderful way to spend some time!
Many blessings-

Leah - Meg…this is totally off subject. But…do you have any money saving tips; groceries, entertainment,etc? With all those kids I would guess you have learned some things! Thanks!

Robin Dennis - I’m a friend of Kathy and Don Beverlin and I have a question about your photography. Could you email me please? Thank you!

Holly - In the second photo with three women (the one on the left has an argyle sweater) if the woman on the right is KrisAnn let me know. She looks just like a relative of ours!

Suzanne - very sweet speech! this circle of friends you have…AMAZING!!
and you are MOST DEFINITELY a girl after my own heart…i get seconds on everything!!! that’s why i always love your recipes/food posts so much!
what fun!

sandy toe - Wow..what a wonderful party…she is so cute and surprise…friends are a treasure!
-sandy toe

Rachel - What a great speech!!! She sounds like a great person!
Her husband pulled off a great surprise!

Aubrey - That WAS a nice speech–I’d probably say something banal and would be getting weird looks from people. Who would be wondering why I was invited.
her face was so priceless good. and that chocolate cake looks so priceless good. and my grammar sounds so priceless bad.

Lazy Mom Leslie - What a great speech! Now I want to be Kerry’s friend too!

patti - i turn 40 this year. i hope to be as lucky as kerry to have a wonderful day and not wallow in “ugh…i’m 40” 🙂


danyele - that’s awesome…i’m glad u gave her your speech here…and that kerri is a beautiful lady.
for the record, i turn 40 this year and i despise surprise parties…i will be so mad if i get one. ok, well, maybe not. i mean if i got one of those bras, i would love it!

katy - Really sweet of her husband to throw her such a nice party w/ lots of friends and family! The food pics. and descriptions are making me so hungry.

Staci - Looks like she was truly surprised 🙂 How fun and how sweet of her hubby! Brian threw a surprise party for me when I was 7 months pregnant…he told everyone not to yell too loud when I walked in for fear of shocking me into childbirth 🙂 Your little speech to her was so sweet…I can tell, you are such a sweet friend to your “real” friends too!

traci - yeah, i was a teenager in the 80’s too. i completely understand. she sounds like a wonderful person. and it looks like you all had a great time.

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