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how should i take this?

this was the conversation we had this this week.
it was an evening that only sean and lauren were home…and it was already 8:30 PM.

SEAN: Mom….i want you to watch Percy Jackson with me….you'll love it."

ME: well….i have a lot of work to do.  would it be ok if i worked on photos while we watched it?

s: yeah.  
   you can listen…and look up at the good parts.

m:  perfect!

s: mom…i think you are the hardest working mom there is.

m: really?  
     i think you must be right. (big smile on my face)  
     why do you think that?

s: you take pictures….you sew pillows….you can't even watch a movie you have so much work!

hmmm….should i be offended or flattered?
does he feel neglected or proud? 

of course this is after i have spent two hours at a doctor's office with two children…
one hour in the car….
three hours at the pool….
made three meals…
cleaned the bottom of the swimming pool…
done three loads of laundry…
one load of dishes…
driven back and forth four times to sports practices… 

i am going to choose to take it as a compliment.


this was on sean's tenth birthday.
my friend Nicole takes a picture with her kids every year on their birthday.
it seems like such a great tradition that i wanted to start doing it too!

i am going to use the weekend to answer some of those questions you asked.
wish me luck.

Suzanne - that darn mom guilt twists everything!!!
compliment, definitely. love the pic of the 3 of you he is so handsome.

Stephanie@Geezees - it sounds like a compliment to me, but my kids say stuff like that to me too, i would like to think it’s because we are just hard working mom’s who want the best for are children.

anna - okay. i am not a mom, but i have been in youth ministry for almost 20 years… and i am not so sure it was a compliment. i think he was trying to say that he needs some one on one time with you-having 100% of your attention. try to think about it if the tables were turned and you wanted to do something with him (arts & crafts, whatever…) and he said okay, but can i just play this video game while we do it? i know that parents get totally worn out with all the running and taking to practices and preparing and fixing, but teens and pre-teens don’t see that as time you are spending on them… they see that as your job. what is a compliment to you is how he communicated with you – it was loving and not selfish or rude. at the very least, maybe it should prompt you to have a conversation with him about the conversation… or about if he feels like your attention is ALWAYS divided and if he feels that he isn’t getting enough of you. you are awesome and being a mom is pretty much the hardest job there is… wow this is a long comment, but i am passionate about teens and parents…

Beth - I loved the compliment. And the birthday picture!

the inadvertent farmer - Half empty? Half full? All a matter of perspective so I say definitely a complement! Kim

jenjen - What a sweet compliment! I love that he wanted to watch the movie with you and have that special time together. I love that idea of taking a picture with each child on their birthdays. I might have to copy that 🙂

Kristin Blumberg - You are an amazing role model for your kids! Sean is remarkable that he thinks of all you do, he appreciates you!

Melanie - Kids! They are too funny. They remember things so differently than we do.

Joanna @ The Casa - it’s a compliment
and a very sweet one at that

Lisa - As someone who loves to read your blog, you are always present for and with your children. You are a great example of a “hands on Mom” I love all of your family stories and vacations, you are the Mom I wish I had. Have the best day and keep writing this great blog!

roseykrh - I believe he meant it as a positive thing. He sounds like he is really proud of you.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Sounds like he said it in a sincere sweet manner…he meant it well. I think he was proud of you. We do work hard. There’s a lot to be done. Love your new pic tradition. What a cutie you have.

Juli - Definately thinking that’s a compliment but you should ask him & try to get some more thoughts eked out of that boy! Boys…they never seem to have deep conversations but blurt out snippets of what is occurring on in those deep, vast thoughts of theirs. Your Sean & my Jack Graayson seem the same way (by what you’ve wrote in past post, they’re very similar)
I think it is awesome that your kids recognize your hard work. Kids need to see hard work or they don’t realize what it takes in this world. My husband is going back to school for his 2nd masters and that is among the reasons. He wants to set an example for the children so they see the importance of education and dedication + sacrifices involved.
I don’t think your kids can complain for lack of involvement, at all!

Nancy M - I am going to assume that Heather didn’t mean to sound so harsh. We generally do not get trolls here, do we? Or maybe the mean posts are deleted, haha. Everyone here is always so nice. ♥ Love to read about your busy life, Meg.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Compliment 🙂 You look great, by the way. Keep up the good work!!

candace - What a sweet conversation!
Love the commenter who quoted Proverbs 31 – I second that!

Linda Sousa - Definitely a compliment. Great idea with the birthday pictures!

Jenny - I think you took it the right way. He must love you very much!

Nicole Q. - COMPLIMENT!!
So glad you got a great birthday pic of the three of you!

Leonie - definately a compliment, but I do think our kids can say anything and we mums will always battle with what I call ‘mummy guilt’…… we are just never sure we are doing a god job or not, but I think with boys they are brutally honest….. girls on the other hand……can be cruel to their mums (well I know I was as a teenager) you make me get up and get going, your a great mum!

Selina - Gorgeous idea with the photos! Take it as a compliment for sure.

Jennifer - Definitely a compliment and what a great tradition to start for birthdays! I think I will follow suit and do this with my little fella. 🙂

Kathryn Goertzen - LOVE the idea of taking a picture with your children on each of their birthdays! Mine are now 21 and 25 – do you think it is too late to start this tradition?!

Sandy - I think it’s definately a compliment, but (from experience) I think he would also love it if you sat down and did nothing else but watch with him. Trust me, I know it’s hard!…I’ve played video games (I stick to car racing…it’s all I can handle) with my son and it’s hard to put all those other things you “should” be doing out of your mind.
I love the picture on the birthday idea. Why couldn’t you have put that in my head 20 years ago?! 🙂

Jessie - Kids are innocently honest, if he thought you neglected him he’d say so. He thinks you are a hard worker. Heather up there should put a cork in it!

Emily - “She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness” Good Job, noble woman (;

Barbie - You are an amazing mom so you have probably already done this but ask him. This is a perfect opportunity to hear what he has to say and to really see how your family views the things you are doing. After all, you are doing it all for them. I have taught my kids so much but honestly I have learned so much from them.

Deputy's Wife - I would take it as a compliment! My children get irritated when I can’t just sit. When I watch a movie with them, I need to have the laptop, some sewing, or something to read. This is anytime I watch tv. It would be nice to just sit, but I feel so uncomfortable doing it!

Laura - I’d say a major compliment!!! I hope my two recognize I’m a hard worker when they are Sean’s age.
p.s. I said a little prayer for Heather… 🙂

Jeannette - Awe I would definitely take that as a compliment. I agree, he said you are hard working not that you work too much. Your kids are so smart and I love when you share those little moments with us. What a great idea about the birthday pics, I may just have to “steal” that idea!!! Can’t wait for the Q&A 🙂
Have a great weekend!!!

Kacey - Oh, absolutely a compliment! It’s obvious how much time you spend with your kids. I think you’re awesome! What a sweet kid. 🙂

Lisa - Totally unrelated to your post, but would you mind sharing where you shop?? I LOVE your outfits! 🙂

Lane - I would take it as a compliment! Sweet boy…atleast he knows how much you do for him!! That says a lot!

Martina - Being that he’s male he probably meant exactly what he said with no hidden meaning: he thinks you’re the hardest working mom there is! Sounds like you have a very sweet boy. 🙂

RLG - I think you should feel flattered. He wants you to join him — which is so sweet I can hardly stand it. He’s so proud of you, Meg. I’m actually crying as I write this. PMS or what? LOL Good luck on the questions. xoxo

Mary - Yes, compliment. Total compliment. ;o)

Dina - That picture you 2 and him makes me smile. What a sweet, sweet boy:-)

Angela B. - He’s proud of you- and from what I’ve noticed he is very sweet and thoughtful. You are a great mom. We all have busy days or weeks where we wonder if the balance is right- your great kids are an example of a great mom!

Melissa - I’m sure he’s much prouder of you than he would be of a mom who sits on the couch and watches tv all day.
He knows your working for him and the rest of the family.

patti - what an awesome compliment. you done good! 🙂

Rebecca H - when my kids make comments along those lines, i TRY to focus on the positives… like the fact that we DID just spend 3 hours at the pool. so sitting down together to watch / listen to a movie while i work is a pretty sweet deal!

Jaime @ Mamarazzi - he likes you…
he really, really likes you!
I think he admires you for what you do (kudos for him being able to see it)… and loves the time he does get to sit with you. Look how cool he was abt you working while sitting with him to watch the movie; “look up at the good parts”… How cool is Sean?!

angela - Total compliment!

Sugar Mama - Take it as a compliment.
Teen has said the same to me before, and I didn’t take it as a compliment. He later explained that it was clearly meant as one. Obviously I was feeling guilty.
Love the b’day picture idea… such a simple idea. I love simple ideas!

elma - Oh that is for sure a compliment!!! I have eight kids and so enjoy your blog and all the LOVING things you do with your kids:) What’s up with heathers comment:(

Jenny - I would definitely take it as a compliment. Anyone who reads your blog at all sees what a GREAT mom you are and how many fabulous oppurtunities you give your kids. Your kids are lucky to have such a good mom who does so many things for and with them. It was so sweet of Sean to notice. =)

Faith - Ignore the haters, Megan! You are a great, hands on, caring, inclusive Mom who gives her all for her family and realizes that in order to be a good mom, one has to fulfill herself as well! I’ve only been subscribed to your blog for maybe a month, six weeks, but I can tell that your family adores you and you them!!! Good job!!!

mkpoggie - ALL of your children are adorable and hilarious, but your Sean stories are the ones that have me looking forward to the day when I have my own brood the most. He just seems so quirky and kind hearted! Being his mom must be so much fun for you! Yep, I’m definitely a Sean fan.
…And it was most certainly a compliment. A well-deserved one.
p.s. What’s your damage, Heather?

Staci - Sweet Sean 🙂 DEFINITELY a compliment!!!!!

Melody - Definitely a compliment! Like many American kids, I’m sure he’s grown up learning the value of hard work, so I would bet he’s proud of his mama!

anna - what a cute picture! i know that moms and dads can’t have favorites…but i can! sean is definitely my favorite of your kids! (just don’t tell the others.) 🙂
i think that’s a great idea to take pictures with your kids on all their birthdays!

Denise - Heather’s comment is just not appropriate!! Your life pretty much describes mine too – I love every minute of it. My kids love their life too. We are good moms – even if we are slightly busy : )

angela - I think he meant it as a compliment. He should have! Good grief…you are a hands on mom!!! (Oh, and I don’t like Heather’s comment above.:() What a cute boy he is!

tara pollard pakosta - for sure take it as a compliment!!!
you do ALOT with and for your kids,
you can sit and edit pix for your job
as a reward LOL!!!!! too fuNNY!
what a great kid!! I think he’s proud of yOU!
love the idea of pix with them on their bday!
I try to do that too!

Marie - How very very sweet. Most kids don’t recognize how busy their moms are and all that they do…he’ll make a good husband one day. 🙂

Dana@Bungalow'56 - Oh and please pass along to Sean that he is a very handsome young man.

Elissa - I think he sounds like he’s awfully proud of you. he said you were “hard working” not that you work too much 🙂 i also love the idea of a pic with the birthday kiddo! might have to steal that one.
Found you via Ashley Ann. Been lurking for a bit, but this post really made me smile. you have a lovely space here!

Dana@Bungalow'56 - Megan,
The picture looks great, yet another wonderful idea I can take away from your blog. I would definitely take Sean’s comment as a compliment. I find ten is the age that my two eldest really started to notice things. My ten year old has started helping around the house and seems to appreciate the things her dad and I do much more (not all the time mind you, but there is definitely a change there). They’re growing up…sniff.

Heather - i hope your kid doesnt remember you for being so busy you couldnt spend any time with him

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