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he’s a dork.

waffle is a big, goofy, trash eating, cat chasing, puff ball dorky dog.

he is getting a haircut tonight…weather permitting.
i will miss that squiggle hair on top of his head.
but i will not miss the huge hair balls all over the house.

he sits for treats really well.
and he shakes and sometimes he lays down.
on monday annie yelled "EWWWW…waffle just got dog lick on me!  YUCK."

annie wrote on his head with markers.
she said "i was giving him tatoos!  he likes it!"
(he probably did actually…then he probably ate the marker when she was done)

IMG_6184  IMG_6177


i love him very much.
except when i let him out on a rainy sunday morning in only my robe and slippers 
it was a lovely site…chasing a dog while trying to hold my robe closed…
grabbing him by his tail…
then literally wrestling him to the ground and sitting on him to catch him…
dragging him inside by his collar in my slippers that were drenched from the rain.

yeah…didn't love him so much then.
but 99% of the time he is pretty great.

i can't wait to laugh at him when he gets his hair cut.

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renee' - i love your dog, hes so cute, i had a dog like him years ago.

karem - BAHAHA!!! that was funny!!
Reminds me of my dog Wembley!!
thanks for the chuckle!

Jennifer P. - Loved reading till here. Waffle makes some great before and after pictures 🙂

Kelly - very fun and I don’t even like dogs. 🙂 Kelly

purejoy - okay, i started backwards. i saw the post waffle. and he is adorkable!!so i thought, wow that’s alot of fanfare for a dog groom! until i went back and saw the huge ball of fur waffle was!! i am (well, was) a huge fan of the little corkscrew thing going on on the top of his head, and i’m thinking a little crazy hair dye would have done him good!! i love annie. . . tattoos?? what a nut!

emily - i want to meet waffle. he seems like he has a good dog soul :] when he’s not running away in the middle of the rain.
& you have inspired me to get a goldendoodle. when i’m all grown up & everything :] great post.

Deputy's Wife - He is adorable! I can’t wait to see pictures of his new “do”!

Aubrey - Did you leave the squiggly hairs on top for a waffle-hawk?
I was lookng at your side link things and saw that pregnant lady who’s been taking pictures of her belly all along the way. Sheesh she looks good. Maybe I should do that–except I would frighten the heck out of cyber space with all my faded, saggy stretch marks from the first three babies. I s’pose I’ll refrain.

Sherri Rowalnd - Waffle is ADORABLE!
Unrelated question…..what color is the chocolate brown in your bedroom? I love it.

jamie - That was a truly Adorable Post. I laughed outloud! Thank you for sharing Waffle, he is so Sweet. Jamie

valerie @ Robots and Candy - Oh you gotta post pictures of the post haircut Waffle.
What a fabulous dog!

adrienne - Have you seen Marley and Me? Puppies are so naughty, but bring so much joy! He’s adorable.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - What a sweetie! I’m sure he will look like a completely different dog after his cut. Sometimes they even act different. Isn’t that funny!

Sarah - What a cutie! Is it really true that they don’t shed? That would be amazing since they have so much of that adorable fluffy fur!

sandy toe - He is very cute….sandy toe

Angie - Waffle! Waffle! Waffle! I heart that cute little doggie. Thanks for sharing some pictures with us!

Penny - I love Waffle! He is a perfect dog. We have two Golden Retrievers and our female Bailey is due for “little Waffles” at the end of May. We are so excited to have Goldendoodles. Please post a picture of Waffle after his haircut. handsome boy!

Anna - Your Annie is such a little ham. She cracks me up!
One just knows by looking at him that he is a big lanky, dorky dog…he just looks that way. Would have paid money to see you out chasing him in your robe…and in the rain. Bahahahahahahah…!
I was walking along our river walk (MO River) two days ago and a lady was walking her black labradoodle…he was cute but I still like Waffle’s color better.

Kat - Hahahaha! Great post. My daughter Lauren, who’s two, always wants to see a picture of “Waffle” whenever I sit at the computer. I first saw him on another blog a few months back, that’s how I found your blog, and I showed her the picture. She LOVES him too. What a sweet boy. Dogs are the best. Especially big, goofy, silly dogs!

Amanda - Waffle is absolutely adorable!! Looks like he’s a good cuddling dog!

Ruth - Hahaha! What a story. Naughty dog! But your photos of Waffle are always priceless… love that fuzzy fluff… good luck with the haircut!

Lanny Stanard - Oh i love that dog! he will look funny after his haircut, but make sure to tell him how great he look no matter what!

gina - lol. which is why i don’t have a dog. chasing after 4 kids and a husband- even when it’s not raining and i’m fully dressed- is tough enough sometimes. 😉

Kaitlyn - I love your dog. I’m still begging the husband for one just like Waffle! I doubt that will happen. I can’t wait to see his hair cut! Although I love his hair like that. So cute! ;o)

DeMo - He looks so adorable he almost looks fake, like the best stuffed dog you could have.

CJsmom - Let’s correct that last post. He’s so photogenic. Not to mention so lovable! Love your blog Meg!

CJsmom - I absolutely love this dog. He’s so photogenic. Not so much loveable. Can’t wait to see him with his new do.

Heather Anuta - I love these pictures! I once had to do the same thing- chasing down my dog. We has just moved to a new house. I was in sweats and no shoes and it was about 20 degrees and had just snowed outside. I guess he wanted to explore the new neighborhood. My sister finally caught him and it was luckily in my best friend’s yard. Had a hard time loving him that day.

Julia - That last picture is great. It looks like he’s thinking “it’s so exhausting being me”

Ivy Bettinger Smith - PLEASE take pictures of the new doggie-haircut! I think Waffle and my little Pumpkin would be good friends!

Jess - my kids want a dog like waffle…when..or…IF..we get another. he’s just so stinkin’ cute. i would love to see him next to our 4lb. teacup poodle!!! those would be some great shots! (they have similar coloring)

Mandi Morris - I love that dorky dog, and I can sympathize with the bath robe incident. Our lab has put me in some compromising situations too!

Amber - Ooooohhhh, I love Waffle 🙂 I have a teeny 7 lb furry terrier I feel that same way about him and we always laugh at him when he gets a haircut…he’s going tomorrow 🙂

Katie - don’t cut his hair he looks so cute!!!!!! I love your dog!!

Lee Ann - Oh! I want a “waffle” so bad! Yes, I know he would make me mad, but it might also provide entertainment for the neighbors around here as well. Fun picture of you out there!

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