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this is an account of annie's fifth birthday.
annie found this note on her door and started asking who made it for her.
i could tell sean had so she went to him and asked "sean…do you love me?!"  
he answered…"it's your birthday so i made you a card."
he was not going to say he loved her.
but his actions spoke it.  and he told talby "i used that because it's her favorite color"
i was smiling while listening to this hall way conversation still in my warm bed…6:45 AM.

annie is now five years old.
that is crazy.
and hard to have my baby be that age.

we took her two best buddies micah and eliza swimming…at 10:30 on a tuesday morning.
i felt just like i was back in my daycare days.
when lauren was this age i used to take her and my daycare kids (other 3 & 4 years olds) swimming.
then we'd have to get all dried off and dressed…that was what reminded me…3 times over.


annie chose wendy's for her birthday lunch.  
she started with pizza hut…changed her plans to sonic….then decided on wendy's 20 minutes before.
for the frosty.
which she only ate/drank half of anyway.
we took our happy meals to the park and ate on the top of the slide.
then the three of them played a game which consisted of screaming for help and running from "the boss"
but it kept them busy for 45 minutes.

a birthday card in the mail….with money…SCORE!  thanks great grandma!!

micah gave her some paint and it was the first thing she wanted to do when we got home.
IMG_1996  IMG_1986

new shoes.

i think annie was relieved to have her birthday over.
the pressure and excitement she was putting on herself for a month was exhausting her.
she told me so many times that she was "five now"…"ready for kindergarten" and "really big"

but she's my baby.

sniffle sniffle…my baby is not even close to a baby anymore.
pass the kleenex please.

Robin - I just finished copying Annie’s cake for my 4 year old’s birthday party tomorrow. It is just perfect for him. Love your style! Thanks!

elisa - Oh man, soooooo hard to watch them grow up!
Happy Birthday Annie!

Mandi - Happy birthday Annie!!

Sam - Happy birthday Annie! Looks like you had the most perfect day!!

Pineapple Princess - Happy birthday to the amazing Annie!
God bless your year!!!

Diana - What, you don’t know who “the boss” is?!?!
Okay, neither do I.
My grandkids play that game, too, LOL!
Happy Birthdayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, dear Annieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee….
Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
AWESOME shoes, Annie! Very cool in orange!

Christina - Sweet day…
I love that she wanted to paint first thing! So cute. Is she a lot like you in many ways?

Melanie - Happy birthday Annie!
Looks like you did a great job on her special day.
I am waiting for you to stop by my blog. You know I leave Florida on Saturday, headed for northern Kentucky. Might be borrowing that hot cocoa machine for those cold winters. LOL

Becca Parker - Happy Birthday Annie! Congratulations on being one whole hand, it’s a big deal. I like your new shoes!

your cool friend Cheryl - Happy birthday to your baby!

Amy - I have an Annie myself…she is 6…I totally understand the ‘baby no more’ syndrome! WAAAAA!!! Great photos…what a fun day!

Kelly - ahhh!!! happy, happy birthday! what a lovely, marshmallowey goodness kind of cake. looks like a fantastic day! sweet sean. 🙂 love the painting picture. kelly

Tonya McDaniel - Happy, happy birthday to your sweet, baby, big girl! My baby turned 5 earlier this year…it’s unbelievable.

kristin - okay. conversation at our house after the swimming time:
did you have fun?
what did you like?
did you ever cry?
yes! i cried the WHOLE way to swimming and then i never cried again.
did megan help you?
did you feel safe?
why did you cry?
i wanted you.
but then you had fun?
so next time you won’t cry because you know how to do it!
oh, i will cry. i will cry every time. and then i will stop.
:: :: ::
sorry, meg. and thank you for helping my child through this!!!

Lisa - Happy Birthday to Annie! What a wonderful looking day she had! 🙂

julie - Happy, happy day to Annie. Pass me some cake please.

alice - i love your cake – it’s so cute! happy birthday, annie!!!

Ruth - happy birthday to annie! she is just fabulous. the cake is gorgeous. and the shoes… perfection!

Carrie K - okay…i want to be five again! what a great birthday 🙂
fantastic pictures mama!!

Gratsia - Happy Birthday!!!!! Looked like a fun day…yummy cake!

Cindy Ashmore - Happy Birthday Annie!!!!

Nancy M - The 5th birthday is bittersweet. Quick, have another baby!

Stephanie Carroll - Is it weird that I want to do on my birthday exactly what Annie did on hers? Only I’ll be 26. So what?

Simies - Happy birthday, Annie!

Cami - Happy Birthday Annie!!! I love her new shoes and the cake is awesome.

meaghan - that is one sugary looking cake! so cute!! she makes me want to have a girl so badly 😉 happy day annie!

Kate - Happy Birthday, Annie! 🙂

amy - happy birthday to your little annie!
isn’t it nutty how fast they grow up?
p.s. please send me a piece of that cake.
pretty please!

kat - Happy birthday, sweet Annie! Precious pictures, incredible cake, priceless memories. She’ll always be your baby! 🙂

jen@ourdailybigtop - What a great birthday! I’ll be with you soon – my baby will turn 5 in June. Sigh.
PS: Love the marshmellows around the cake – great idea!

Ashley - That cake is fantastic… the new shoes are VERY annie… Eliza’s card is awesome. I love how she used pom poms for the finger nails! :)… the money shot (ha) is classic… and Sean is a sweetheart. It looks like Annie had an amazing day. 🙂

juliann brenner - Happy Birthday Annie! I remember being preggo at the same time; which means Olivia will be five in a MONTH! Wow, time flies…. The cake you made would be O’s dream cake; chocolate with lots of sprinkles and marshmallows…perfect!

Cori Heffernan - Happy Birthday Annie!! My baby Molly will be 5 in march. She is the youngest of 4. I almost cried in Kohls when I realized I had to move out of the 2T-4T section.I don’t have T’s anymore :(. I’ve spent the last 10 years in the T’s!!

Karina - Happy birthday Annie!!! My oldest (of three) is five and I already feel like crying because they are growing up so fast. Thanks for the gorgeous pics, as always. Annie is a doll.

Roxie's Mom - I’m still trying to figure out what’s so weird about screaming for help and running from the boss. Sounds like a pretty normal day for most folk. 🙂

Tracy - Awww…. Happy 5th Birthday, Annie! Our kids are growing up WAY TOO FAST, Meg! My “baby” will be 16 in only 17 more days – wah wah wah – pass the kleenex back to me, would ya?! :o)

Beth Ann - looked like a perfect birthday!!!!

Sophie - Happy birthday Annie!
Gosh, she’s such a gorgeous little lady. (:

Erin Johnson - That’s one super cute cake! Chocolate cake seasoned with marshmallows… magic.

Crystal - Beautiful. You are a super mom…it will be exciting to see what the next chapter brings for you. 🙂 Hope you are well! I miss chit chatting with you! 🙂

sarah - Painting topless must be so freeing. 🙂
I love that Sean made her a birthday sign!!
Looks like a wonderful day for her 🙂
*Passing you some Kleenex*

Trish - ahhhh…. why do they have to grow up so fast! it won’t fit in with the theme of addie’s strawberry shortcake birthday, but i am so making that cake for her she would absolutely freak out!!!! and that is what it’s all about.
thanks for inspiring me on a “real mom” level and not a crazy, hard to obtain level!

Mother Runner - Happy Birthday Annie! We love you!
Hope your b-day dinner and time with friends was THE BEST!

Lisa Marie - Awesome…My Maddie Love Wendy’s too… 🙂

Blanca - Happy Birthday Annie!!!!

susie whyte - the sean story is too cute. i love it when you catch those little conversations.
my almost 4 yr old daughter is usually nearby the computer when i check in on the duerksen’s and she loves to see annie’s photos. paint, playing in leaves, dress-up, etc. she asks me if that’s her friend(she has a friend in germany that she only sees through pics on the computer). ha ha.
happy birthday, annie!! hope you enjoyed your awesome cake! 🙂

Kristine - i love the card from eliza! is it appropriate to copy it for a thirty-something birthday?! i must!

pve - I love that she got relief on her birthday. Five is a great year and I love that photo with the money. Priceless.

amy - this is so beautiful and makes my heart pang for my future momma days! thank you so much for sharing, it looks like it was a perfect day.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Those pics were great Meg. The one with her holding the money to her face…priceless. Happy Birthday Annie!!

adrienneK - omg this is so sweet! and what a great cake!!!! i love the card and all the paint action!! i know its so weird ,zoe just turned four and im like…no…shes still a baby 🙁

Lane - Ok, I want Wendy’s now! 🙂
Happy Birthday to Annie!

Sarah@Clover Lane - Happy Birthday Annie! That cake looks SO good!

Kimberlee J. - Glad to see she liked the boots!

Lisa - Looks like such a happy day!

misty - {happy birthday annie!!}
I loved all of the pics, as usual~ & what a SWEETHEART you have for a son =) & what would craig say if you told him you were ready for just ONE more baby?? My husband says we’re finished and we just have one… so I will call her my baby til she’s… well, FOREVER =)

danyele @ a thorn among roses - …and she’s so precious! swimming. suckers. new shoes. chicken nuggets. friends. painting. sounds like the perfect bday to me

Kathy - AH! Annie happy birthday!WOw! she is a big girl now Mom already telling you she is ready for school! Here I’m passing you kleenx right now!

Sarah - Happy Birthday to your little one.

se7en - AAAAWWW – Cutie-pie!!! Happy Annie’s Day… I hope five is a great year for all of you!!!

Toni :O) - I LOVE the birthday shot of her and her friend jumping into the pool with their swimmies…SO C.U.T.E.! Great, great shot! Glad she had a fun birthday, she is just adorable!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Have you tried asking her to “please stay little”? I ask both of mine at least once a week and it hasn’t worked yet, but I’m not giving up.
I wish Calvin and Annie could play together. He would bring his Bob Ross palette.

traci - So sweet. happy birthday annie. i love her new shoes – they are so her!!!

sandy toe - You really capture the colorfulness of childhood…that cake is just great!
sandy toe

Erin V. - Oh my goodness, Annie is such a sweetheart! I’m glad she had a great 5th birthday! She will always be your baby no matter how old she is!

Lindy - Happy Birthday Dear Annie! My “baby” is 28, soon to have another baby of her own. Now, that makes you feel old.

Anna Marie - You need to give all of us Craig’s email list so we can talk him into letting you have another 😉
Happy birthday sweet little Annie!
{cute cake}

Nancy - I am right with you.. My little one will be 5 in a few months. That is a big year. LIke you said, Kindergarten. Just big stuff. I am sniffling for you. A dress rehearsal, warm up for me in March!

Sarah @ Dream In Domestic - Awww! Sweet Annie is five already! It looks like she had a great birthday. I love that she was painting topless. Oh to be that young again! That cake looks amazing, by the way. I can only imagine how good it probably tasted! Here’s to many more years of birthdays, because even though she may not be a baby, she will still be around the house for a long time! 🙂

Beth Ann - Awww, Happy Birthday, Annie! Looks like it was a great day.

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