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from the archives….2

this was posted june 19, 2008:

caution: your heart is about to melt.



we got to go visit miss shana's puppies.

seven sweet beautiful soft perfect golden-doodle puppies.

and we all fell in love.




even sean was smitten.

he was also quite interested in the doggie door.

he asked if we could get a girl dog & boy dog so we could have puppies.

funny that he didn't just ask for a puppy??

but she did…



and they did.

and when we got home…i did.

how could you not want to keep a puppy named waffle?


this is kate in the background.

she is such a good little mama to these babies.

she kept annie from dropping them.

and tried to answer all her questions.

she helped name them:

waffle, hawk, lilly, jet, jessica, stripey, and jack black.

sean couldn't believe she called them poopers.

it was his new favorite thought…calling puppies…poopies.



it's official.

we all want one.

but daddy (the logical sane one) is saying no.

does he have no heart?

is it made of stone?

who could say no to this?


thanks shana.

we'll be back.

maybe we'll bring craig along.


oh yeah…i forgot to mention…we have a horrible history with owning dogs.

we are not good at it.

but maybe

if it's not a mutt…

or previously abused…

or very old with bowel problems…. 

maybe it would work?

Lisa K - so… I was reading through the Waffle tags to see if you ever mentioned what kind of dog he is. I love this post! Seeing your kids so young…
I am NOT an animal person at all. We have 8 kids from 9mo – 14yrs and the last thing we needed was a licky, sheddy, barky, creature. But, alas, I have caved and we are now the proud owners of a one year old yellow Labradoodle named Charlie. He is tall and thin like Waffle, but not as curly. We’ve had him 3 weeks so far and it is going better than I thought it would. He’s a good dog (:

kristine - and the rest is history! i love rereading this story!

Diana - Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, he was so TINY back then!!
And we all know that Craig changed his mind.
And you guys LOVE that doggie so much… in spite of his eating the last piece of cheesecake.
{Waffle Fan Club LOL!}

Rachel / cREaTe - huh – i always thought YOU guys named him waffle! the name cracks me up! so so cute … i can see why you all CAVED! {i love waffle!}

Michelle Gidosh - I love this post for two reasons… I had a golden retriever names Waffles growing up….
and our Black lab “Charlie” just had puppies this afternoon…. 5 of them…. 3 black and 2 yellow…. their daddy is our Chocolate lab …”Hazard”… can’t wait to take photos of them tomorrow….
…. wishing you a lovely adventure

Gretchen - This was fun to read knowing the outcome. What cute puppies. But then, what puppies aren’t cute?

kelly@the blue muse - sweet poopy love…

nicole - Oh…thanks for sharing this, since waffle is such a part of the blog/family now! We have an old mutt–never got to see him as a pup, so this was SWEET!

Lindsay Thomas - I am in love with your children and I don’t even know you or them. They are so beautiful! I have decided I know what Annie sounds like when she giggle and it’s too darn cute. 🙂 Ok, is this weird?! haha! Oh, the puppies are cute too…:) VERY CUTE! I love dogs.

Jessica Reed - I’m a sucker for dogs… I have two. lol. I would have more if I could. Who could say no to this animal that will always love you, and never talk back?! lol.
Hope you’re safe. 🙂

Julie Wriston - I will NOT show this to my five kiddos ~ they all want a dog. No, can, do right now. If I could smell one of those wonderful little puppies, I might be persuaded. They are too cute! 🙂

Amy - We adopted our goldendoodle when he was a year old. I’ve always wondered what he looked like as a puppy….and now i know.

Rosemary - Hi, I found your blog a couple weeks ago, and I’ve been reading it like crazy. Your dog has to be the cutest dog I’ve seen. I want to squeeze her! Although, I don’t know if she’d care for it, but with five kids, I’m sure she is used to it.
It did make me laugh out loud when I read that you wrote, “if it’s not a mutt…” because that kinda is what a GoldenDoodle is. A mutt is a dog with characteristics of two or more dog breeds, and really, I think they are the best kinds! 🙂
Anyway, just wanted to stop by and say hello!

Staci - Oh man….makes me want another poopy 🙂 Prayers to you and your group!!!!!

Robyn Farmer - Praying for you while you are in Africa. I love Waffle! I have a friend that has a dog that looks just like Waffle.

Lisa - Well we all know how this turned out… Waffle is just so darling. xxx

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