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more water.

but this time….you could win something i really want.
since it's for clean water i will share it.
otherwise i would keep it a secret so i would have a better chance of winning.

tara whitney is giving away a photo shoot to one person who donates toward her family's well.
she has 2 days left to reach her goal of $10,000.

don't you want in on that?
i know you do.

it's for clean water…

for her.  

and her.

and them.

go here to tara's site to help her reach her $10,000.

and if you win her photo shoot and i don't….i will still be happy for you.  
i promise.
(ps: tara i love your blog so much….you are so talented….you are pure inspiration)

amy - tara whitney is my fave photographer! doesn’t she rock?
and i have to say, because i know you will get where i’m coming from, but isn’t it ironic how many people will leave comments when you post something silly like a cute craft or decorating stuff, but when you post something completely and totally relevant to today, like charity water, not nearly as many leave comments? i think you are amazing for using this blog for so much good. and i think you pretty much rock too.
🙂 please continue to just be you.

Ruth - I thought about your efforts to get water to people on Thanksgiving, when I was watching the news reports about people standing in line to “be first” on Black Friday. How ironic, that we live in a land so plentiful that we have the luxury to choose to stand in line for overpriced, plastic TOYS. On the same planet, we have people that must walk for hours and stand in line, dusty and tired, just to get water–one of life’s most basic necessities.
That is just so, so wrong.

linda@LimeintheCoconut - What a perfect goal to attain to. Water…clean. Yes!

jeanne - I love her work too!!! What a wonderful thing to all be working towards!!!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Oh I love her site. Thanks for sending me there. Let’s keep our fingers crossed;)

Heather Cheatham - How awesome!!! How incredibly awesome!!! I love that so many people are feeling the passion to get clean water to people that don’t have it. That rocks!
I hope you win the photo shoot! You deserve it! You and your cute family!

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