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good times.

we had such a good time with the hill's.

i am so glad they made the 12 hour drive to visit us.

"what is there to do in kansas?" you may wonder.
take a look at all we did in five days.

*gave waffle lots of treats
*jumped on the trampoline
*threw the football over the house
*drank lots of coffee
*driving range within the first two hours
*watched NCAA basketball
*played the Wii (they brought their Wii from chicago)
*went on a date…with steak AND a movie
*played Whoonu..abby won
*walked to a german buffet
*played pool
*played foozball
*looked at photo albums of the good ol' days
*went antique/thrift shopping 
*played memory, pretty pretty pincess, chutes & ladders, guess who and zingo
*did lots of dishes (dave)
*golfed in the wind
*drove in a very severe rain storm with hail at 12:30 AM
*passed a storm chaser truck in the middle of a storm
*got drubers donuts hot after midnight
*played littlest pet shops
*shot baskets
*went to sonic and saw the waiter on roller skates
*ate classic duerksen meals (stuffed shells, chicken enchiladas, apple pancake, cream puff)
*went for ice cream
*played Sequence two different nights (and the girls WON again)
*had a fashion show
*stayed up really late every night
*watched the office, 30 rock and casino royale

see….just some of the amazingly awesome things you could do in kansas.

i got a little collage crazy over at picnik….
Whoonu collage 
Games collage
Couples collage
Shopping collage
Fashion show collage
picnik is addictive!

jenny and dave you are deeply missed.
you can never be replaced.
you can make us laugh like no one else.
you get our humor and we get yours.
you complete us.


Rachel - We drove through Kansas on our way from FL to Co; very long state…but in Salina…awesome italian restaurant called Martinelli’s a must to visit.
Thank God for awesome friends!!! Love your pics!

Steph - What a great time you guys had! How fun! You girls look beautiful in the dresses. 🙂

Trina - Looks like you had a great time! I love spending time with best friends – it never seems long enough. I have nominated you for an award, though you are not required to participate, I just appreciate getting to read your great blog!

My First Kitchen - Whoonu is one of my favorite games. The fact that “making lists” is in that pile means that these people know me better than I know myself.

gina - LOl- love the fashion show… are bows big this Spring? 🙂
Yes, picnik is addictive! Along with everything else that is good on this world wide web, like blogging, twitter, flickr….

chas at the wild raspberry - you’re a gal after my own heart!!!sequence, the office, thrifting…..great stuff.

thatgirlblogs - you should get crazy with the collage more often, that was cool!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - So nice to see people enjoy each other. Friendships are sooo special and you obviously realize and value your dear friends. Looks like you had lots of fun…and in Kansas of all places:)

Lazy Mom Leslie - If it weren’t for the martini glasses in your hands you would look like sisterwives.

Kate - So great! Thank you for telling my about picnik! I think I lost my morning, but I am GREAT with that!

traci - what a blast!! love the photos. i am going to have to try picnik for that. sequence is a great game. one of my favorites.

Donna - how fun………….Now I am calling our bff’s in Peoria and telling them to bring their 5 kids to visit us and our 6 kids…………isn’t it fun???

Cary - Well, you certainly know how to make a girl’s day!!! My little fish quilt is one of your happy things???? Thank you so very much!!!!

maribeth - i want to thrift/antique with you! you always seem to find such fun stuff! and, i love, love, love your home! and, you have a sonic, so i could totally survive!

Julia - It sounds like the best visit ever.
Not to change the subject, but it was hard for me to focus after I read you make enchiladas. Would you consider sharing your recipe?

traci - I bet you would choose that over IKEA any day!!!!

Stephanie Howell - y’all are too cute!!

carissa... brown eyed fox - divine in those dresses my dear… DIVINE!
i’m telling ya… i could sit in a cardboard box as long as i have friends there… the company is ALL the fun!
so glad yall have those great memories!
and DAVE washed the dishes!!!!! dave… come speak to my hubster PLEASE! 🙂

kasey - i see you liked the picnik chalenge.

Laura Phelps - I am a picnick loser. couldn’t get it to work. tried last night til mid night. gave up.

Ashley - I think I’m going to start using Picnik. Love your collages! Great friends are a treasure!

j.o. - I’ve seen your house. You threw a football OVER it?! Amazing.

Staci - Waaaay fun!!! I love Talby’s “poker face”! Friends that get your humor are THE BEST! You’re right, there’s no replacing them once they get you!!! Oh yea…and those mini eggs….from your last post…oh man…I can one up you on those…you’ve GOT TO TRY Miniature cadbury eggs….OH.MY.GOODNESS!!!! It’s a good thing they are only around at Easter. (But not so good when you buy 8 bags to stock up to get you through the year and only make it halfway! 😮 ) They don’t have that yucky filling inside…it’s just chocolate and oh my, please promise me you’ll get a bag…or four 🙂 If I knew your address, I’d send you some!!! Have a great weekend…sounds like you might be snowbound!!!!

kat - Wow! Can I come visit too? It looks like you had a wonderful and hilarious time together. There is nothing like spending time with great friends!

sarah - How awesome 🙂 Good friends who get you are key.
I love sequence 🙂
And as always I love looking at all your pictures.
and your so freakin cute!

Aby - I just realized that apron says “diet” not “dishes”! LOL!! Works for me either way!!!

jennifer - Those dresses are great!
And friends like that are the best! Truly a gift from the Lord.
Thanks for sharing.
Now I need to check out picnik. I feel another addiction coming on…

Tracy - Hey Meg – looks like you guys had a BLAST! I live so far from home and friends/family now that I live in NYC that I LOVE it when people come to visit! Speaking of which – when are you coming? :o) We have plenty of room for you and your family! Come anytime! I’d love to meet you in person and show you the “big apple”! Hugs, Trac~ :o)

Keri - I discovered picnik a few weeks ago and am in love. (Especially the soften feature. Fine lines? GONE!)
Great pictures of great friends. Something to be cherished, for sure!

Lee Ann - Nothing like great friends!

Wendy - Good friends are worth more than their weight in gold. Especially “couple friends”. Love your pigtails. I wonder if I could pull that off. Hmmm…

Michelle - Thanks for the heads-up on picnik!!!!
I’m hooked and I’ve only played with it for 20 minutes. I could sit here all day doing this. I never heard of this site before so I’m sending you a big fat thank you!


Brooke - oh my goodness…those dress up photos are hilarious! too fun! good friends are the best….and speaking of the best…kailyn LOVES her green flower shirt…posted photos…it is so cute…thank you.

adrienneK - you make kansas look so fun!!! my mother and father in law would be thrilled if we moved there (they too live in newton!!) but i dont think they have as much fun as you do lol

Jess - Looks like a great time! It’s hard to be so far from good friends. But makes seeing them that much more special.
Thanks for sharing the link, I am lovin’ that site. I was wanting to ask you if you used photoshop or anything on your photos before you posted them.

Trish - looks like a total blast 🙂 i want to have a weekend like that… need to have some friends over 🙂

adrienne - Sequence iS addicting too. Sounds like ya’ll had great times!

Aby - Looks like too much fun!! Can I be your BFF from Texas?!? Loved the fashion show!! And the “to hell with the dishes” apron! I really, really NEED that!!!

Crystal - I ADORE friends that “get” you…they are the best and few and far between! 🙂 Looks like you had lots of fun! 🙂

Peggy Rice - It’s official, I would like to move in.

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