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the etsy shop is OPEN!  

not my etsy shop….the WATER4CHRISTMAS etsy shop.
it's full of all kinds of fun stuff!
all of the money goes to build wells with CLEAN WATER in liberia.


in the shop you will find…these bracelets are simple and sweet and only $15.00!
i have one and i really like it. 
it has a little hand made water droplet charm hanging off of it.
 they would be great stocking stuffers.
(fyi…i heard these are not in the store until thursday?  maybe?)

coffe cozys..
 almost everyone likes coffee.
or hot chocolate.
 with these cozies you can enjoy your hot drink and be GREEN at the same time.

 dish towels…

burp cloths…

really cute Africa shirts in lots of sizes and patterns…i may be partial…but i LOVE these.

and this is my favorite!
a water drop christmas ornament….it's so perfect.
everyone on your christmas list needs one.
think of all the water you supply for buying an ornament!

and there is a lot more. 

water4christmas is awesome!

here is the write up on their profile page…

"There are two primary choices in life; to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them." (Denis Waitley)

At Water for Christmas, we've allowed the existing conditions to break our hearts and spur us to action. 

* We want to join others in solving the world's water crisis, where 1.1 billion people on the planet don't have access to safe, clean drinking water. 
* We don't want to accept the conditions where unclean water and the lack of basic sanitation cause 80% of all sickness and disease and kill more people every year than all forms of violence, including war. 
* It doesn't make sense that 4500 children should die every day from the lack of access to clean water.

Water for Christmas is partnering with charity: water ( to build wells in Africa. All proceeds from items sold in this shop will go directly to building fresh water wells in Liberia, West Africa. We believe that a small group of people can work together to change the world. Visit us at

*If you would like to donate a hand-crafted item to Water for Christmas, to be listed on this site, please send us a message. As with everything else, all proceeds will go directly to building fresh water wells in Liberia.

(and this is added by me….) 
  *if you'd like to sell products in YOUR etsy shop…tag it with water4christmas 
 and contact them about your donation money.



for them.


they are worth it. 

"For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat,
I WAS THIRSTY and you gave me something to drink,
I was a stranger and you invited me in."
 Matthew 25:35

feel free to blog this…promote it…tell everyone you know…shout it from your rooftop…
you know, the usual thing you do when you hear about something amazing.

Kasey - Just got my beautiful bracelets in the mail! I bought a bunch to give to my nieces for Christmas. And one for myself, of course. : )

elizabeth - I’ve blogged about it! Thanks, again, for letting us know about this wonderful group. (I also ordered the water ornaments!)

Ruth - love this! you go meg 🙂

elizabeth - The theme for Corner View, which is a worldwide blogging thing tomorrow is WATER. I am going to use this for my post! I hope that’s all right!

Caron - My order has already shipped, apparently. How in the world will I wait until Christmas to give these things to their recipients!?!

Alysa Clark - Bought two tear drop ornaments yesterday! Thanks for telling us about this GREAT gift of HOPE and JOY … i’ll be blogging about it, too.

Caron - I also wondered if there was any chance to get bigger tshirts. I bought some things already.

Elizabeth Highsmith - i don’t see the dish towels on the site, did they sell out? and i thought i saw a journal, but it’s gone? and i adore those shirts, are they only in kid’s sizes. i would wear an adult small, i have long arms, think a kid’s would fit? sorry for the barrage of questions. heartwarming, project!

Anna - Is there any chance you take orders for shirt sizes? love love love the shirts! - Great cost, definitely gonna buy one of these bracelets!

Christina - I first heard of this on Amy’s blog a few months ago. It looks wonderful, especially with Christmas coming up. I love meaningful gifts. (and there are a lot of people-who-have-everything-and-can-get-what-they-want in our family, so this might be a great option!!) Thanks for the info!

Lori - I think this is fantastic. I think that you are fantastic for spreading the word to others. I needed to be reminded today of how blessed I truly am. Thank you 🙂

Caron - Meg,
My favorite children (don’t tell anyone else) are my kids from Liberia. Aaron, Prince, Feta and Ernest along with sisters Benth and Nioh and their parents Norah and Augustus. They live here in Des Moines and I am so privileged to be one of the two “white mothers” as their mom calls us. The Liberians have fluid family lines, not at all like we Americans and they liberally share their children with me. Thank you, thank you for doing this. I can’t wait to buy some things for Christmas.

Mandi - Awesome! I will have to check it out!
Oh–by the way, I am starting to blog and linked to you!

Roxie's Mom - Lovely. Wonderful cause, beautiful gifts, generous hearts. Just did some shopping!

susie whyte - thanks for posting this!! i’ve been waiting to hear when things were going to go on sale!!

Stephanie Carroll - Blogged it!
You share my heart for the less fortunate 🙂 Love it
Check out my post on Rahab’s rope!

duchess.of.reel - I’ve posted a short summary on my blog to promote the cause! Wanted to let you know. Let me know if you’d like me to change anything. You ladies are going to heaven for sure!

misty - I am so happy to see this! I have showed this to our pastor at church to see if we can help! I would write more, but I have to go shopping 😉 yay!

gina - Oh, I love this! i had linked to this charity’s homepage last year at Christmas time but I locve the idea of raising funds through etsy sales- it’s win-win in an economy where just making a straight out donation may not be an option!

Nancy-The Goat and The Kid - Beautiful… Christmas is so excessive now a days. Love the idea of giving something we take for granted to those who desperately need it. Fabulous…

Liana - Done and done! You’ve jump started my Christmas shopping!

Lee Ann Willis - thanks meg!!
i am sharing w/ lots of others…
love etsy!
are the multicolored braclets available thursday, is this the item you were referring to?
thanks!!!!! love your blog! you are so inspiring..your love of finding joy in our daily walk of life. you are awesome.
lee ann willis
atlanta, ga.

Jennifer Whitcombb - I’ll be taking a look today!

Toni :O) - Thank you for spreading the word. I can’t wait to do my Christmas shopping there, I had NO idea and such a terrific cause! I heart your blog SO much, it makes me happy to visit here, thank you for blogging! :O)

Amber - ♥ ♥ ♥ 😀 ♥ ♥ ♥

meghan - Oh what a great store and what a great purpose.
You inspire me!

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