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*  i like cow paintings….i want to own one….brown cow, green grass, oil paint….
the real thing…BIG….


*my washer and dryer finished their loads at the same time
and they both were singing their song together. (we made up words to the laundry jingle)

like the dvd symbol going into the corner of the tv screen that no one sees but pam.
i don't think it will ever happen again.

* i said at 6 AM in my half sleep with one eye cracked open….."i hate exercise…it's lame"
craig was getting dressed and laughed a little.
then he straightened out the sheets and blankets over me.
i had the sheet almost all at my neck!  i must have been dreaming about exercise.

* have you heard of french bull?
i just found it last night.
i started to sweat as i clicked through their store…..not kidding.
i will take one of each please.
so beautiful.

* craig keeps telling me to answer your questions from a month ago.
i think he is as curious to hear what my answers are as anyone.  :)

* i have scored in the thrifty goodness this week.
a killer quilt…gold mirror (now turquoise)….a frame….a globe in the perfect shade of blue….
and a jesus plate.
i love a good thrift week.

* yesterday i made banana muffins and ate two with a cup of coffee

while playing memory with annie

in a clean kitchen

all before 9:30.
i felt fabulous….happy…content….full.

it was one of those moments that you know you should soak in every second
before she grows up and it's gone


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Eden - oh my gosh…that dog…darling face…darling ears…sigh.

crystal b - I so love your house!!!! Hey, did you find those cow pictures on Etsy. I was admiring a few cow paintings there a while back. They look familiar — maybe it’s just because they are cows. You should definitely get one of those.

Trina McNeilly - That just might be one of theeeee most adorable pics of your annie and waffle.
x trina

Lindsey@ Piecefully Home - i love french bull!
I’m curious as to what the words are to your laundry jingles? Don’t you just love the songs at the end of the cycle? I swear it makes laundry just a little more fun to hear the song. 🙂 Silly, I know, but it’s the little things right?

j cole - Daughters grow up and are gone so fast! Annie is at such a sweet, sweet age. Thanks for sharing her with us.

Staisha - Wow! I’m a faithful reader. You are one of 4 that I am faithful too. I can’t believe not one of the comments said anything about the Jesus Plate. LOVE it and LOVE HIM! Even if it’s not the way he really looked. 🙂

Rachel - I loved so much at French Bull, that I felt like I would cry. Silly, crying over dishes.
Your clean kitchen made me jealous. But I’m happy for you.
I always enjoy your blog, it makes me smile.

Maggie - Hello! I’ve been a longtime quiet reader of your blog. Love your photography, your faith, that you have a big family, and the fact we’re neighbors (I’m an Okie!). I just started blogging, really, and wanted to let you know that I linked you in my latest post and will be a much more active reader now. 🙂

Staci Danford - LOVE the doggie and big smile picture.. I grinned all over seeing it. and….. I too love cows. The PURPLE cow is my favorite poem ever.. I always wanted to have one dyed that color. I would have to be a dose of pure JOY to see it.

Toni :O) - OMG…Rachel, I so didn’t see your comment and copy until AFTER I posted mine…great minds do think alike I think! LOL! :O)

Toni :O) - Your blog just absolutely makes me happy with joy!!! Love your kitchen, love the colors, love your pictures of food, love your sweet happy girl and that dog…love your dog! I feel happy this evening because I cleaned out my daughter’s room BIG TIME and got it organized and feel pure joy…it’s a mom thing I’m sure! Have a blessed Monday and thanks for making me happy with your blog!

Holly - now that is a great post!

Rachel Guidry - I love your blog. Your pictures are amazing!! It makes me happy!!

Katie Adams - I LOVE cow pictures too but not as much as I LOVE that picture of Waffle and Annie. What sweetness!

amber - I love the Office….spamster 🙂 and I love clean kitchens too. Wish they were always so…

jessica kiehn - Please, do tell…what are the lyrics to this laundry song of yours? 🙂

Jules - You MUST frame that pic of Annie and Waffle. He’s smiling! LOVE it! Have a wonderful day!

MJ - That picture of Annie and Waffle is the best ever! It is one of the best photos, not just on your blog, but anywhere. It just makes me smile:)

Kat - Love the pic of Annie and Waffle, love the muffins,love your red and white stripey bowl, (must get myself one of those!)love your clean kitchen (and wow how did you get everything done, including bake muffins by 9.30am?!!)and love how you are soaking up those special moments.
Go forth and have a great day Meg, you deserve it! 🙂

candace - i love these random “i’m appreciating the little things in life posts” of yours. happy stuff!

edie - My dream Saturday: Enjoy coffee and pumpkin muffins at your house and then head out thrifting, looking for all manner of vintage goodness. Then spend the evening in your craft room making pillows while Craig and Annie make us dinner. Is that really too much to ask?
I think not. Oh, and your mom brings over mint brownies?!
A girl can dream!
Love to all,

Heather - What did you have to do/say to get the dog and Annie to smile at the same time? That’s a keeper.

Jennifer - Do you want to paint your own cow picture!? My cousin opened a store in Wichita called ‘Paint the Towne’. I could hook you up! Check it out! We would LOVE to have you come out and paint! - Who painted those cows? They’re gorgeous?

LouBoo - Love relaxing in a clean kitchen! Sad but true! Lou x

Kari - i’ll make you a cow painting 🙂 i’ve been looking for a reason and trying to motivate myself to start painting again….

tasha roe - isnt it the best with its the little things that make us happy. 🙂

Kelly - I too love cows. Where did you find those paintings?

mel - those dishes are adorable! So cute! And, I love your kitchen, it looks so inviting & cozy. I want to sit at your island & have a cup of coffee with you (or a glass of wine…)

Dina - I would like a REAL cow for my backyard. A big brown and white one (is that a holstein or a herford?) with big brown eyes and long eyelashes. We live in the city but we have a huge backyard. I think it would work out:-)

Staci - I love everything about this post except you introducing me to The French Bull 🙂 heehee 😀 Happy Weekend!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Ok ~ for the record ~ Pam is not alone! I love the corner and the logo and the moemnt it happens… knowing it will never happen again…
Just sayin’ “)

betsy - I’ve been putting off blogging about my last few weeks of summer & the beginning of school because it takes me forever. This is the way I need to do it. Just a picture or two with a short description. Thanks 😉
P.S. My students are LOVING the banner you made me. Every new staff member that sees it says, “Did you make that!?!?” As much as I would love to claim it, I’m happy to share, “The woman who writes a blog I read daily was nice enough to make one for me.” Thanks 🙂

Jennifer - Clean kitchens are just good for the soul, aren’t they??!! Yours is so beautiful. And holy cow…waffle has to be the cutest dog ever!!! 🙂

Quinn - I thought I was the only one to do that thing with the DVD symbol… hahahaha.
I looooove the picture of Waffle and Annie, too precious.

adrienne - love your happy things today!

Janie Fox - I love the exercise comment but I really love that he smoothed the covers over you. Little things are the best!

Vera - I’ve really been dragging this morning, but this post made me happy and motivated – thank you!

Nicole Q. - I just spent way to much time dream shopping over at the FrenchBull site you mentioned! FUN ! FUN! Fun!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I should try and paint a cow pic for you. I don’t use oils…wonder how acrylic would look? You’re kitchen was gorgeous Meg. So sparkly and clean. I get that feeling of being full and overflowing alot. I’m so blessed. My youngest starts all day school soon and I’m praying I won’t flip out or anything crazy!

tami - Awh fun stuff, your soo full of color!

Dani - This has nothing to do with your post…. but I just LOVE LOVE LOVE that when I click on a link in your post it opens a new window!!! I hate to be reading a blog and click a link to find it takes me away from where I started!
Thanks! 🙂

Melissa Morrill - Waffle is smiling!!

elisa - We have the exact same countertop- do you use windex on it?
Love your clean kitchen!

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - There’s nothing quite like a clean kitchen!
It makes your whole house feel clean, even if it’s not!
Yay, Craig- stay on her!

Lisa - Meg, when you have a free moment (ha ha) check out my very talented friend’s whimsical animal art – it’s so fun and colorful, AND named Harvest Moo – perfect for your cow yearnings!

Tara - I have a cow painting that I got this summer, and it’s my favorite thing in our house…you can find it on my sidebar. 🙂

Sandy - beautiful picture of Annie & Waffle!

Nikki - I love the last photo of Annie and Waffle…. so cute!

Niki - Oh my word! I was so enamored with a cow painting in Tuesday Morning this week. Seriously. Couldn’t take my eyes off it! LOL Of course I don’t think it was the real deal but still, kinda random you brought it up!!!

Gemma - Yummy Banana muffins and Coffee!!
Good Stuff : )
Gemma x

Catriona - This resonates with me – especially the coffee and muffins reward! I am just about to do something similar while my children play with Play-doh, my husband digs the garden and my washing machine sweetly whirs. And it’s only 8:58am in our house (we’re in the UK)! Have a great weekend.

karen - I am up at 1:55 am because of hot wings. Why are you up?
I think I will order a Lazy Susan 🙂

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