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waffle the wonder dog

he is such a funny dog.
he is a goldendoodle….i know someone is going to ask so i am telling you now.
he is so sweet and goofy and dorky.
elisalou sent him a snazzy new collar and i LOVE it.

could he BE any cuter?



as always with elisalou you get to choose your own fabric to make it just right for YOUR dog.
i chose the red and white polka dots…it was a no brainer.
i put it on him and thought he was adorable.
craig and lauren both said seperately "why did you get him a girl collar?"
i do not agree.
it's a boy collar.  
yes…it IS.



which one will you pick?

AND she is running a PROMO as well…if you order a dog collar between now and Oct. 31
you get a Halloween collar FREE.
waffle looks stunning in his also.


go pick out the one that will make your dog look as cute as mr. waffle. 

talby drew this on the kitchen chalkboard yesterday….


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Kimberlie Rose - Thanks Megan! I just ordered one of these for my Cooper and can’t wait to see it on him. Love your blog by the way.

Kat - Waffle’s new collar rocks! He is secure enough that he could wear any color collar and still rock it! Too cute. Love fabric collars on dogs, my Boxer, Fergus, wears an Amy Butler Lotus collar.

julie - at first I was agreeing… it is a bit girly. my black dog has a manly solid black collar. but then I realized. waffle is super trendy and metrosexual. rocking it. l.a. style. makes my dog look all funeral-y.

Mrs. - Looks like Talby’s Waffle needs some dinner! He is incredibly thin!

Amy - I enjoy looking at your pics of Waffle, because he is almost identical to our doodle, Max. I loved your recent post about how your cat hates the dog. We adopted Max 8 months ago on his first birthday. The cat has hated him since day one, and I’m certain she curses us daily for bringing this beast into our home. 🙂 Meanwhile, Max thinks she’s the cat’s meow (bad, bad humor) and wants to play with her every chance he gets. Quite frankly, I think she would be bored to tears without him to antagonize. Doodles are fabulous dogs!

Kirsten Tangeros - Thanks for the tip. I plan on ordering 2 for my dogs…. I think Waffle looks very dapper in his collar. He kindof reminds me of Harpo at “Antique and Resale” on Harlem Ave. in Chicago. Ever been there? Giant white poodle prowls the store, wearing vintage ties….. Waffle has the same vibe.

Kwana - What a sweetie in such a cute collar. Love the pics!

Penny - Waffle, Waffle, Waffle. I just love Waffle.Yes, he should write a book. You could do a children’s book and I am sure it would sell big! Our Sophie, also a Goldendoodle, is beginnig to look like Waffle in the face and I am so happy. She is a scruffy cinnamon bunch of love. Gotta love those doodles!!

Meredith - I’ve been hankering for an elisa lou tote bag for ages (big hints to the hubby have so far gone unanswered) so I’m a wee bit perturbed that your dog is more stylish than me. But truly, who could begrudge Waffle the wonderdog anything! The red polka-dot collar is definitely boy – groovy, retro boy – but boy nonetheless. Meredith xo.

Diana - Huh? Where did they get the *girl* idea in that? Hmmm. Red is such a snazzy color. And polka dots… well, they just make the red that much more cool! You go, Waffle! *woof*
Great likeness of Waffle, Talby! You captured his cuteness and personality perfectly!

Jerri - I have said it before I just love Waffle…he is too cute!!! I think he knows it too! 🙂
Cute collars!

HomageBlog - Boys can TOTALLY wear polka dots! He rocks it 🙂 ~K

Christy - Love it! One of my boy dogs (have 2 yellow labs) is wearing a zebra print collar which also might be a little feminie, but he looks so cute!
I like the polka dor collar & the Halloween one is too cute! Off to check out the shop. 🙂

Sue K. - waffle is soo cute! he looks just like koda did. i miss koda…love the collar and maybe talby thinks you should feed waffle more! 🙂

Tanya - Sooooo cute. I had a scruffy little visitor at the pool today. He was about half the size of waffle.

CherryTreeLane - I want to hug him and just run around in my backyard playing fetch with this cutie! So sweet!

Betsy - Super cute! I’m amazed at how much my schnoodle (poodle/schnauzer), Minnie, looks like Waffle in the face. Don’t feel bad about picking the red, which I think is totally a boy collar. I have a pink collar, pink leash, pink tags and pretty much all pink things for Minnie and people still ask what HIS name is! Arg!

purejoy - thanks for the tip on the collars. i have three mini-dachshunds that all need a bit of snazzzz and so we can tell them apart!! haha.
waffle is adorableness on steroids. that dog is photo-personality!!! love him!! (and his fly collar)

Nancy-The Goat and The Kid - Red and white polka dots are not girly. I would put Rex and Charlie (our wonder dogs) in one for sure. You have to have dogs with sass, right? Everything can make a statement, even a dog collar. Way to go!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I’m off to check her out. Waffle is super adorable and I love his polka dots:)

Ashley - I love it! Waffle is such a photogenic dog 🙂
I went to elisalou’s site to order one for my dog, but I’ve made it all the way to the Payment Info., and it hasn’t said anything about the free Halloween collar. Is there a special promo code for that?

Elisa - I personally think he looks very handsome in his polka-dot collar!
Love him!

Kacey - Love the collar! Now I’m wondering if my dog needs one… 🙂

amy d - talby’s picture is cracking me up. i didn’t know (elisa lou) did collars…i must now get one for miss miley. and miley wants to know when waffle is coming over to play.
maybe this weekend?

Ruth - too cute – he always looks like such a smooth mover with the short hair! super fly, and he knows it.

Angie - WAFFLE!! I love posts that feature Waffle! Man, I heart that dog.

Rachel / cREaTe - he really truly is the cutest, most scruffalicious dog. and just the name. i wish he’d write a book – i’m sure he is full of stories. 🙂 LOVE his new collar. since when was red white & blue GIRLY? he’s just patriotic.

Pineapple Princess - So SUPER DUPER cute!!

Shar - NO, he could not be any cuter. I have a brown standard poodle and also a blond standard (rescued after hurrican Ike). But, I am loving the Goldendoodle. I just love it when Waffle gets a mention in the blogs. Will check out the collars.

missye - He is adorable! And I don’t think the collar is girly. Very non-gender specific. LOL!!!
We have a 5 month old brown Standard Poodle who is a mess but such a love. I just love your Waffle stories because I can sooo relate.

Georgia - LOL love the picture !! Talby has made him so skinny! 🙂
Love the Collar, im going to check the collars out as my 2 dogs need new ones which are a bit Snazzy! Loving the pictures as normal your fAB! 🙂

Sarah - Too cute!! I would say that the collar is gender neutral, so I’m kind of on your side, but can see what they are saying about a hint of feminine in the collar. I personally love Waffle with his super fluffy long hair, but totally understand why you would want to keep it shorter. Do you let it grow out between cuts or do you have a length you won’t let it grow past?

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