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resolutions….like everybody else.

this year…i made some.
i don't know if i really have ever written down my resolutions (or goals or whatever we should call them).
i am not good at keeping them…like 99% of people.
but maybe since i wrote them out
and share them with all of you
i may feel more accountability than if i kept them in my head.


my goals for 2010:

i haven't been giving Him my firsts…He's been getting the last of me.
the moments before i fall asleep or the passing prayer while driving or folding laundry.
not REAL time.
and i miss Him.  
and hate when i lazily wander away.
He wants me with Him.  
when i stop and spend time with Him…there is no other peace or contentment that compares.

it feels so good that first 30 minutes after a workout.
i wish i could remember that.
i wish you could get that feeling first and then do the workout…
but i guess that feeling is part of the reward.

it's hard to workout with kids at home.
but during my time that annie is at school i CAN do it.
so i will.

hello my name is meg and i am an internet addict.

i am only half kidding.
i could sit on the computer all day long but it has proven to not be beneficial.
can you believe it?
so…while annie is at school…i am going to keep my computer closed.

if i can't control myself i may have craig put parental controls on my computer
and not tell me the password!!

this one shouldn't be that hard….right?
unless i just can't stop exercising and reading my bible or surfing the internet all day long.  :)

i have BIG plans for my shop in the next month so this is major.
but even if i didn't…it fuels my creative soul.
working with my hands is what makes me happy…makes me grow & feel…it fills me with joy.

i need it.
almost everyday.

this will be the hardest one.
i have made it 3.5 days now…it's been ok.
no huge fits of withdrawl yet.

on the second night we started julie & julia after i go the kids to bed.
it was 2 minutes into it…i started CRYING.  
i kept crying.
i turned to craig with huge tears down both my cheeks and said "i think it's the sugar!"

i have never…for even one day…in 34 years…not had sugar.
i think i can do it though.
i NEED to do it.
i don't want to be a sugar addict anymore.

there it is.
my list for the world to see.
or freedom….whichever way you look at it.
i will keep it real and tell you where i mess up.
and i will tell you if i learn something awesome from these changes too.  

one more thing…
my friend jeanne sent me a link to beautiful speaker named Rachel Barkey.
i listened to her 55 minutes…and i cried.  
her words are powerful.
i strongly encourage you to listen.
i put it on as i cleaned the craft room…taking several kleenex breaks.
every mother can relate and grow and change and stretch herself from rachel's words.
she was a blessing to me.

thank you jeanne. 

Christina - Thanks for sharing your goals…they are inspiring. I am also a sugar addict, and I am just now realizing how serious it is. I have gained so much weight in the last year. Not enough that many people would notice, but enough that I cannot comfortably wear pants that are a little over a year old, and I have never had that problem (outgrowing pants that fast) (or ever…I’ve worn the same size pants for 12 years). It’s alarming. And I know it’s the sugar…I want something sweet every night, and feel like I can’t get by without soda. I hate it! And I’m saying this after I just ate a brownie, that I made tonight, because I had ganache left over from birthday celebrations last week. Grrr.
And congratulations on your win! That’s exciting. 🙂

Jodi - Great resolution list! These are all things we should all strive for! I love the internet addiction note. I have a post that has been drafted for a while with that exact same title. My husband makes fun of me and says I am truly am an addict because I am too afraid to admit it and publish the post! Maybe one day I will let everyone in on my secret! Thanks for the honesty and good luck with your resolutions.

Shannon - I am so enjoying your beautiful blog! Beautiful …as in an honest answer, beautiful…as in a reassuring smile, beautiful as in “cotton candy” (sorry for the sugar reminder!) Thanks for writing!

Melanie - My name is Melanie and I am an internet addict too! If you can stay off the computer while Annie is at school, KUDOS to you. I wouldn’t be able to do it. That would be the time that I would want to be on it because you could do it without interruptions:) The sugar thing is another thing that I couldn’t do. I have done it before but I have to say that I am turning 42 next month and I will just take it in smaller doses if I have to. Good luck with that one. LOL!

Courtney Walsh - Seriously. Your goals and mine are nearly identical. I like how you wrote them down. I need to write mine down. I had gotten so good at spending time with god. real time. good time.
And then something happened and I think I got kinda mad at him. I’ve never been mad at God. He’s so good to me.
But I think I was. Maybe still am.
Need to work through that…so I can spend good time again. Thanks for this post, meg.

Becca Sutton - It must me the moms’ mantra. More time with Jesus. More exercise. Less internet. No sugar. These have been my resolutions every year for the past– since motherhood became my core identity.
Your blog is delightful.

Amnah - Your resolutions are so much cuter than everyone else’s resolutions, lol.
You know, I’ve thought about the whole “no sugar” thing. It seems insane to me. I just couldn’t. It’s friggin’ sugar! I can go without salt but not without sugar. If it means anything I don’t eat processed sugars at all. Yay me.

Meg - Wow. I cannot believe how our resolutions are the same. And, my name is Meg also. I listened to Rachel a while back and cried my eyes out. The thought of not being around for my children saddens me so much…I can’t even talk about it.
I read somewhere either on Twitter or FB that we are not to make resolutions but RESOLVE TO SURRENDER TO GOD. I am not in control, He is. I pray every morning and ask God to help me make the right choices in regards to food. So far, its been working. I realize though that I have to put it all in His hands and to realize that He is for me, not against me.
Much Love,

Netta - What a beautiful blog… and the pics on your post… SO cute!
A friend sent me a link to your site & I’m happy that she did.
Giving Jesus your first will sure help the other things work, too.
Thanks for being honest.

aubrey - Hey I read an article that said that in studies, women who walked briskly 30 minutes a day, 6 days a week, burned the most fat. Maybe that’s all you have to do (it’s my favorite form of exercise–when I actually do it)–and take your camera for our benefit. 😉

Holly - those are great goals Meg…..except maybe that sugar one,lol…just kidding. I think you have goals that most anyone could benefit from! We definately all need to spend more time with God!

Chiot's Run - Great list! Good luck on the no sugar thing!!! We’ve switched to only all-natural sugars (honey, maple syrup, etc) in our home over the past couple years. I think that really helps. Mr Chiots is a sugar addict as well, it’s tough for him. I’m not a sweet eater so I don’t mind. This is a tough one for sure!!!!!
No computer – oh, I don’t know if I could do that. I need to put in a no flickr rule during work hours (since I work from home). HMM, perhaps I’ll contemplate this.

Victoria - I totally get the exercise thing! Why does everyone love it and how can I love it as well? I have yet to figure that one out.
I think that if you have Craig put parental controls on the computer then you will just sit and try to figure out the password for the time that Annie is in school. 🙂
That being said…I’m getting off the computer and going to spend time with my daughter! 😉 Thanks for the encouragement.

lissa - I watched that video from Jeanne also and I hope it changed my life forever! I LOVE LOVE this post! These things are vital! I’m not creative like you guys but I will try… I know when I do try something more artistic I feel more alive!

Dianna - I have never made a New Years resolution. I guess it’s one way of not ever breaking one.

DreamGirlLisa - You are so brave to post this. I want to, I really do, just not sure I’m ready. So afraid of being judged and of failure. I don’t know if I could go w/out sugar, I know I should, but oh, so hard!

Leah Moss - Great resolutions, and they’re exactly mine too! I think reading your blog will hold me accountable 🙂

TammyR - Thanks for sharing! I can relate to several of those. I struggle to put God first. I hope I can change that. I just ate some butter pecan ice cream, so I’m not so certain on the sugar! 🙂
Happy New Year!

jeanne - Congrats on the win!!! Secondly…I laughed out loud over the crying because it WAS the sugar. I swear it!!!! It will get better. I will send you some suggestions for good sugar substitutes. Don’t use splenda. Sorry for laughing…it WAS funny though:-) You can do it!!!!

Lorena - How funny, a lot are thinking the same! Well, we all give it a go and I hope especially the first one will be done because the rest is definitely less important after all! Thanks for sharing!

JerriR - Well Meg it seems that we share most of the same goals so here’s to both of us KEEPING them…this is our year! I, too, listened to Rachels message and even shared it with my husband and have thought daily while I am commuting about her four key points! I long to have that kind of faith!

Trena McNulty - okay…now I am absolutely certain we were seperated at birth!
You’re my new best friend….actually you have been for a while…I just haven’t told you! LOL!
Thanks for encouraging me in my walk with God…my parenting…my creativity…AND my warding off sugar! It’s been 6 days for me!

Vicki - If only bananas tasted as good as a cupcake we would all be just fine! I will never forget watching an Oprah show where they were AGAIN talking about weight loss and diet and one woman said her trick was to munch on ice chips all day and THAT was why she was a tooth pick of a woman. The way she said it, so “well all you have to do really is just eat ice chips when you have a craving” was so hysterical, Oprah nearly lost it. You could tell she thought that was just about the most crazy and unrealistic advice she had every heard. Like Sesame street says, “it’s a sometimes food” so go ahead….just sometimes treat yourself to that cupcake!

Janine - Thank you for the link to Rachel’s talk. It was something I really needed to hear. Your resolutions are admirable. Mine is to be more positive. To see the glass half full. I was struggling with that today and hearing Rachel, well… you listened to her too so you know. Congrats on the homie awards.

Heather Giustino - Those are all great goals, and I am so with you on just about all of them! Best of luck to you!!

mel - Great goals & resolutions. They are very similar to mine (I posted them a few days ago) I am usually a BIG FAIL at resolutions (I was last year) I am going to try harder this year! And….good luck on the no sugar! How long are you doing that for? Every year I give up sugar for lent. It is SO hard for me, I am also a sugar addict!

Sara Cameli - You go girl! The sugar one will be hard…cold turkey is not easy. At least you haven’t said “No more drinking..” ha ha.

colleen - I’ve listened to Rachel often. As the mother of a child that had cancer I can so relate to her.
Good luck on the resolutions!
-Colleen 🙂

Sarah @ Clover Lane - you can do it all!

Bobbi Jo - Oh my, please share how it goes with no sugar. I need to cut back, WAY back, but I never thought to eliminate it completely. Could I even do that??

Michelle Whitlow - oh my gosh, your resolutions should be mine!

Joanna @ The Casa - Hey! I’m doing no sugar, too. Ever again. No sugar ever again. I did it for a year. It’s possible. You’ll feel fantastic. I’ve been off now since December 28th. I’m doing it for life. Like a smoker or other addict. It’s not no carbs, just no sugar.
You can do it!

Jacci - No sugar, eh? I’ve done that for brief stints while we were sick to try to boost the ole immune system, but we’ve never done it for longer than a week or two. If you haven’t stumbled upon Stevia, yet – I’d highly recommend the KAL brand. We stir that into plain yogurt with a little vanilla and you’d never miss the sugar. Only caveat is, only use a **little** stevia. There’s a teensy scoop that comes with the botttle and I only use 4 of those weensy scoops for each *quart* of yogurt 🙂
Thanks for sharing the goals! And thanks so much for recommending the Crafty Crow. I’m inspired to try for more “just for the heck of it” craft time with my younger two.
Thanks! And congrats!!!
~Jacci in Ohio

Kara - Thank you so much for sharing the link to Rachel’s talk. That is one of the most graceful reflections of the gospel I have ever heard.

Willy - I am listening to Rachel right now … . I had no resolutions/goals, but now I have one. For the rest of my life. I’m going to talk to myself. Right now.
Thank you, Meg!

PaisleyJade - Great resolutions – I am so much the same as you with my time with God – thanks for being so honest.

Dina - I’m on my way over to Sugar Sisters right now for a cupcake and coffee … can I get you anything?
HeeHee 🙂

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - CONGRATULATIONS on your WIN in the homies!!!

julia - we should start an S.A.A. group {Sugar Addicts Anonymous}

priscila - I think I would like every single thing you just said. I do need to spend more time with GOD! I miss him too.I havent given him my first at all…second, use my free time wisely while Christian is a preschool and NO SUGAR!!! thats the hardest. Im like a little ant!

Christy - Good luck on your resolutions!
Also congrats on your Homie award!!! That’s awesome!!

Lori - Thank you so much for posting the link to Rachel’s video. Wow, that’s a serious wake-up call!
And hooray for your public resolutions! I announced in our Christmas letter that I’m going to write a book this year. It was probably extremely foolish, but I figure that even if I fail I better be able to report that I gave it a serious effort!

Heather - De-lurking to say that I really love your goals, and your blog. I look forward to checking it daily. One of my goals for 2010 is to “lurk” less, so here I am! Thanks for being an always-enjoyable part of my Internet addiction. 🙂

Emily Zimmerman - Congratulations on your win!!! You deserved the Hommies Award!! Love your blog!!!

sarah - He’s been getting the lasts of me too. I suppose if I wrote down resolutions.. spending more time with Him would be on my list as well.
I’m listening to Rachel right now… I’ve already started crying just minutes into it.

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - love these goals.
i share almost all of them….okay, not the sugar one b/c i think i’d get kicked outta the south if i quit my sweet tea.
i love the “create everyday.”
i want that…i don’t know how in the world to find time for it, but i crave it.

Lisa - You are awesome. No matter the outcome of the contest (you haven’t posted that yet, right?), YOU are the best blog I read. I am so inspired by this list. Your first resolution expresses my heart right now perfectly. Why is it so darn easy to slip away from Him the way we do? I’m reading “Crazy Love” right now and there is a chapter called “Serving Leftovers to a Holy God.” That has so been me lately and I hate it. Anyway, thanks for being real and putting yourself out there. I can relate to every item on your list!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Goal setting – it’s never been prettier than on this here blog of yours! 🙂
No sugar – seriously? Like, none?? Wowza!
Your other goals were so relatable to me. Thanks for sharing!

Amanda Jo - Great list! I especially love how pretty you made it! Kudos on the no sugar thing – you’re a stronger woman than I am! Can’t wait to see what you do with the shop!!!!

Ruth - love your goals! i’ve started downloading a bible podcast to listen to on the train to work every day… they will read through it all in a year. i love it, such a good way to focus at the beginning of the day, and perfect for someone so bad at sitting down, reading and focusing like me!
i also need to eat less cheese.

carissa... brown eyed fox - “i haven’t been giving Him my firsts…He’s been getting the last of me.
the moments before i fall asleep or the passing prayer while driving or folding laundry.
not REAL time.
and i miss Him.
and hate when i lazily wander away.
He wants me with Him.
when i stop and spend time with Him…there is no other peace or contentment that compares.” ………….
straight out of my head! so true. i love your words. always have a way!
going to check out that link from jeanne today… with a BOX of kleenex.
thanks for the tip!
and i will say it again this morning… cause i thought it as i was reading your post…
you are just SO neat!

elizabeth highsmith - um the thought of you never eating sugar again makes me want to cry for you! please oh please oh please tell me it’s only temporary that you’ll eat sugar again, eventually at least in a fellow sugar adict.

Alicia - I think my resolutions are about the same…hmmm…so far, so good!
I think the reason resolutions feel so good is they make us re-focus on ourselves…what we need in life. As moms, we tend to lose site of ourselves and focus on the other important people we care about.
Maybe another trip to Colorado will help!!! I would love for you to check out my blog…we had some snowman fun that was just too cute!! Kids are so great!

Kristine - thanks for sharing rachel’s story. i just finished listening and it was so powerful. it gave me some good things to think about and is in perfect timing with the new year and thinking about fine-tuning myself, my ways, my thoughts…
you had a post in the past where you wanted to say YES more to your kids and that tweaked my thinking to do the same. it was cool how she mentioned it here too. reminder of how selfish i am at times.
thank you again and best wishes for the new year! xo

immyyas - I am a complete computer addict! I so need to replace some of my computer time with workout time! Working out is soooo hard to do with little ones at home. If only there was a way to get the baby & the 2 toddlers to all cooperate at teh same time every day for at least a 1/2 hour. A girl can dream…

Rachel / cREaTe - SO COOL!!! and all me – especially about the exercise. that made me laugh. you know, this would make such a great book. your photos paired with your ideas, thoughts & words. i know you have a blog for that purpose, but … i would love to see it in a book form. i’m sure you need more on your plate, right? 🙂 ha ha can’t wait to see your shop!

Bridget - Oh resolutions. I did find a website about changing habits that may be helpful:

pambuller - ok. i’m inspired.
i went off sugar too but then i made brownies last night. it is going so well. 😉
you are so transparent. i love you!

Darby - Meg, Isn’t Rachel incredible? I saw her video last summer and haven’t and never will forget her words… what a blessing her life is!!! Thanks for spreading her message!!!

purejoy - ps
i’m like a crack addict around sugar.
this is going to be a suicide mission.
can i drink diet coke as a soother?

purejoy - since when do you blog about me??? lol seriously, i want to do every one of those. and they are so beautifully illustrated. i hope i can print them out to post on my office wall so i can stare at them all day (except for when i’m exercising).
seriously, kinda creepy how you crawled right into my brain.
i have some things i want to do in 2010 but my brain hurts just thinking about them. i think yours will do nicely.
thanks for the kick in my rather large butt.

LeAnn - Oh Meg….are we sisters separated at birth….LOL!! Spending more time with my Jesus, giving up sugar and exercising…that’s me to a tea. If you go back and read my last several posts you will see why I have finally found my long lost sister…LOL!!
Seriously…I am on day 3 of giving up sugar. We can do this. My husband is doing it too….he is thin but has a little bit of a sugar belly (addicted to Coca Cola). We can do this. Let’s help each other, let’s hold each other accountable.

christine - good luck meg
and thanks for sharing
in such a personal and humurous way!
you can do it

patricia - Good thing we have such a good role model like you.
Love your goals.
Thanks for making me remember to add more God and less sugar and less computer.

Megan - You can do it… God will give you the strength…and we’ll encourage you along the way!
I’ve been a follower of your blog for a long time… this is my first comment!
Come over and visit…. I recently posted pics of our kitchen remodel!

Carrie - Best of luck to you.
I need to exercise as well. I keep complaining about not feeling fit. I start an exercise plan and quit after about 1 or 2 weeks. It bothers me that I do that to myself, especially when I notice the difference on days I do work out. Truth is, I would be ok with my weight if I knew I was in shape and healthy. I stopped obsessing over the scale because it’s just silly. However, I know I need to tone and get healthy.
You seem to always have crafty fun ideas on here, but if you need inspiration here is a site I recently stumbled upon. It has fun ideas to create everyday.
You can do it! Good luck!

melissa baldwin - I did a chocolate fast last winter for 40 days. Sounds pathetic…..I know. But only someone addicted to chocolate or sugar can understand. When I got stressed I went to chocolate….just writing this sounds completely stupid… I’ll stop….he he.
btw, HOW do you put words on your blog pictures. I am a computer idiot and need help:)

Melissa - I love your goals Meg. I love to look at them too …you made them so pretty. You can do it!

Nancy - Great minds must think alike! 🙂 I have the same with Time with God and time away from the computer. I just get sucked in. I love your idea of the parental controls…. now you’re talking. I have found that if I get exercise as a habit and a first thing in the day habit, it works for me. I think I heard that if you do something for like 2 weeks in a row, it becomes a habit. Something like that…. good luck with all of them. Happy 2010!

Cori - I love your goals. I don’t think of myself as creative but you inspire me thank you. The sugar issue is also a problem. I love it more then anything- I never go a day without it either. (my 4 year old is always saying watcha eating mom?) The computer is also a problem- I love reading your blog but I know it should be a treat at the end of a productive day not to keep me from entering my kitchen or laundy room!! great ideas as always Meg- I’m signing off for now to have a big glass of water and wash a dish or two!!! have a great day!

Kyleigh - Good resolutions! I agree with you about the exercise… I work from home mondays and tuesdays so when the kids have gone off to school in the mornings I put on the ONLY workout dvd I have ever liked, I don’t know if you can get it from Amazon USA but the link is here:
She is a TV presenter over here (UK) and she makes me laugh, she’s so, well, NORMAL! I swear by it… its only a 40 minute workout, and the feeling afterwards is SO worth it!
My resolutions:
Start a ‘visual diary’ – printing out some of my fave photos I’ve taken at the end of every month, sticking in tickets, inspiration etc etc.
Past resolutions:
Learn the fiddle
Buy more hats
Buy more wigs
I like positive resolutions!
Good luck!

Kristine - i have exactly the same…goals :)no sugar is a toughy! i’m going to listen to Rach while i work around the house. thanks for the recommendation!

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