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no-school friday

i don't like change in my routine….

so no-school days throw me off.
but i was happy to get one extra hour of sleep this morning…to the minute.
waffle came into my room exactly one hour later than i usually get up.

annie still had preschool and the two new creation preschool graduates 
came along for the drop off.


they noticed right away that ms. kristin was wearing the hoodie we made her for rainbow week.
talby whispered "MOM! she's wearing it!!" with a big smile to me.
sean wanted her to zip it up…so he did it for her!  
for sean to feel that comfortable, it makes my heart happy.  (thank you kristin)


i told talby before we left the house "if you come with me…we'll get D, O, N, U, T, S."
she looked confused….ran and got a piece of paper and a pen and said "spell it again."
i did and when she wrote the S she gasped out loud!  
it was the cutest.

i got the peanut butter donut.

sean brought his crazy straw from home.  he's been saving it for a special occasion.  :)

after donuts, sewing and preschool pick up….
we hit the pool.
with friends…for mommy and for the kids.

boys love splashing.
i hate being splashed…freaks me out…always has.


annie had so much fun.
it was the first time she swam without me IN the water with her.
it's a tiny pool so she just floated around the big kids…going from group to group…in her floaty.


seriously shana and pam….this time at the pool made my whole day good.
we all had such a good time.
and now they are getting ready for bed and i am packing up more etsy stuff.

i should have it all mailed out soon.
thanks for your patience…that part of the shop is so new to me…and overwhelming.
then i will get right back to the fun part…CREATING!!

Lori - I LOVE DRUBER’S PEANUT BUTTER KNOTS!!!!!!! You have no idea how jealous you’ve just made me.
I now live in Nashville, TN and every time I’m back in town I drag my husband there for my fix.
I’ve wanted to say “hi” for awhile now and let you know how much I enjoy your blog. You seem familiar, but I’m not sure we’ve actually ever metβ€”however, we do know a lot of the same people. In fact, I believe you know my Momβ€”Diane Walter. She says she failed your valentine’s day craft at Mom-to-Mom. . .??? Just be glad you didn’t give her a hot glue gun.
I wanted to say thanks for you showing off your messy, fun creative spirit. I’m a graphic designer in a job I don’t love wishing I could do more fun, creative things. You’ve inspired me to quit wishing and just start doing. I’m not picky about what area I’m creating in, so I’ve just got to make time and do the things that are going to make me happy.
Thanks for letting all of us into you beautiful, bright and warm world!!!

Sheryl - Meg, I have an idea for you. Maybe one of your friends who is not as creative as you are but willing to help with the Cora project could organize, pack up and mail your stuff for you. It’s that whole hands and feet thing that the Bible talks about. Romans 12, 4-6. I love your site and feel like you guys are part of my real life not just my blog-hopping life. πŸ™‚

katy - Fun day! Donuts, LOVE ‘EM lots…I want one right now and I even ate one this morning at my parents house, but I still want one.
The rainbow sweatshirt is fabulous!

amy - hi meg! i chose to give you an award on my blog. please head over to one day at a time ( to see what it’s all about! πŸ™‚

sandy toe - Okay..I love this post…each water picture is so fun…Have a great day.
sandy toe

jodi - hey, if you ever want to make your etsy shop a regular business, you could add a shipping center to your studio.
check this out:
i thought of you right away–
great pictures, meg!

Julia - I love the photo of your older daughter with her “hair roll”. I remember doing that!

Amanda - do you have any plans of selling hoodies for adults like the rainbow one on etsy? I am in love with it!

angela - That’s funny….I hate splashing too. It only causes fights in the end! What a fun day. Those pool days usually wear the kids out and they sleep good! Hope it worked for YOU!

callie grayson - what a fantastic day you had with your kids!!!

katie - great pics!
i want to see more of that classroom, i love all the art work. looks like such a fun room!

Gini - I just love sitting back and watching kids in a pool. Even though my kids swim competitively and workout 6 days a week for 2 hours – they never tire of it. They could stay in another hour just to fool around with their friends! Makes me exhausted just thinking about it. Your’s looked to be in their glory!

Lazy Mom Leslie - What a great hoodie you made! That almost makes me want to be a pre-school teacher. Almost! But then I realize it would also make me pull my hair out. So, I guess I won’t be a pre-school teacher. But I sure am thankful that some people are!

Aubrey - You’re such a good mom–our days off from school turn into PBS marathons. Yeah, I’m totally lame. whatever.
Talby’s so cute–my daughter asks me what I spelled when I spell something I don’t want her to hear. It’s fun watching them learn.
Next school day, I’ll consider swimming. Except I have to get in because I have a 2-yr-old.

Stephanie Loitz - What a fun day Meg! I’m a new reader as well, and just LOVE your blog. You inspired me to start my own. lol
I love your photos and your kids are so cute! It looks like a day of no school turned out to be a wonderful day. That art preschool looks AMAZING!

Suzanne - what a great way to kick off the weekend!!
hoping you got my e-mail about 3 custom tees??? i know you’re super, crazy busy so i just wanted to double check…
enjoy the weekend!

Jill - What a fun day!! I love the pictures. And your son is so sweet to help his sister swim.
I am a new reader of your blog and I love it!
Have a great weekend!

Jill - What a fun day!! I love the pictures. And your son is so sweet to help his sister swim.
I am a new reader of your blog and I love it!
Have a great weekend!

ang - Please tell me you were eating donuts at Drubers!!! I haven’t eaten those donuts since my bethel days and haven’t found any that taste quite as good! Nothing like a good chocolate/peanut butter donut at 11:30 p.m.!!! Looks like a fun day!

MGF - A good trip to the pool. Did you even have to get in? If not that is even better.

sara's art house - Adorable hoodie!!! And that preschool classroom is great.

Michelle - Very cool way to spend a no-school day. My kids would totally love it. πŸ™‚

Karli - I really love your photography. Really. A LOT!!!

kasey - do you know what i noticed? you are not in the pool, but holding the camera.
bet you didn’t even have to put a suit on.

Amber - Sounds like a fun Friday…especially the donut part πŸ™‚ I love the look of that rainbow color chart. Those pool pictures are great too. Splashing, pool hair, bathing suit bums and pruney hands…all too funny.

Heather Mattos - Don’t worry, I have sent out absolutely nothing!
That classroom SO reminds me of my old room {the one I had before kiddos, when work involved kids other than my own. i miss it. boo-hoo.}

Ashley Ann - A pool?! I am so jealous. I want a pool to drop in at right now. The picture you took over Annie’s head looking down at the steps and floatie…I LOVE THAT SHOT. I think I am going to have to copy it this summer, so cute and tells such a great story. I just love it! All the pool pictures are fun, you did a great job telling the story of your time there without the need for words.

Starnes Fam - Love the swim pictures. Reminds me of my childhood. So fun!

lee ann - As always, great/fun pictures. Love the one of Talby and her friend…..she just looks beautiful, missing teeth and all πŸ™‚

kristin - hee hee hee
my heart was warmed being with sean again.
a sweet soul, he is.

jimaiemarie - i love the pruney hand pic!!! πŸ˜€ it made me smile

sarah - LOL. I love that she ran and got paper so she could see it spelled out…and love how excited she was once she realized what it said. Awesome!
and yeah. I don’t understand the splashing. Freaks me out too for some reason. I was the kid who HATED water in her face.

vicki - My most favorite thing when I was growing up was staying in the pool till I turned into a prune….I always craved orange juice after swimming….no idea why!

Staci - Wow! So many things to comment in on this post!!! I LOVE that Sean brought his own crazy straw from home πŸ™‚ How cute! I LOVE Talby’s hair in the one picture at the pool! I LOVE Annie’s strong face in another πŸ™‚ Oh yea…and I don’t get why boys love splashing either πŸ™ Makes me very angry to get splashed…maybe it’s because I have naturally curly hair…and I spend waaaay too much time straightening it…to only get it wet (I know, then why should I be in the pool anyway?) UGGH! You are such an amazing person Meg! Have a great weekend!

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