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i am tired.

for a few reasons…..

i don't go to bed early enough.

i sleep late.

i eat poorly.

i have five kids.

i stay up too late.

during our waking hours we have been busy.

and i am tired.

here is a little of what we've been doing…trying to finish off the summer list.

i think we are going to get almost everything.



painting in the driveway…



getting a treat from the ice cream truck….



tie dying t-shirts, tank tops and leggings.


and 11 different kids have come over here this week already…seriously.

and i had a photo session everyday…two on wednesday.

i am ready for school to start.

i am the only one i know….but i am ready for a quiet house.

and only working on my own crafts.




and then i will complain to you about how much i miss sleeping in and hanging out all summer. 

carissa... brown eyed fox - the catch 22… i SO get it!
this business of getting up early is going to be tough… for the kiddos AND me!
cheers to you and getting in a few more late beauty rest mornings before the big day!

Jill - I’m with ya, sister! Summers are way too long in my opinion. But we are bored because I don’t plan fun things like shaving cream messes and tie dyed clothes. So I’m exhausted because of all the “I’m bored”, and “there’s nothing to do”. School will be here soon!

pam - when school starts we will be tired because we stayed up too late…still. curse of the night owl. more fun happens at night anyway, right? 😉
yay for checking off the list!

Julie K. - How in the world did you fit in a photo shoot {or more} each day in a week! I am exausted with two shoots per week and I’m scaleing it down to one a week for the fall! You are like the energizer bunny – I will forever wonder how you do it all. Etsy, photog biz, craft time with your kids. Unbelievable. What’s your secret weapon. You must have one. 🙂
Wish we could go to coffee.

Elma Riedstra - OH I think my kids are ready for school:) They are starting to get bored . My baby goes to k this year it will be hard for me. I know then my days will be soooo quiet. I think I need a hobby.( all eight in school:( I just blinked and they are growing up waaaaaay to fast.

trishia - my mother just sent me a link to your blog. I am sitting here in shock. You seriously are me. I seriously am you. We are like mirror sisters!
I have five children. I am a photographer. I love crafting and like doing it with my kids, but miss having my own crafty time. I’m ready for summer to close. I don’t get enough sleep. I stay up too late. I don’t eat well. I always have other peoples children at my house. lol
weird! adding you to my reader 🙂 (and in the dead of winter, I’ll stop by and tell you how much I miss sleeping in and having long summer days)

Staci - Me too!!! Me too!!! Me too!!!! (And I only have TWO kids!!!)

Staci - Me too!!! Me too!!! Me too!!!! (And I only have TWO kids!!!)

Jamie Sampson - I have no idea how you do it all. If I was you I would have been tired a very long time ago. Love the blog as usual. Hope your weekend is happy.

Nicole - I’m with you on the TIRED and staying up late!! Last night I CRASHED at 9:00!! I just couldn’t do it anymore! My body was shutting down! That’s unheard of for me! I didn’t care that the kids were all still up, thankfully Jas just took over! I HATE to see summer end but I will WELCOME the structure that school brings!!

Sarah - Amen, Sister.

Mindy Harris - Lately I’ve been going to bed around 12 or 1. If there wasn’t so much cool stuff on the internet…

Mary Beth - Stay At Home Moms DO get a vacation.
When everyone goes to college!
I’m Serious.
It will happen in three more blinks of an eye.
I now have time to breathe, relax and sleep.
Of course, worrying is still there……………….
Keep on.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I stay up too late and then have a hard time falling asleep. So I’m right there with ya.

Ashley - Hey Meg, Our family drove ALL the way through the entire state of Kansas yesterday and I thought about you all day and enjoyed the sights of Kansas… although we were READY to get out of Kansas since our destination was Colorado…
Looks like your having a fun filled summer!

Liz - You are seriously super mom! But that said, I can totally understand why you’re ready for school to start. You deserve a little you-time. 🙂

Chele - No you are definitely not alone in the ready for school to start. I am too! You have one more child than me but I am tired too! 🙂 Hang in there and get some sleep woman! LOL.

Starnes Fam - I’m ready, too, but still have 2 toddlers at home. A bit different for me. Hang in there!

princesslasertron - I hope this doesn’t sound dorky, but I think your kids are blessed to have so many friends and it’s a testament to their awesome upbringing!!

Sandy - I’ve been wondering how your summer list is coming along (btw, I think that’s an AWESOME idea!). We haven’t seen pictures of Lauren lately, how’s she doing? Does she still play volleyball?

Karen - You are SUCH a good mom, giving them so many WONDERFUL memories to think back on when they grow up! You’re the mom I wanted to be, but didn’t have the time or means. Sigh. Maybe I can be that grandma…

seleta - “Mom of four” comment is from Seleta.

Anonymous - Mom of four feeling thankful not to be the only one with these feelings!!! As I sit here and type a comment at 11pm when clearly I should be in my bed sleeping. But it’s so fun to have the quiet time when they are all asleep! It’s intoxicating, actually.

amber - I’m right there with you on the school starting thing. At least you’re trying to have fun with your kids. Looks like you’ve got lots of creative ideas!

jennifer - Oooh! Can’t wait to see the tie-dye projects! It looks like you’ve been doing lots of fun stuff this summer. I’m always hopeful that my kids remember the fun stuff we do and not how tired, and ahem, cranky I can be.
Here’s to naps and lattes, whichever is more accessible at the moment!

misty - will you give instructions on the tie-dying?? also, will you post the pics of the finished items? I LOVE TIE DYE~ I have one more question maybe you can help me with…. I am inspired how you have your kids be creative w/their halloween costumes- This will be my daughters 2nd halloween & I have decided that we will not buy costumes- she only wore the last one for a few hours! SO I am hoping to teach her early how to be creative and I need to dye a white onesie black. All of the ritdye that is supposed to be black is really gray~ do you have any suggestions? I hate to cough up the 15 + S&H for a black onesie for a 13 month old to wear once.

andrea - i can never get to bed before ten, impossiable and i get up at four to go to work, sick

pve - Before you take a long nap…could you please fill up your etsy store.

The Tulip Lady - The only thing better than having what you want…is wanting what you have. Or something like that. Here’s to soaking up what we got, when we got it…CHEERS!

Dana M. - Ditto on the tie dye!! 🙂


Molly - Want to see pics of the tie dye end products!!!

Kara Hebert - Oh, Meg. You crack me up. As soon as I read the title of this post I knew it was one I would relate to. I, too, am simply exhausted. A combo of kids killing me and my father’s recent passing. I am pooped. Done. Stick a fork in me. Can’t entertain another kid for one. more. second.
Proverbs 31 – that’s why she’s an IDEAL and not real, right? 🙂 I gotta work on that.

Renee - I’m tired, too. But it’s Shark Week on Discovery Channel. The excuses never end. xoxo

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Every couple of weeks Cory and I swear that we’ll start going to bed early. It usually lasts one night, then we’re back to midnight or 12:30. What are night owls like us supposed to do?? I just don’t see a good way around it.

Amber - hehehehehhehehe. i am the same way, i always want the next thing and my infamous line is: “I can’t wait till….”
dot dot dot fill in the blank. 🙂

Laura Phelps - tired, too…
but remember to be ready by 6:05PM…I’m comin’ to get you in my van!!! (with a grande latte!)

charlane - 🙂 school starts here next week. the nephews are complaining already – the little vampires. (they love to stay up all night)

MMW - We’ve tried to institute a 10:30 pm curfew for husband & myself. We’re often up too late too. I feel like I need to stay up late in order to catch-up from the whirlwind my kids created during the day.

chris - I feel your pain , I have 6 kids here most days during the summer , what a summer job I tell ya , I get up at 6:20am , OH MY ! I am not a morning person , and yesterday I didn’t get munch until 3:45 pm , today was better I had lunch at 2:00 , I am feeling so tired , and no time for my projects or my work work , I am looking forward to school , but I have 30 more days to go before I will have the peaceful house that I enjoy , don’t feel badly .

Sara - ooooh, will you give instructions for tie-dying w/ kids? 🙂

tammy - would love it if you posted how to tie dye !!!

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