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so….i am going to a scrapbooking bed and breakfast this weekend.

a few months back some women from my church asked me to go with them.
"i have plenty of time to get ready…no problem…it will be fine." i told myself many times.

i am a moron.

hello?  it's december 11.
christmas is in 2 weeks….i am so ridiculous.

i didn't order my photos.
i haven't scrapbooked since the last time i went to this b&b 14 months ago.
and guess where all my supplies are?
behind that.
and that is my stack of christmas gifts.

so i decided i am not even going to TRY to scrapbook.
the pressure to find that creativity when my brain is so fried….i can't take it.

i am going to wrap my gifts.
yes…i am going to drag them all to another town and wrap them.

i am going to work on a christmas card/photo/letter project.

i am going to set up my blog posts for the week of christmas vacation so i can take a break.

i am going to sew two t-shirts for etsy orders.
if i can dig my machine out.
can you see it?

those cheez-it's?
i have no idea why they are there…how long they have been there….who put them there….yuck.

i am also going to plan out my big week.
next week i am going to have CRAFT WEEK with my kids.
i want to make a different christmas craft every day after school…supplies ready and out for when they come home from school…hot cocoa and cookies waiting…christmas music playing in the background.
sounds dreamy.
we'll see how it goes.
i will use my time this weekend to make lists of the crafts i want to make & the supplies i will need.
i am excited.

and maybe i will watch some of my favorite movies.

one other pic from the disaster of a craft room…
for julie, heather and sarah.
check out my lockers!

i bought them at the barn sale in september and painted them red.
they are full of fabric, t-shirts, canvases, and bags.
they looked like this at the barn….
craig said "you PAID for this?"
and then he said "good job honey…it looks really good." when they were painted.

ok…i have to do 25 things at least before i leave town.

but the GOOD NEWS is…the b&b has WIFI. 

adrienne - good for you for getting those lockers painted.. projects tend to sit around forever at my house before i finally get to them. feeling right at home in the craft room 🙂 LOL!

Melanie Rabb - Can you tell what paint you used on the lockers??

Rachel - I love the “you paid for these” comment! My husband would say the exact same thing. They’re absolutely lovely 🙂

Lori - I LOVE the lockers! And, I love the craft idea with your kiddos- how fun! Hope you’ll post about it 🙂

Michelle - I LOVE this posting! That is exactly how my desk at work (kindergarten teacher) and my home work areas look. I do manage to get things done, but I have no idea how to do it in a neat and orderly work area. How do some people do that? I love your stacks and piles. I think you deserve a pile-it’s lisence too! I’m proud of mine!

Christen - Hi so I don’t think I have ever commented here before but I read you blog all the time and even ordered a shirt for my daughter a while back…. anyways so the lockers… awesome… I have some in my garage but I am so scared to paint them can you do a recap sometime on how you did it?Was it easy? Now I decided I should definitely go with RED!
Thanks 🙂

marie - love reading ur blog almost daily so much that i made the rainbow cake for my daughters 4th bday today! everybody thought it was awesome! thanks for the recipe!

Kelly - I love the lockers and I think you’re BRILLIANT for the things you’re going to do at the “scrapbooking” b&b. Craft week sounds fantastic! Kelly

Kristy - you are a lucky girl to have a room for your stuff. mines all over the house. oh to have a room, how lovely it would be :O)
have fun on your weekend. i think wrapping gift sounds great. i have a gift wrapping night at my home, some christmas music, little snack, beverage, tape, paper, ribbon and friends. its a great night :O)
have fun!

callie grayson - lol! that is how my room looks too! mine is so bad that I moved to the dining room to assemble some feather clip items that I was making for a charity event and ding bat me, left the box of feathers in the room so when I went to work my dog (which happens to be a bird hunting dog) pulled the box down and tore it apart. When I got home there were feather and glitter all over the place!!
I was thinking about you and your craft room, saying to myself “I wish I have a lovely craft room just like Meg! with windows an lots of space to assemble my items!!”
Hope your week goes well at the B& B and your week of crafting with the kids is amazingly memorable!!

Stephanie Howell - love this post.
LOVE those lockers.
and scrapbooking? shouldn’t be stressful. i say just do whatever makes you happy!!! although the idea of meg scrapbooking makes ME very happy!! 😉

Mary Beth - Everybody’s craftroom looks like that in December!
I once went to a quilt retreat
I didn’t participate at all!
OH WAIT, I ate.
Have a great time!

jeanne - I am laughing so hard because about 9 months ago I went to a weekend scrapbooking weekend with one of my good friends….and didn’t scrapbook….I made jewelry. Jewelry…and I was sooo happy. Everyone’s home/office space looks like that right now. Love the lockers!!!!!

holly - Meg, I don’t typically comment, but I HAD to today. That craft room is awesome! By awesome I mean it looks just like mine. Oh except for I have NO natural light in mine, but it has so much random crap and presents and giftwrap and scrapbook stuff and picture frames that need to be fixed or nativity pieces to super glued back together.
I totally did this last time I was going away for a scrapbook weekend. I ended up sending my pictures to be picked up at the Target near where i was scrapping.
Have fun girl!

Trena McNulty - I MUST know what colour those lockers are…please email me:
Thanks so much!

Sara Cameli - Go Girl! Craft week idea: Birds. paper mache birds. We made them in my 6th grade art class and they were pretty cute. So maybe too hard for the little ones. All I did was squish newspaper into the general shape of bird body and head, squeeze tiny beak shape, used some masking tape to keep neck,beak, head shape, then paper mache.(incorporate loop for hanging if you want it to be an ornament) You can easily turn into an ornament because it is so lightweight. Doesn’t need legs. If you have tissue paper, last layer of paper mache can just be colored tissue and it looks REALLY cute. Or you could cover in glitter, or or or…ha ha. Can you tell I was loving the project? I will try to email you a picture. I am just having Lilly decorate some that i made as samples.

Michelle - Enjoy your non-scrapbooking, Scrapbooking Weekend!

Lindsay - you can always wrap the Cheez Its up for one of the kids…just for fun. a little snack while you open up the rest of the gifts on Christmas 🙂
I too have called myself a moron on more than one occasion…like tonight when I thought I was going to make snowman cookies (which I did and it took 2 hours), AND get some stuff done for work, AND do the laundry…whatever…in my dreams.

linda lou - meg……..i belong to a scrapbooking group and i went today (friday 11th) and we had our christmas luncheon and visited and did very little scrapbooking…didn’t think to take my christmas gifts to wrap, i would of gotten credit for doing that instead scrapbooking pages. i did clean out my big bag of stuff and its so surprising what i had in there (:
have a good and safe trip.
linda w (amy d, mom

Amy - HAHA! This cracks me up…I’ve taking other projects to scrapbooking nights too! LOVE THE LOCKERS! I wish I had an eye for cool stuff like that!

lisabaggett - I am so feeling like your post today…….I have so many ideas of what I want to be making for holiday crafts but sadly I don’t think it will happen this year. I still haven’t finished up my Silver Bella projects. I think January will be the month! Ha! The lockers are fabulous and a big hats out for you for completing this one. I know it took lots of TLC to make them look like they do now……but atleast you have the guts to say you are going to do something entirely different than scrapbook this weekend. Yay!

Amy Bryant - Cracking up laughing! I decided the same exact thing the last few sb retreats I attended. I just take a project like cards, knitting, whatever and plan on visiting and resting. I actually have a friend who makes pages for weeks in advance and hides them from her family, then she comes home from a retreat, whips them out and says, “Look what I did!!!” Genius!!!

jennifer - I love how your craft room still looks so fun and colorful and inviting, no matter what you’ve got going on in it!
And the box of cheez-its cracks me up! That’s the kind of thing I find in my seven year old sons room, when I finally clean up the fort he’s built and been sleeping in for a couple weeks.
Have a wonderful weekend! And I can’t wait to see the fun crafts you come up with!

Jemm - That b & b sounds wonderful, minus the scrapbooking! I love your old blue/green stools. And are those PW cookbooks I see stashed for gifts. I just got my copy and love it! Your lockers are fab too! I could take some of those items off your hands if you need me too, you know so you’d have more room 🙂

Suzette Mahoney - Oh you have inspired me with the whole “crafting with cookies, cocoa & music”…..wonder how I can get my two teen boys to craft? The cookies and cocoa, no brainer….I love your blog!

Tanya - oooh I really really really love those lockers! Good eye! And you miss Megan are no moron.

Cate O'Malley - Now I don’t feel so bad about the small mountain in the corner of my bedroom, Christmas presents to be wrapped. I *did* organize them, though, this weekend, so I could have a clearer picture of who I need what for.
In that Pottery Barn bag in the first picture, the fingerless rainbow gloves – any chance you remember where you got that? Love the rainbow colors!

Trina McNeilly - I still think your messes look pretty…maybe if I post some of my messes someone will tell me it looks pretty and I’ll feel better about my messess and piles.. but I doubt it 😉 Have a fun weekend!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - YOU totally crack me up. I can’t believe you are dragging all of your gifts somewhere else to wrap them. You make me just laugh inside!!! Love the lockers…awesome. They look so good painted red. BTW Jeanne told me you were going out to CO. I am beyond jealous that you guys are hanging out…without me! I want to meet you someday really bad. I swear I’m not a weirdo…honestly, just ask Jeanne. She knows I have a blog crush on you and she loves me anyway;) Hope you feel a sense of peace and control after getting some of your “to-do’s” done.

Laura Phelps - OK, so wait…THIS is what you decided? To GO and drag your gifts with you? I think I need to come and strap you down to your bed.
And I am laughing…I have IN MY HEAD the same crafting planned with my kids..of course, first I have to plan, buy supplies, and oh yeah..get rid of the SWINE flu that I have been denying I have for 6 weeks……little things, like that…
have fun, crazy lady…!!!!!! And send me those cheezits..we have nothing to eat over here!

Chris - I’m so glad to see someone else has a room that looks like my office!

Jennifer Dawn - The craft week sounds fantastic! The lockers are awesome…so jealous. You see things for their potential and that is a BEAUTIFUL things. Enjoy your productive weekend.

Meredith - Maybe your guardian angel just knew that you would need to have a weekend away just to wrap presents in peace and quiet. This is a trend that could take off. Mothers! Wives! Daughters! Come to us all who are weary and wrap presents at our B&B. Kid-free! No vacuuming! We’ll make all your meals! Loving it, Meg.
I adore your craft room. If Santa’s workshop had to cater for the needs of a large family, an etsy shop and a vintage addiction, it would look exactly the same, don’t you think? Hope you get away with a minimum of a fuss and enjoy your weekend. Meredith xo.

Donna - Wow, looks like my craft room. OK, maybe not all of the cool vintage stuff, just the mess! Love the lockers. OMG. Fabulous. And my favorite part of the whole post is the hand “waving” out of the PB bag in the first pix.

Jaimie - The pictures of your craft room make me want a craft room where I can make a mess like that. BF is a clean freak. I would love to have my own area to mess up as much as I want. I hate getting stuff in and out of a closet.
ANYWAYS, have fun!!

kristin - i have those rainbow striped hand warmers…hee hee hee.
oh, have fun!

Tonya - some people would kill for those amazing aqua and green stools in your craft room…..ok, maybe just me! 😉 i have $100’s wrapped up in scrapbooking and never make the time to do it. i don’t even print my pictures for goodness sake!
have fun and get loads of relaxing done!
oh, i got the gigantic glass canister the other day at wally-world. i love it so much…thanks!

your cool friend Cheryl - Even your mess is cute and colorful!
Have a fun weekend 🙂

Sarah @ Clover Lane - Holy heck, I’m coming over and helping you clean that room. I’d be having heart palpitations. (I am everytime when I look in MY closet!)
Jeff does the same thing to me when I bring something home or have a crazy idea…but THEN he says, after it looks all nice and good, and someone compliments it, “Doesn’t it look good? WE just painted it and blah blah blah…” and the whole time I’m thinking WE, WE, WE??? Are you KIDDING me?
Hope you catch up! Hope you get your fun craft week with cookies and hot cocoa! Sounds divine.

Lisa - This post made me feel so much better about my life. LOL. (I saw PW cookbooks in that pile!) LOVE the Christmas crafts idea. I just may steal it if I can get over whatever this crud is that has stolen a week of my Christmas productivity! Enjoy your weekend. Oh, and I love the lockers. You have such vision 🙂

Sara @ Queen of the House - Thank you.
Thank you for the “craft week” inspiration. I needed that. I want to do that. I need to get myself organized and planning!
And a big thank you for showing your mess so I can feel better about mine. It’s good to not feel alone! 🙂

Jill - Ooh, a whole weekend out of the house to get things done, that sounds Heavenly. I’m feeling pretty jealous over here…

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - the lockers are AMAZING!
if you get lost on the way to the b&b, we have room for you in so-cal 🙂
and I can’t wait for my surprise! you are too funny 🙂
have a great weekend!!

Benay - Can I say that i am so glad to see your mess? It makes me feel better about mine! And, I love the christmas craft week idea. I think I’ll try that, too. Thanks for sharing!

Kristine - yeah, the idea of YOU scrapbooking was overwhelming ME! i’m so glad you’re going to get away to be productive! i love it! i NEED it!
in response to your other post, i totally refer to you as though i know you too. i’ll tell my hubby, “oh this is meg’s recipe…” or whatever. and he’s always like, “who’s meg again?” or i say it to my friends when i say who made natalie’s birthday shirt or took her pictures or something… and under my breath i mutter…”my blog friend…” 🙂
have a great weekend! enJOY!

Alyssa - You can do it..If anyone can pull it is you….Good job!

Lori - First let me just admit that I am super jealous of your lockers! I pine to own some! Enjoy your weekend away and I hope that you get enough done that you can feel caught up when you get back.

Amanda - SO EXCITED for this weekend! I have no idea how I am going to fit 3 of us and all of our stuff in my tiny car – we may be tying some things to the top! I got my sweats and some yummy snacks, my computer and my pepsi! I’m good to go! If you REALLY REALLY REALLY want to scrapbook, you could just do some pages for me 😉 See you soon! DEEP BREATH.

Cori - Have a great time!My bedroom looks like your craft room minus the cool red locker but i think i have the cheezits! The good thing is my kids are not noticing presents not put away! They would stand out more if they were in a bag in my closet all wrapped up. Al least that is what i’m telling myself….

julia - love the lockers and love the metal stools too – I need to look through Kansas’ stuff! I’m missing out!
Messy is fun – if your sewing room looked neat as a pin, we’d might be a little bored 🙂

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I don’t know much about scrapbooking, but I do know plenty about Cheez Its. I hope you weren’t “yuck”ing them in general… They are so, so good. Except for when they are a tiny bit burnt. That has happened to me more than once. Come on, Cheez Its quality control, do your job! Sheesh.

amy - i laughed out loud when you called yourself a moron! of course i was thinking, “welcome to my world, sista!” the ENTIRE time i was reading! you brave girl, posting pics of your craft room–i have taken pictures of my craft room three times and still haven’t posted them on my blog. maybe today’s the day!
oh yeah–have fun this weekend!

Nina - I can’t even get into my craft/sewing room because of all of the gifts i need to wrap!

susie whyte - those are the best pictures ever!! good luck with all your fun. remember to take deep breaths in between the chaos. 🙂

Mindy - I am so glad you said all that. I have been feeling so jealous of seeing people posting scrapbook layouts all over their blogs and wanting to scrap so bad but I have christmas cards to create and gifts to sew and cleaning and a million other things. Isn’t that what a craft room should look like? Mine does except my craft area is in our bedroom so it’s kind of hard to ignore it or move around much. I hope you have fun and get organized for your christmas! I’ll be excited to read how it goes.

kat - Hahaha! Mmmmm, are those Cheezits a Christmas gift too? I work part-time at a Gymboree and one time I found a box of Wheat Thins on the back of the toilet. Who sits on the toilet and eats Wheat Thins and then leaves the box there? So gross and hilarious! Have fun this weekend, sounds like it will be super fun and productive!

Tara @ the cinnamon post - the CHEEZ IT box thank you! i’d love to see your christmas crafts because the kids and I just sat staring at each other in the craft room last evening and couldn’t come up with anything! love the lockers…i just might try that on some my husband picked up when a gym went out of business…

Sharla - Meg, this is such a great post. I am (and it sounds like many others) are feeling just like you. But you gave me a great idea. Since I now have a kid in kindergarten, we’re actually taking (more) time off before/after the holidays and I am going to try and make crafts/cookies/something with my kiddos when I’m off work in the mornings with them. Thanks for inspiring me! I hope you have a great weekend!! And those lockers look AMAZING! Seriously jealous.

Jen Christians - You made my day. I was thinking I was overwhelmed and needed a Xanax ( I almost called my doctor!!) But then I realized it was just normal, over committed, holiday anxiety, no neep to medicate, just sit on my butt for a few minutes and catch up on some fav. blogs… that’s even better than a xanax!

Kate - Have a wonderful time! 🙂

Sandy - My favorite part of this post??…
“i want to make a different christmas craft every day after school…supplies ready and out for when they come home from school…hot cocoa and cookies waiting…christmas music playing in the background.
sounds dreamy.
we’ll see how it goes.”
ESPECIALLY the “we’ll see how it goes.” because I know you mean it. I had to chuckle thinking of Annie have a meltdown, etc. Thanks over and over again for being real.
I do hope it turns out as dreamy as it sounds though!!

A pocket full of posies... - I do believe you have just come up with a brilliant idea!…a “finish-up-your-Christmas” weekend…wouldn’t that be so fun?!! to meet-up with your friends, wrap presents, finish all the “lists”, EAT yummy Christmas goodies…and maybe even craft a little! sounds positively dreamy to me!

Andrea @ Big Creek Cottage - Meg, thank you so much for showing your office/craft room stacked with Christams gifts…that is how my office/ craft room looks…my kids are so afraid to go in there…they haven’t even snooped …..and their presents, most of them….are stacked right there!!!! Have a great relaxing time!

Allison Blackwell - You crack me up! I’m stressed out for you because those pictures look like my bonus room. There are not enough hours in the day. Have fun this weekend.

Courtney Walsh - Oh my gosh. You are WISE for not trying to scrap right now. Maybe you could make gifts? Do you make any gifts for anyone? I am making caramel corn… not that you could make that… but my point is that I am hoping I actually MAKE IT and that it actually survives until it’s delivered because truly… I just want to sit on the couch and eat caramel corn.
I hope you have fun at your weekend away!! 🙂

Lanny Stanard - your making me tired… Have fun and enjoy ! I’m getting ready to have 40 people over Sunday 🙂 so long…

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