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we were having a lot of rain…

which makes for good puddles (or water in your basement…take your pick).
after a crazy saturday morning storm the girls decided it was time.
time to attack the neighbor's giant puddle.
their driveway always makes one.

i'm sorry…did i say attack?  yeah they went running full speed out there 
and then when they got to it they stopped…touched their feet softly in 
and started acting like girls!  
"it's cold….ewwww…it's dirty!…is that a bug?!!"

who are you?
oh please don't start being prissy…my sweet frog loving, worm catching, dirty girls.  PLEASE!!!

we had a visitor.
he wasn't prissy at all.

(no prissy girls were injured during this puddle jumping adventure)

see?  no splashing.
no jumping.

then a tantrum…how nice.
go ahead you girly girl who can't get wet and dirty…go inside and put on a dress…fine!

i'll always have waffle.



2009 BlogLuxe Awards you are awesome…thanks for voting…i would hug you if i could.


Diana - You go, Waffle!! Can’t wait to see what he does for summer 2010! 🙂

Elma Riedstra - Hi there, love the pictures!! What kind of dog do you have??

Mrs Sitcom - Hi, new to your blog, love your photographs! How funny that the girls became girls… 🙂 Love the shot of the dog’s muddy paw!

Jill - My dog and your dog could totally be best friends!

Cindy in WA - I *love* Waffle!!!!! He is so adorable. I LOL everytime I see him doing something goofy. Great puddle pictures!

Aubrey - I want Annie’s swimsuit. It’s so cute and so perfect. But I want one for my daughter and for me–does it come with an underwire, padded, you-know-what? 😉

emily :] - please tell me they make annie’s swimsuit in big girl sizes, because i would buy twelve.

Lisa - we’ve been drowning here in CT as well. Maybe I’ll let loose and let my kids play in the puddles as well. It looks like fun. 🙂

mom - I just read at Blogluxe that if you win you’d go to Chicago. How cool! I’ve voted everyday. Love that picture of Waffle.

Nicole Quiring - I have been out of blog world for the past 2 weeks while trying to make some big decisions for our family. I just got caught up on your blog and almost cried when seeing your Kansas picturs. they are beautiful. We have decided to move to Nebraska for the next year and we’ll be out in the country! Jason’s family is all there. I’m trying to focus on all the positive and your pictures were what I needed. Thanks!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - You’re such a cool momma. I would be like NOOO don’t get dirty. You would be so much fun and a camera ready to get the best memories. Love it!

F.Y - how cute, adorable pictures. You deserve the award! 🙂

chasity - at least waffle was havin’ a splashing-good time!
and man your camera is awesome!!
have a great day…

Mindy Harris - what cute, cute girlies. i gotta have me a girl. i think i say that in every comment.

Amy Walker - Cute pictures, especially love the ones of Waffle! Annie’s swim suit is too cute, hope you’re having a good summer:)

Patti - could annie’s bathing suit be any cuter? i submit that it cannot! adorable!

Rachel / cREaTe - OK. i’ve been dropping in here & there the past few months. i don’t ever comment because you always have a gazillion & everyone always says what i would say anyway. but today – 22 so far? i’ll comment. and say i LOVE YOUR BLOG. i love you sense of humor & parenting style. you’re awesome.
these pics & your words CRACKED ME UP. and the pic of waffle [cutest, scruffiest dog EVER] galloping is the BEST.

robyn Beckley Vining - um, can i please have a red and white polka dotted bathing suit, and then please look that cute in it?!?!??!
so cute 🙂

robyn Beckley Vining - um, can i please have a red and white polka dotted bathing suit, and then please look that cute in it?!?!??!
so cute 🙂

Penny - I just love the last picture of Waffle jumping. He is the coolest dog around!

Kathy - OMG so cute I love the pictures! Your girls are darling even jumping in dirty puddles.

Leigh Ann - Cute post!
Love the boots with the swimsuit!
That Annie makes me smile all the time!
Leigh Ann

Beth - Meg, this comment is totally unrelated to this post, but . . .THIS post made me think of you and your rainbow cake (which really inspired me too — I’m going to try to make it). I’m going to try to copy this cake when I do a unit on Mondrian in school. Isn’t it cool?

Lori - Great photos. My favorite is the beginning of the tantrum. Cute, esp from my vantage point! Just went and voted…is anyone even close to you in votes?? Good luck!

Meaghan S - Hi there!
I came across your blog a couple months ago and since then I have checked it daily, but I have never left a comment! I just wanted to say that I have read all of your posts and this is my very favorite ever! Every time I imagine my life ‘when i grow up’ I want it to be very similar to yours! (my boyfriend think 5 children is a little much, but I think its splendid!) I love your gorgeous house and keepin-it-real attitude. You are one awesome lady!
That’s all for now 🙂 maybe I’ll comment more often now. Oh and I’ve been voting daily 🙂
Meaghan from Oregon

alice - i love reading your blog! you have such a style of humor :). that last shot is my favorite with the reflection of Waffle in the puddle – such fun!

Staci - Oh how I wish we had a little of that rain!!! OK has been super hot this Summer! And did I say MUGGY too???? ICK! I love those girls of yours!!! And of COURSE Waffle too!!!!! I hope you win the contest! Should there really even BEEEEE one when you are nominated 🙂 YOU are the best!!!!!

Dana D @BoysMyJoys - Love the post!
Love the pictures!
Wishing you would teach me how to use my camera…

A pocket full of posies... - TOO cute!!! that Waffle! almost love him as much as our Odie!!!
p.s. please send the rain here! 🙂

Trasie Bressler - Love Love Love it!
Many Many Blessings!

Ashlee Archibald - I voted for you today! I actually found your blog a couple months back and forgot to throw it into the favorites and I was so sad that I couldn’t find you again, I even “googled” waffle, the dog (does that sound creepy? i dont mean to be creepy) lol anyways, thanks for being so fresh and fun! 🙂

Sandy - Love it! I especially like the swimsuit and rain boots. How great is that?! 🙂

Cate O'Malley - Love the ones with Waffles especially! When my sister got married four years ago, it was a rainy day, but bearable. After the service, where my then-2-1/2-year-old son was ring bearer, we came out of the church, him in his white shorts, and dress shoes, looking all prim and proper and spied a puddle. He started to go towards it, and although my instinct would be to pull him back, I let him have at it. He had been so good during the service, what’s a little mud puddle on white shoes? 😉

Laura Phelps - I would SO LOVE to get our little pouting Annie’s together!!!!
Now, can we talk about WAFFLE please?????????
Love that dog. Love the name even more. But my daughter Belle…the dog obsessed gal she is, wants to know if you could please send a picture of Waffle to our e mail. She has a blog..PUPPY ART…and features an animal every Wednesday…and she LOVES Waffle!!!!!!!!

Jess - still voting…
haven’t been leaving you many comments lately, still reading every post though!
i still want to be your neighbor…
a few years ago when jacob was about 5, we were getting a lot of rain and had a small puddle next to the driveway. jacob warned everyone not to fall into the pond! so cute.

kristin - i really can’t believe it.

Ashley Ann - Everything about this post makes me smile…
“my sweet frog loving, worm catching, dirty girls” – I hope can say the same about my girls one day! And I hope they have their girly girl moments too.

purejoy - oh, waffle, how i love you!! i wish you were my dog!!
that’s no puddle, that is a lake!! seriously!!

Kate - Good morning! Vote in and recorded. Best wishes for a beautiful Monday!

Michelle B - how cute! We had a puddle in our driveway – which my boys loved! But the water from the puddle seeped into our basement. So we mudjacked the driveway. No puddle for the boys. Dry basement for us. 🙂 Great pictures!

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