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i am a dork.

so this is what i look like if i am taking your picture….HA!

andrea was one of the family sessions i did in California.
her husband had a much nicer camera than me….jealous.
he took some pictures of me getting andrea's blog profile shot.
and then some of our new friendship…bonded for life through blogs.

i was posing like we were a couple.




isn't andrea so cute?
go check out her NEW blog…she has great taste!
AND she brought me cake pops.
they were amaaaaaazing.
i had never had them.
and now i want to make them in my house…or maybe just eat them in my house.

and as if you weren't sure i was totally spazzy with people i just met 45 mintues before…
here's me and jamie:

and here's me and shiela:
you girls are so such good sports.
i loved meeting all the california families.
it was so cool to be so far from home and feel "at home" with complete strangers.
and now…we aren't strangers anymore.

new friends.
i love that about my job….everybody is just so nice…i meet all the best families. 

OnlineSurveyJobs - I love your haircut. I tried to get a haircut like that once. It turned into a frizzy triangle looking dome thing on my head. Not so cute.

Courtney Walsh - aw, super fun, Meg! I think it’s cool to have a shot of you taking a picture. How fun! 🙂

Laura - That first girl?? I want her shirt. Please find out where she got it.
You are easy to be friends with Meg…

Judy - Love your necklace, Meg.

Kirsten J - You. Are not a dork. And I have the same picture with me and Miss Tara Whitney….just needed proof that we existed in the same space at the same time. And if you ever come to Seattle…or I should travel to Kansas…I’d want the exact same pic 🙂

Genn - Hi Meg,
You are SO not a dork! You always look adorable. I bet her blog profile pics are going to look awesome!!
Also, that last picture of your last post is FANTASTIC! I hope that couple frames that one and blows it up big. It is so genuine. Great shot.

Jennifer - Love the pics and gosh Meg…I think I’ve said it before, but I just LOVE your hair!! 🙂

Andrea Howe - A couple of things. First, thank you for your kind words and shout out to my new digs! How nice are you? Second, your camera is technically nicer, we just had a nicer lens (Art made me say that :). Third, you are beautiful in these shots, especially that last picture of you and I. Fourth, Hmmmm, what was #4? Oh yeah, thanks for all the Tucker for Target tunic love ladies! Love me some Target, especially when you can get shirts from designers that normally retail for $300, for $30! BOOYAH! That’s Cali dorky mom speak for heck yeah!
p.s. as I’ve already said before, it was an honor to meet you. You gave me lasagna (I had never made one before your recipe), and you gave me beer margaritas, the least I could do was bring you some cake pops!

karen - Meg, you look great!!
I also think you would look stunning in a very deep dark brown hair colour or even a soft black!!
I love your eyes 🙂

Nikki - Why are you a dork? I love the photo’s… you guys are very cute. Not dorky at all!!! I love her orange top.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Her shirt is adorable. Now off to check out her new blog. Oh and you need to visit ME!

Elizabeth - I’m so sorry that I missed your visit out here!

allison - my response to “I am a dork” …welcome to the club 🙂

Shauna - you are a nut.
a nut with good make-up.
my favorite kind.
my friend and i were trying to think up something funnier and crazier then the whole “throw your cell-phone into your yard” idea. we new you were visiting the OC and were thinking of trying a “Lucy and Ethel” type hunt down. WE are dorks.

Crystal - I’m a photographer too, but I’m looking for a photographer to do our family pics & daughter’s 2 year photos. Do you ever come to Oklahoma (tulsa)? Oh, and I just learned about cake pops on Friday! A girl brought some cake balls to work for us & we were searching online for a cakeball recipe & came across all the cute cake pops! I was so excited & wanted to just come home & make them ALL! And, like a previous comment, I’d love to hear about your new camera! I have a Canon Rebel. I love your blog, I’ve become addicted! Crystal

Jamie - Geez, you’re so cute! And, whoa, that picture of me is reaaallly close. ha, ha. I’m glad one got taken of the two of us together. It was really fun to meet you! Thanks for the opportunity!

Dana@Bungalow'56 - Would you ever do a post on your new camera. You used to have a rebel and now you’ve upgraded. How is it different? Love to know. Love your outfit and necklace. Loved the orange tunic too. Everyone looked so good. I am inspired to go shopping. Not something I usually write.

transparent mama - I love that you are a spaz and a dork. It is so much more fun than being a serious, boring professional type.

Valerie - I hope you’re coming back to California soon! I would love to have you take my family’s pics. All you gals look adorable!

Mindy Harris - yep i’m hooked on andrea’s blog now. and i love heather of blessed little nest/life made lovely. neat people.

Miranda - Love these pics of Andrea (a friend)! so glad she brought you the cake lollis – yummers!
Lorelei – A’s tunic is Tucker for Target.

julia - you aren’t a dork. love your outfit.

The Lady of the House - Loved this pics – how much fun to go meet these cali gals!!! LOVED your black and white stripe 🙂 Hugs, The Lady of the House

laurenjean - So cute !! I am a photographer too, and it seriously is the best job.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - OH, beautiful ladies! I’m so happy for you! You are really doing what you love ~ you can tell!!

a pocket full of posies - So fun!!! wanna come visit here and do a session?? really…maybe when we move?…I’ll bribe you with cakepops and other goodies! 🙂
Happy Monday!
Many Blessings!

Kristi - Lovin’ your hair chicky!

april - so jealous!!!! Wish I could have done a session!!! Def NEXT time….lol….looks like you had a blast!!! YA!!!

Lorelei Eurto - I love that dress/shirt that Andrea is wearing, do you happen to know where she got it?

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