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so silly


annie changes her clothes at least once in the day.

she wears something to school and by mid-afternoon….she's in another outfit.
usually something lovely like this one.
complete with headband!
and she has no problem changing later after that.
things match if they are her favorites…that's WHY they match.
i love that thought.
honestly though…i don't care how she dresses at all.
it just makes me smile when i come into a room and see what she's come up with.
she is in a drawing phase…with markers.
in less than a month she has gone through an entire pack of computer paper.
500 sheets!
i think 400 of them are houses.
she is working on the perfect house….
where does she get that?

Gini - Oh, my. I am nervous now – my 11 year old middle schooler is purposefully dressing mis-matched. Not sure why….shouldn’t she have stopped this a long time ago????
Your daughter is too cute for words.

Jennifer P. - I have always loved seeing Annie’s outfits too. I’ve been reading and watching a year now and am glad she hasn’t lost her ‘style’ yet 🙂

Jaime Melcher - Precious! I LOVE that she changes clothes more than once a day… my 4 yr. old does the same thing! 🙂 Be sure to post a picture of her house drawing -perfected! 🙂

traci - i absolutely love annies sense of style. she will be a designer of some sort in her lifetime – clothes or houses. she’s a doll.

Kirsten - Ahhh! she reminds me of my daughter’s little friend…always in sequins and over-accessorized. I say I’d love to see her at 80, walking a poodle, with a feather boa…

Sheryl @ My Joyful Home - I love it! I teach preschool and I love when children come to school in their own creations. Some of the parents apologize and I tell them I think it’s great. A definite sign of independence! I’ve had some children come to school with their pants on backwards or even wearing two different shoes!

Starnes Fam - Precious.
I tried your french toast bake this morning with family in town. A bit hit! Thanks for the recipe.

julie - That is so my life. Every bit of it, except they usually look way crazier.
Someone told me to chill out when they pick their own clothes because no mother in the world would think that I purposefully chose the things they were wearing.
It changed everything.
Now it is sort of charming in a Punky Brewster way, complete with Lulu’s mullet and Halley’s dreadlocks.
She has the best matching philosophy as well!

Mary Beth - I used to feel so SORRY for children who had mis-matched clothes. Where Were Their Mothers!
The LUCKY children are the ones dressed like this!!!
Megan usually wore duck boots and several tutuus.

chas at the wild raspberry - oh the wardrobe changes…this is my 5 year old to a “T”!
her armoire is in a constant state of chaos!!!!
glad i’m not the only one
have a great easter

Vera - I wanted to add that I LOVE what you said about things matching because she loves them…that’s my decorating philosophy. Nothing in my house “matches” except that it’s all stuff I love, so somehow it all goes together because it’s all stuff I love.

melissa - …the OCD in me gets really irritated when they “waste” paper…I need to ease up and let my boys create!!! Thank you for showing me this!

elisa - so so sweet. Love all the clothes, hate all the laundry.

Stephanie Howell - She’s creative and inventive!! those will be great characteristics for her to have as an adult!
She is just tooooo cute!

CherryTreeLane - I am obsessed with her outfit. She is a DIVA!

Jill Adkins - LOVE IT!!! We have ALWAYS let them come up with their “outfits”- they are ALWAYS fun AND colorful!!!

kristine - darling! and i totally get that “match because they’re her favorites.” love it. good for her! and good for YOU to not make that a battle!

Trina McNeilly - She is too cute.. we have that tank.. and now I’m thinking a funky headband like that might be necessary 🙂

Alyssa - meg, i bought 2 of those headbands & they have been my saving grace. when halle looks a mess, i just throw the headband on!! fixed!! she wore it this morning dying easter eggs in pjs. totally made the pictures 🙂

Shannan - Calvin has been in a similar phase for over a year now! It cracks me up. He will only wear something that is sports-themed and reluctantly allows me to help him find something a little nicer for church on Sunday. He looks ridiculously cute nearly every day, and I love it, too!

kristin - yes, yes, yes.
i have two kids like this and one who DOES not care what he wears, just as long as he doesn’t have to stop to get them.

adrienneK - so cute!! my zoe (3 years old) is really into picking her own clothes now,lots of very uh…ahem “neat” combos 😉

Darby - We call that stuff “printer paper” and next time I buy it I’m getting two reams bc my girls go through it soooooo fast too! I love to see them create… what a treasure!

Sophie - She is so sweet!
And despite me being A LOT older than her, her fashion sense is far better than mine!

Wendy - She’s so fashion forward! But only two outfits a day? I don’t think she’s living up to her full potential there… ;o)

sarah - cute cute cute

Staci - Ohhh, Precious Annie 🙂

Vera - Both the wardrobe changes and marker obsession remind me SO much of my daughter right now! I posted the first pictures of my room re-do on my blog earlier, which was inspired by your awesome READ room… you’ll notice some familiar Target sheets in there 🙂

traci - You are good….I have one who loves to change a lot but the laundry overload was making me NUTS!!! I finally said no more changing.
You are just soooooo easy going. She can change all she wants, use markers by the cream couch and all…lol
She is precious though…the older she gets the more adorable!!!!! I LOVE watching kids draw and watching them draw houses and people is my fav.

Christy - How adorable! I think the headband is my fav. 🙂 She is so cute. My son will also change after school, for no reason, just because. He has his favorite pieces too.

maribeth - don’t you just love how children see beauty?? and, what a great momma to let her express it her way!

sandy toe - Okay..what totally amazed me about this picture…is that she has markers next to the cream couch…you are a brace momma and she is just so cute!
sandy toe

Mod Girl - I love preschoolers! Such a fun age.

Adrienne Anderson - Hi,
I’ve never commented before, but I wanted to let you know that I referenced you on my blog. I am a friend of Erica Hang’s, who led me on to your blog site. I love checking in on the things you and your family come up with and I just wanted to say hello! I hope you don’t mind that I borrowed your sewing ideas, but I’m assuming if you’re posting them, you know they’re probably inspiring others! 🙂

Dawn - Don’t you just love that age. They are so much fun. If you just didn’t have to wash all those clothes they wear in a day. Oh! who am I kidding they still change a couple times a day at 12 and 18 years old. I guess I am just having a different kind of fun these days. Annie is a cutie!!

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