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last chance

this is always a happy sticker to see.
even happier when i don't expect it and don't know what's in it.


with a note…
when i wrote about africa i sent a picture and link to amy butler herself.
i told her that "i thought you'd like to see how far your book went and what we did with it"
she wrote back.
she and her staff had read all my posts about africa and they were excited and wanted to DO MORE.

she asked what we needed.
i told her patterns and fabric.

she sent it.
Mallory is part of amy's staff….and so nice.
two boxes arrived.
one with patterns and books.
one with three bags of fabric!

and another encouraging note from another staff member named beth.  

don't you LOVE the LOVE line even more now?!

i do.

i wish i could see the boys faces when they get this.
erin and chris are missionaries with word made flesh from nebraska, living is freetown.
they are visiting their family in the states for a few weeks and they will bring this back to the boys.

i am so happy.
i am so excited for them.
i love that amy's heart is so big.
i miss africa.

remember my post at liferearranged last week?
i wanted to be a little more clear about WORD MADE FLESH.

by donating money on that blog post the money will go to the sierra leone division of WMF.
this is a small group of people.

these are the people you are donating to.


WMF has a small staff of 11 people who work with the youth and community.
their missions statement….

"We are called to holistically care for children and young adults through discipleship, educational/vocational opportunities and family-like relationships.

they are doing it.

they have a place to meet called the Ale' Ale' Home.
they meet with their LightHouse ministry here…for worship, fellowship, help with school work,
small group, prayer and bible study.

Light House is what they call their teen program.
the tailoring program is part of Light House.

they also run the Kroo Bay Good News Club.

they meet medical needs, physical needs as well as spiritual needs of over 250 children in Kroo Bay.

i know that YOU KNOW my heart for africa.
my heart for these faces in sierra leone.


so….i am asking again.
could you give to Word Made Flesh?

if every reader gave even one dollar….that would be thousands of dollars today.
can you give one dollar?
or five?

or ten?

GO HERE TO DONATE to word made flesh today.
thank you.

thank you to all of you who gave already.
you are a blessing.

Holly @ Roller Coaster Life Rhodes - I love this! I really wish I could figure out how to go over there and donate my time and start something as amazing as this!

tasha roe - i get all teary-eyed when i look at your Africa pictures. those babies, children, families, loved ones. sigh! makes my heart ache because i feel helpless.
and the box from Amy Butler makes me love her even more. didnt know that was possible. 😉
thanks for all you do! you are a mover and a shaker, girl!

kari - Makes me smile 🙂

AshleyAnn - Mallory…I really like her too! So glad you posted this, I was wondering what ever came of it!

tami - Precious, just precious. God Bless You!

Amanda - I am so in Love with Amy’s fabrics, not to mention all her products. I love her much more after seeing her heart shine in this way. That’s cool.

amy jupin - wow, wow, woohoo, wow! look at you! i’m so proud to be a reader, meg–you keep spreading HIS word and amazing things are happening. and amy butler and her gang, thank you! i bet those boys are going to SMILE for a week straight! awesome.

cassie o - just donated…it’s amazing the impact you’re having by just posting a blog

Beth - What a beautiful post! 🙂

Kimberlee J. - Amy Butler + Staff=CLASSY

Becky - What a story…so thrilled that the love of Jesus is in you and in these precious ones in Africa! Thanks for inspiring us to open our hearts…

Sarah W - That is amazing, and so nice of her and just.. wonderful.
I have tears in my eyes.
And I do love her in her love line even more now!!

Tracy Fisher - Meg, Thank you for sharing your stories. You don’t know the impact it has made on me… and many others I am sure. I am taking our two kids to Mexico with our church this July. My husband can’t come (work), but for some reason I was called. I got scared then remembered two quotes that hang next to my computer in my studio. One says “OVERCOME FEAR. BEHOLD WONDER – don’t know author.” The other says “FEEL THE FEAR AND DO IT ANYWAY! – creator of Jimmy Choo Shoes”. So, off we go. You give me guts!!! Thank you 🙂
Tracy ( and

elisabeth (bovagoods) - oh, how i love amy butler. she is so generous. i fell in love with the colors she painted her booth at market a few years back. (saw the pictures of the booth on her website.)on a whim, i emailed her to see if she would give me the paint colors. she did! her hubby emailed me back and so did she! i painted my room right up with those colors and then made a big old quilt from her belle line of fabrics. it’s nice to know she is still so very generous after all of her continued success.

tara pollard pakosta - Makes me want to buy Amy Butler fabric even though I don’t sew! I buy the Amy Butler scrapbook papers, love them!!
how generous and loving is that company, awesome!

Sharla - Great post and kudos to the Amy Butler team!

Jessica from Stars and Clouds - Meg, what you did and what you do is amazing! You are an inspiration to me, all the way over here in Europe.

Betsy - WMF if from my city, and I’ve never even heard of it before! I just spent a while reading their website – how awesome! I will definitely spread the word around 🙂

Shana - Yay!

paige - yes!!!!
how incredible
& i love her even more

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - Oh wow, that is just good, good stuff. I love it. Oh those sweet African faces. I want to kiss those little baby cheeks.

Gemma - Such generosity! Lovely : )
Gemma X

chasity - i give to another effort in africa that my friends are a part of…
blessings and best wishes to you in this effort!
and what a great thing for the staff at Amy Butler to do~ very generous.

Debra - Wonderful, the kindness and generosity of people!

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - Chills and tears!
Love this!
I so want to go and help!

robin - you are such good peeps, what a beautiful post. 🙂

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - AMAZING Megan!!!

jeanne - Isn’t it amazing how one life touches another, touches another, touches another…..amen!

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