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speaking of cousins….

me, my cousin katie and my sister at world's of fun in 1980-something.

i bet you could buy my romper RIGHT NOW….they are everywhere.

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kari - that picture is absolutely classic. so cute. love the romper!

Dana@Bungalow'56 - Your face! It hasn’t changed. Amazing.

nora - omg, i love your outfit in this picture! that is definitely something my cousin would have worn and i would be so excited to wear the next summer. 🙂

Gemma - Heehee…Meg you look exactly the same!!
Gemma X

Sophie - Talby looks SO much like you! (:
Me and my mom are like that. When I was younger, I saw a picture of her as a three year old on a beach and until she told me, I thought it was me!

Tasha Griffin - I LOVED Worlds of Fun when I was a kid! I always wanted to get those giant tissue paper flowers they sold at the front entrance. I was just thinking about the crazy aqua blue water on the Viking Voyager.
And wow – you look exactly the same now as you did then!

amy jupin - meg, check out your guns in that pic! you have some major arm muscles girl! whoa–don’t mess with the girl in the rainbow romper! (i’m cracking myself up with this, can’t ya tell?!)

Bec - My cousins and I have some pretty awesome pictures from growing up 🙂 They are great blackmail at family get togethers. We all end up laughing at our past selves.

Beth - Talby looks SO much like you! It really is amazing!!!
The pictures are so cute!

AShley - Old School! Love it! And yes…those stinkin’ rompers are EVERYWHERE!!! But for adults! Not so adorable on adults! You’d have to totally undress to pee! They’re like onesies!

Kimberlee J. - Well, now I know what we’re looking for on our next shopping trip. 🙂

Lisa - Tee-Hee,
I guess you’ve always liked rainbows 🙂
Take Care,

jaz - what a cute kid!!

jami - Oh gosh, I daydreamed about owning a romper like that when I was about that age!

jennifer wood - I love that romper! I miss the 80’s, I know people say why would you miss the 80’s but I loved them!

kristine - you’ve been rockin the rainbow since age 8!

Jan Ashmore - I still remember that day – Katie was grumpy, sunburned and exhausted. Your Mother told the rest of the story, which still makes us laugh hysterically.
Katie’s Mom

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - So cute. I have some that look exactly like that.

Sarah@Clover Lane - Nothing better than a rainbow romper.

Heather - love the little smirk and crossed arms. you look like you’re about to be up to something. haha!

brianna - i’m seeing lauren in your sister a little bit, and def talby and annie in you.. i love how crazy genetics can be!

Melanie - I do not like the new romper thing that is going on. I guess that I am to old for that:) Love the picture though!

Lisa - Rainbows then, rainbows now. 🙂

Meg's mom - In Katie’s defense, this was at the end of the day when we were walking out of World’s of Fun. It had been a long day and she was hot, tired and sunburned. This was the trip that we always talk about where she was sitting on the hump (so illegal now!), fell asleep, fell backwards and knocked the gear shift into neutral while we were driving on the interstate. Too funny!

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - well cousin katie sure looks like she’s having a blast.

chris - You can see just how much Talby looks like you , amazing

Melissa Morrill - WOW!!! You were a gorgeous kid! And I’m pretty sure I saw that romper at Target this morning 🙂

Jess - I can’t believe how much you look like Talby (or I guess she looks like you)!! Hope you guys are having a good summer. Tell Miss Talby hello!

Debbie S. - $14.50 at Old Navy 🙂

Tara - had 47 million of those rompers. I also had the strapless kind that were tops…I think we called them boob tubes.

Kameron - You look the same! It is funny because some people seem to look the same all through growing up (I’m one of them) and you do too!

Jules - Wow- does Talby ever look like you! Adorable!

Beth K. - I had a very similar outfit to the one that your sister has on and my two sisters had similar ones too. We would wear them at the same time. YIKES! I just have to tell you that I really enjoy your blog – always brings a smile to my face. 🙂

Sandy - WOW…Lauren look alike!

Cindy Ashmore - Ha! Katie sure doesn’t look happy.

Sharla - You are so right! If I had a girl, I would buy one for her 🙂

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