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leaf mountain

for three years we have been doing this in november….
piling all the leaves in our yard in front of the trampoline and jumping into the leaf mountain.

please enjoy this huge amount of photos of leaf jumpers…
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now that the fun is over it's time to get those leaves out of here.


Kristi Wenger - And no one ended up in the emergency room? If my kid were there it would have ended in broken bones!

Christina - My son thought those were really cool, too!!

linda@LimeintheCoconut - Pure and simple joy. LOVE it.

tami reed - That looks like so much fun, woot!

Jill - All I could think is, what if someone lands on a stick or something. I’m a party pooper!

brooke.whitis - This looks so fun. The ‘mom’ side of me wants to say it looks scary, but the ‘wild’ side of me says that it’s so perfect for kids to let loose and have fun!!! Glad to see you are living the fall life to the fullest!!

Andrea from Orlando - Fabulous photos!!! So much fun!

Erica Anderson - Those are some great memories and some great pictures! They are so fun! =)

pve - good that this post did not end in a trip to the er.
looks fun!

Rach - Mind if we come over next November to join in the fun? 🙂

iola - Now that is a good time!!

Meg - I would totally freak out if I saw my son do that. But thats because I’m a city girl. We don’t have huge piles of leaves like that in Brooklyn! Great shots!

Courtney Walsh - Hilarious! I kinda wish we had a trampoline now! lol 🙂

Scrappy Girl - I can’t believe you didn’t get in on the jumpin’ FUN! Love the pics.

adrienne - o gosh! that makes my heart race! looks fun, but scary 🙂

Tracy - Oh wow – how FUN! I love all of your action shots and Craig cracks me up! :o)

the wild raspberry - holy frijoles…i was so scared watching that!
you have a very brave and enthusiastic son~

Notesfromthegrove - Hahahaha! Those are THE BEST PHOTOS! They just exude happiness!

Mrs. - TOTALLY scared to see those kids flipping into the leaves! Cracks me up that you are ‘fraid of heights but not that! Seems we all have our things…Happy Fall!

Kelly - Very fun! Kelly

Lisa - WOW !

Trina McNeilly - Wow..that looks like super fun.. you must be super chill because I would be afraid of someone getting hurt…….but then again that must be one big cushy pile of leaves.. I want to jump in them.

Karen - Looks like fun!

Amy - AWESOME!!!

Ashley - What a fun time! I love it!

Elisa - Trampolines provide so much entertainment- ours is losing the protective nets so soon we will be able to do this as well.
I’m sure you do the sprinkler under it in the summer? That is our fave

Meredith - I wonder if I can do that with my laundry mountain? Love, love, love your business cards. Any chance of a book…PW style? You know, just in your spare time…Meredith xo.

No.17CherryTreeLane - this is seriously awesome. Im going to go pile our leaves and then throw the cat into it. because we don’t have enough….

Ruth - Love it! Did YOU jump??!

Courtney - My husband ruined leaves for me this year… when I showed him pictures of the kids in them he said, “did you check for cat poop?”
Um, no! Should I??!

Lorilee - You definitely have some daredevils there! Looks like awesome fun for the brave sort!

Kacey - Awesome! From what I remember, playing in the leaves was always the fun part – all the raking and bagging afterward, not so much.

meaghan - that is seriously alot of leaves!!! i want a trampoline!! love craig’s pic!

julie - I have to agree with others that I got a little nervous looking at the ones of your son!
LOVE your blog!

se7en - That looks awesome!!!

PaiselyJade - Those are such cool photos!!! Love the flip – cute.

Ivy Bettinger Smith - That looks like SO much fun!!!!

Allikayes Mama - Oh wow…that’s a lot of leaves! Those flip ones were making me nervous! Once again…awesome pictures!!

Tanya Munoz - Ahhhh. I love this! Shoot, I live in Socal and have no leaves!

Mother Runner - Craig may be a leaf ‘piler’ but I don’t believe he is a leaf ‘jumper’. I want a picture to PROVE IT!

Kelly - How fun is that? Totally made me smile! 🙂

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Ah you are such a great mom. Hope your kids appreciate the trampoline. I’m kind of a stick in the mud with that one:) Looks like a ball!!

Anna Marie - Craig is a hoot!

amy d - too funny!! the one of your craig cracks me up!!

Sharla - I agree, my stomach hurt a little bit thinking of the landing your son was going to feel. No pain?! That trampolins always makes me wish we had one!

Kristine - awesome pics. looks like a blast. craig looks like air jordan!

Trish - I think you have some gymnasts on your hands! Wow… next year we need a picture of you jumping on the tramp 🙂

pam - some of those hurt my stomach imagining the landing!!! the one of craig is a classic 🙂 xo

Andrea - Oh! Those flippy shots just make me cringe! Looks like fun, though.
Your business cards are so cute, by the way.

Kathy - Looks like alot of fun but you oldest son is freaking me out with the flips….please land okay no broken necks!!

Sarah @ Dream In Domestic - Oooh so much fun!!! I love that even Craig joined in! Did you happen to join in on the fun?

gina entz - The fun doesn’t have to be over. You could load up the trampoline, grab the rake and come to our house. I’m fairly certain we could make a pile of leaves five times higher. Which would mean five times the fun, right? Oh, and then the fun would be doubled by my kids joining in. Which would be ten times the fun. Have I convinced you yet?

Donna - That’s AWESOME! my girls would love that. too bad we don’t have any leaves..can we borrow some?

Jess - once again…wishing I was your neighbor. that looks like so much fun! almost makes me miss raking leaves. pine needles are not fun.

sarah - HAHA. The one of Craig makes me giggle.
Great pictures.
Fun times.

Jane - OK so maybe I am the “square” commenter here, but I give you a lot of credit for bravery! Some of those pics made me nervous! I am not the least bit athletic and would have no faith that I wouldn’t break my neck, but it sure looks like your kids were filled with bliss and abandon. Lovely!

Amanda - that’s awesome! i love that craig got on there too.

Lacy Brauner - Your son in the orange is an athelete!(sp?)..he needs to do male cheerleading or gymnastics!or a college yell leader! love love love the pics. i also agree with the Starnes fam…Im in Houston and leaves dont fall like that here! can we say, j-e-a-loussss!?

Starnes Fam - Our love affair with leaves blossomed this year when we moved to the Midwest. No leaves like this in Colorado or Texas, our two previous homes. They are delightful!

carissa... brown eyed fox - do you know how badly i have always wanted to do that! always!
never have… never been around a big pile of leaves like that i don’t think!
i guess we’ve never had trees like that.
i love big trees like that!
i think i just found something else to add to that 40 before 40 list! 🙂

misty - wow! that looks like F U N! You should make Craig take a pic of you jumping into the leaves next year!!

Jaime - OMGosh…. How cute. But I am amazed that no one was hurt in the making of that photo shoot!! 🙂 Looks like fun!

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