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waffle’s play date

scott had a friend over…talby was at a friends' house…

why NOT let waffle have a play date too?

his sister bella stopped by for some wrestling.

waffle came running out the door when talby just started to come out.

and tackled bella to the ground.

he was so happy.





a break. 

to pant…really hard.



waffle looks small here…he is not small.

neither is bella.

waffle obviously got a fresh haircut.  

he is feeling like he's hot stuff.



"what are you looking at?"


"you are going down bella!!"




i was sweating just trying to keep them untangled.

GB and Aaron were working harder than me to keep collars on and not choking them.

bella and waffle could care less…they were so happy to wrestle.


bella is trained (or in training) as a therapy dog at my kids' school.

isn't that cool?

she gets to sit in GB's office and helps the kids feel better…she is comforting.

i think these dogs are perfect for that!


"i love you man!!!"

then bella went across the street to play with marley…their other sister.

waffle came inside and nearly passed out from all that excitement.

thanks for bringing bella over to play GB.

Rita - I love dogs so this post is perfect for me. Both dogs are the best and the pictures terrific. I only have time for 1 dog but if I had more time I’d have several. They give so much love and entertainment. 🙂

Diana - ROTFL!!! I just had to get a Waffle-fix… little did I know! They are both so CUTE!! I can feel the heat of the summer in all that panting, LOL!

Jamie Sampson - can waffle come to my house for a play date??? so adorable.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Love those pics. Great playdate. Looks like they both got some energy out and made new friends.

Talia - What beautiful dogs! What bread are they?!

Sheryl - Oh, what precious pictures of Waffle and Bella!

Jay Bee - That is so cool!
I love that they are all still in contact!

anne - thanks for the 🙂
those pooches are so precious!

Tracy - That was funny…showed my husband he thinks you are as crazy as me!

Mindy - Your blog makes me smile EVERYDAY! I’m a little addicted. and I think I want a dog, and I don’t even want one that much.

Cate O'Malley - Oh too cute!

Amber - How cute! I’m so glad you posted this because I was trying to find an old post of Waffle. Is he a labradoodle? We’re trying to find a good house dog – we have two kids under six. I love labradoodles. I need something that doesn’t shed.

Staci - LOVE.IT!!!!!!

Janna - You’re blog is so lovely and fun! I love all the fabulous pictures of your home. A photographer friend emailed me a link to your blog. I’ll be coming back regularly! Can’t wait to try to make that rainbow cake!

Kristen - My friend Julie just sent me your site, and she thought I would like it because I’m a photographer and a crafty person (but not as good as you!!) I just finished drooling over your house pictures. Amazing. I can’t find where you live..still need to surf…but man, that house in New York would be millions!!! Absolutely gorgeous. You have a beautiful family! God bless, Kristen.

traci - how cute. gotta love dogs.

Sandy - I love Waffle and who knew he had such a pretty sister, Bella?! They are adorable! I just purchased a new puppy yesterday (comes home Tuesday)…I might steal Waffle’s name. Would that be ok? 🙂

Shanna Mead - This isn’t about this post but couldn’t find your e-mail addy anywhere. I just wanted you to know that I FINALLY made your Blueberry Buckle! It was delicious!!!! Made it for my and Russ’s mom’s birthday. It was so good with a dollup of DQ soft-serve. I had admired the recipe and photos of the finished product and finally made it. THANK YOU for a nice addition to my recipe file!

Gina - I just love that you have a dog named Waffle. Hilarious. If you ever want professional photos of him, we love taking dog photos at our studio! Especially when his curly hair grows back! 🙂

JerriR - Oh we just love all your posts but especially like to see Waffle!

Josh Patel - Soooo sweet, the dogs in pics posted above look very cute. And a lot of credit goes to the photographer also he has managed to capture not only their movements but also emotions.
Just stumbled and submitted your site to Hope you get some great traffic from it. Your blog is here
– Josh

Elma Riedstra - What fun pictures!!! What kind of dog is he???

Lanny Stanard - omgoodness how cute… i love me some waffle thanks megan 😀

Kat - Ha! Hilarious and adorable! Don’t you just love doggy playdates? They are literally just dripping with joy over all the excitement. It’s so funny to watch. Waffle is one handsome boy!

sarah w - They are both such adorable dogs.
Love all the pictures of their fun play date.

Melissa - I would love to know what type of dog Waffle is…

Kasey - Waffle is just adorable!

Kelly - I know you have said what kind of dog Waffle is before but I have to ask again because I don’t remember (sorry!!). He is adorable!!

Mrs Sitcom - Hi, Love your blog & your photos! These I can totally relate to — we did a version of the “dog dance” last night at the park. Couldn’t take them off-leash, but they kept trying to swim out to the ducks (who were taunting them, of course!:) ), ‘hanging’ themselves on the ends of their leashes in the process! Doggie play-dates are the best!

Ruth - he looks sooo different after a hair cut! fun times, fun pictures!

Angie - I am in love!!!

Christy - That is awesome! That Waffle is such a doll! I was lucky enough or maybe just crazy (jury still out) on bringing home two brothers, they are Labs, nearly 2 years old. They have the best time playing & wrestling with each other. So different from ecah other, but both are so sweet.

Laura Phelps - Great. You not only are good to children, but animals, too. I feel so inadequate right now. Think I will feed the cat.
Now…have you checked this out yet?
Thanks Waffle…you were a great interview….

Ivy Bettinger Smith - I LOVE Waffle!

Casey - Soooo sweet! Those two look adorable wrestling!

Penny - You made my day with a “Waffle” post. A bonus too, seeing his sister!!
another goldendoodle momma

Sherryl Mascarinas - Those two look like oreo cookies! So cute

4JJM - That’s just funny, I don’t care who you are.

Holly - So cute!

Amber - hahahhahahaa. i love that you told it like a story. 😉

CherryTreeLane - equal oppurtunity play dates! I love it. Dogs need some love too!!!

Jocelyn Stott - I ADORE dog pictures – all the time, no matter what. Thank you for the great start to my day.

Lorilee - Too Cute. I can even smell the slobbery dog fur!

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