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like there is so much to do and no time.  :)

we started thanksgiving on sunday at craig's mom's.
yummy stuff.
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also at thanksgiving we take part in Operation Christmas Child.
we fill a shoebox with gifts for needy children and then the boxes are sent all of the world to children
who would not receive any gifts at all.
our family has been doing it 8 years now.  
the kids love to help with it.
this year i had them watch a video about it so they could put some faces to their project.



but this year i did the shopping alone while they were in school.
taking all of them to shop for four different boxes just was too crazy to do again.
i went with an art theme.
i trust God that HE will pick the exact children somewhere in the world that have a passion to create 
and they will get our special boxes.
we filled them with markers, crayons, paint, paper, pipe cleaners, colored pencils, glue, and glitter.
we filled two for boys so they got matchbox cars.
and two for girls and they got a baby doll.
then i had the kids make a card for their box and we included a family photo.

it's fun to do together…the kids take real pride in making their box special.
check it out here.  it's not too late!


i spent yesterday morning at school with talby helping them make a feast.
i don't know how teachers do it.
i was completely overstimulated when i left.
i'm like the grinch "oh the noise noise NOISE noise!"

it surprised me that kids were actually eating this stew.
if i had made this for talby at home….she would have cried and refused to even try it.
but there…she ate it!
she admitted it wasn't very good but she still ate it.
funny kids.

we sat with these two goofballs…they were very entertaining. 

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i let them hold my camera to take some pictures!
and now…back to my junk.
i took the kids for donuts…put away a bunch of laundry..changed my sheets…cleaned the kids' disgusting bathroom
 (it was beyond gross)…christmas shopped online…unpacked my suitcase from SB.

now i need a big cup of hot coffee and it's back to my pictures.

to my families from yesterday: i am behind already.
i blame a migraine and a feast with the second grade.  

ps:  annie is screaming in her room like a complete maniac about losing a barbie blanket.  
could be a long day.

Brenda England - I had been doing shoeboxes with my son from the very beginning then had the opportunity to sit on the local promotion committee and go into the community to talk about Operation Christmas Child. I then went with a group to deliver them in Mexico. What a life changing event to see the children’s faces of anticipation (even after waiting in the heat sitting on the side of a rocky hill for an hour) and the squeals of delight as they opened the little boxes. Not only did we deliver the boxes, we also had a doctor, dentist and nurse with us to do a medical clinic. I taught people how to brush their teeth, gave them a toothbrush and toothpaste. We also hooked up water filteration systems. This program effects the whole community not just the children. Keep giving through the gifts in a shoebox. Your use of the plastic container is good as this can be used for food storage or as a water container. Tissue paper or wrapping paper can cover a drafty spot on a wall or add colour to a plain wall. Be creative and add fun.
Brenda from Canada

Marla - OH! Some sweet familiar faces here! Clara has really been “Kansas sick” especially coming down from the holiday spent at grandma and grandpa’s house. Will you be around during the Christmas holiday? We will be in Ks and Clara would LOVE to see Talby!

diane reeves - This was our first year to fill a shoebox. I don’t think my daughters understood exactly what we were doing until I showed them the videos.
It is so cool that you can track the package to find out what country they were sent too.

Holly M - I LOVED the mashed potato shot! Made me smile 🙂 You’re always so creative with your camera work and so fun to read! Thanks for being so honest and for making us laugh!

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - we love OCC too 🙂 love the art theme!!

christi - daniel and i do these too! i just sent mine off.

pve - wow!

Candace - (Longest Comment in History)
Thank you for the link to Samaritan’s Purse. We watched the Matthew West/Amy Grant “Give Christmas AwaY” video at church last week and those boxes have been on my mind ever since. And to think you are praying that your boxes bless the children they are going to in so many more ways than just a Christmas present! Those art supplies could change a kids’ life. Head and heart and soul all in a shoebox.
Question: How do you get your boxes to one of the drop off locations? We want to participate, but do not live anywhere close to those locations.
As a teacher, you just kind of get used to the noise or drown it out. Probably like you are able to drown out Barbie blanket “noise”. Or you just turn off the lights in the classroom and magically they stop to ward off a visit from Viola Swamp!
I wouldn’t have eaten that stew either. Or the jello. Cornbread and brownies for this pilgrim. 🙂
Have a wonderful weekend!

Georgia - Meg that video really got me choked. My work did something similar last year which was good. I love the idea of giving the children with nothing, something amazing! We dont celebrate thanks giving here in the UK, so just waiting for christmas which is reeeeaaallly exciting!! Love your photos as always!!!

Heather - Thankful for your blog…always puts a smile on my face. Have a happy Thanksgiving!

TidyMom - ok, I had to laugh Meg, what does your family think when you fill your plate at the Thanksgiving Table and then you say “Wait! I need a picture of my plate!” LOL!! I do it infront of my immediate family, but I don’t think my extended family would understand! LOL sure looks yummy!!
Sounds like you had a wonderful, full day!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Lisa - Wow! that’s a lot for one lady to do. You must be supermom. Where do you hide your cape? I love the “Operation Christmas Child” I think it is a wonderful tradition and it gives the kids a chance to give back. I will definitely be keeping this link for future reference.
Take Care,

Melanie - You crack me up! I wouldn’t want any noise after going to the school either:)
Coffee is in order.
Have a great Thanksgiving.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Oh girl I hear ya. Every time I go to the school and eat lunch with my daughter I usually go home and take a nap or pop some Ibuprofen. How do teachers do it?? They are amazing.
Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving Meg. I want you to know how much I’ve enjoyed following you and your family on your daily journey. Your blog is my favorite…and that’s saying something… I follow ALOT of different ones. Just thought you’d like to know that:)

kristin - i. hear. you.
take care, friend.

Maria - Love the shoeboxes! What a great thing to do…putting it in my calendar for next year and going to try and send at least one off for this year! Thanks for sharing!

amy - just wanted to wish my dear bloggy friend a happy thanksgiving.
happy thanksgiving! 🙂

jennifer - That’s such a great idea to do the CC shoeboxes as a Thanksgiving activity!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Megan!

carissa... brown eyed fox - have i told you already?
don’t recall.
your HAIR… SO cute!
BIG hugs to you… and a hAppY Thanksgiving!

Anne Marie - Your dinner and presents look terrific. I have to say though that I’m disappointed schools are still doing the “dress like a stereotype of a Native American” thing when it’s so inaccurate and stereotyping of Native Americans. I thought that went out over the last decade or so.

se7en - Oh you guys have such fun!!! You are really good at turning the “Whatevers” in life into “specials”… We also do shoeboxes, Fun!!!

lora - Thanks for the video about the shoeboxes. I’ll show it to my kids. They had fun shopping (I only have 2…and is much easier than 5!) Your boxes look great. The kids who receive them will be so happy. I saw a picture this morning in the Focus on the Family magazine of kids running with their boxes after receiving them. It made me cry.

Joni - I’ve done those shoeboxes for years, but never thought to go with a theme! What a smart idea, themes are so much fun and they can work up enthusiasm! Good job on that…and I loved all your photos that summed up your week since Sunday. Dinner looked wonderful!

Beth - Great post 🙂 I hear you about the noise, really I do!! And I also hear you about the screaming in room and a long day! I have been forcing my kids to clean today. Company coming. They argue it’s only Aunt Debbie. House is still a mess, but much better than it was. I’m starting a new art teacher blog at Only one post so far. Hope it’s a good day!

Jacci - Happy Thanksgiving 🙂 Looks like you all had a wonderful celebration already. I’m making the stuffing this year – the smell of the celery and onion we just sauteed along with that top pic made me really hungry! Hope you all have a great weekend.
Jacci in Ohio

Amy - Haha! THE NOISE, NOISE, NOISE!!! That cracked me up! We did Operation Christmas child as well…I had MY Annie and Noah watch that video too…thanks for passing it along! Great post…neat pictures!
PS-how do you get CLEAR pictures INSIDE with NO FLASH? 🙂

margaret - We have been doing shoeboxes since last year. The Sunday school class I teach does them.
This time of year is alwasy so busy.
Have a great Thanksgiving.

Amanda - We do shoe boxes every year too. It’s one of my favorite parts of the holiday season. I love watching my kids experiencing the joy of giving, and listening to them as they pray over each box…it warms my heart.
I love the arts and crafts theme you did, I think we might steal your idea for our boxes next year!

misty - I read this blog and then headed to our neighborhood watch coordinators house to drop off the turkey my husband received from his work. Last week I asked her if she knew a needy family that would need a turkey~ she called me last night and said she had just the family~ 2 little girls 8 & 2~ just moved here with their mother who is running from a severely abusive relationship & they have nothing & missed the deadlines for the angel tree and holiday baskets. When I heard they missed the deadline for the angel tree I told her to find out what they needed & wanted so she did. The 8 year old wants art supplies. The 2 year old wants dishes lol So, Hobby Lobby here I come~ are supplies it is! and I wrote down everything you put in this box for some ideas… Then I will hunt down some play dishes. =) It was crazy to me to read this, drive a mile down the road and hear her say~ she just wants art supplies. =)

Staci - I was JUST thinking that same thing….about the stew 🙂 My kiddo wouldn’t TOUCH it if I had made it home…..GOOD FOR TALBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Thanksgiving Sweet Bloggy Friend!!! 🙂

Tanya - You are such an inspiration. I’m very thankful you share your family, love and joy with the world. Happy Thanksgiving!

Casey - Operation Christmas Child is my favorite charity to do with children. I love how it relates to them…..and how they encourage prayer after the boxes are sent. We started last year and will continue……glad to know so many participate!
Happy Thanksgiving! I’m grateful for this crazy blogging world and to “know” you because of it!

Sharla B. - Sophie really wants to go to school right now. 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving!

Art Cant Hurt - i thought i was the only one who screamed over lost barbie blankets! 🙂
have a wonderful thanksgiving filled with the grace and blessings given to you by Him!
take care!

Crystal - We have already had a long day here too…Moses was awake from 3-5:30!!! oy! I’m sending you a box today…just somethings you could maybe use or your girls can put to use. 🙂 xo

dawn - We love the shoeboxes too. AND — I know those days — the ones that start with a screaming child… My screaming child is at school today — but now I have two dogs that follow me like the pied piper. I think we all need a walk! Have a great weekend. 🙂

Trish - 🙂

Debra - Oh dear lots going on! We do the shoeboxes too here in Canada. I love knowing where they’re going. Don’t work too hard and have a good Thanksgiving!

Donje - happy thanksgiving megan!

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