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thank you so much ladies! 

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i had my party!
it was so nice to have a clean and quiet house.
and then add in my friends and jewelry….LOVELY.
(thank you craig for taking the kids for pizza)

the jewelry that 31Bits makes is unique.
it's colorful.
and it has meaning.

31 bits was started by kallie dovel, traveling to uganda in 2007.  
she met women there making the paper beads.  
she brought home some of the jewelry & her friends were amazed at the talent and beauty of the beads.
After getting her degree she brought a few friends on board and together they made a company.
the women traveled back to uganda in 2008 and selected six women to to buy jewelry from on a monthly basis.
it has now grown to 48 women, each with a unique story of suffering that has been overcome with joy & liberation.

the term 31 bits comes from proverbs 31 where it describes a woman providing and caring for her family.

and bits comes from what the beads are made out of….bits of paper!

the money from the jewelry allows the women to provide
for daily needs while participating in educational programs. 
by being equipped with literacy education, financial and vocational training, holistic care, and 
a strong support system, individuals will be empowered to further their careers and attain social equity. 



the beads are made from recycled paper from magazines, posters, fliers and texbooks.
then they are sealed with varnish.

making the beads is a process.
designers spend a few days completing each step of cutting, rolling, varnishing & stringing the final product.
depending on the length of the necklace and size of the beads, one designer can make 5 – 15 necklaces a week.

if you have a party….you can make the decision to leave your bananas out or put them away.  :)

you can contact 31BIts on their website about having your own party with your friends.

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would you like to see what i have left?

click here to see…and buy what's left.
there is plenty…keep clicking. 

it is ALL SOLD!  

you are the best. 

jana - they work with reef too!! I love reef, there is a cool new Guatemalan project they’re doing for their girls line, along with a trip give-away

crystal beutler - I am so sad I didn’t read this one until today. I just love these beads, and I would have loved to help this cause by making a purchase. I’m glad you sold them all! Let me know if you do this again!!!
Hey, let me know if you want to do a giveaway in November!

Brook - I just got a few things as gifts from 31 bits for my 31st birthday!
LOVE them. They are beautiful and it makes me happy every time I wear them. My favorite is the purple one and the multicolored elastic ones.

Tanya @ Life in 3D - We have a similar initiative from another part of Africa in my neck of the woods called “Big Village”.
The beads are made from ‘found’ glass, old bottles,etc. The cool part about Big Village is you can buy the pre-made jewelry OR host a party where they bring a HUGE selection of beads and you can make your own designs…great girls night and great causes!
My brother-in-law is from Uganda and I have a paper bead necklace just like the ones you’ve shared…love it!

Christina - This is so neat! I have two very similar necklaces that were being sold at my church last year, when one of the children’s choirs came to sing for us. It was wonderful. The necklaces are beautiful!

Dawn Eshnaur - Because of your last post about them, I went online and bought 3 bracelets so far! I ordered one, received it and LOVED it, then went back and ordered two more! My son and I went to DC for the National Invisible Children Rally last year (for children in Uganda) so this was very dear to my heart. Thanks for sharing!

Andrea - I had never heard of 31 bits until you wore that amazing necklace in a photo and commented on it.
I found the site.
I bought an amazing bracelet.
I love it and plan on buying more.
Another reason your blog is AMAZING!

dawn - I’m so glad you posted this! I’m hoping to host a party in December. Love their stuff and what they stand for. 🙂

shauna reed - Thanks for sharing this meg. I was wondering about my amazing necklace that I got at a booth at the mall. The lady working there didn’t have much info on 31 bits;)
If I lived next door to you I’d for sure have invited myself to your party and got more!
Ps also, if I lived next door, I’d come over and help you hang that FAB red and white circle sign. And while helping try and figure out how to steal it without you noticing. It’s big.

alaina - Oh man…i was doing okay reading through your post, trying not to get too choked up, until I got to the last picture with their beautiful faces and stories. Wham! Right between the eyes! Kleenex anyone?!! We are spoiled! Ridiculously spoiled!

Courtney Walsh - pretty stuff…and I love the story behind it!

No.17 CherryTreeLane - Darn. I wanted to check it out.
But, seeing that last image reminded me that filling my living room with furniture is NOT EVEN CLOSE to being a priority and I need to remember how very blessed we are. I don’t think I will ever shake, “Pauline wants to buy a bed”. How selfish we all can become. I’m so glad I saw this.

Amber - That is supa awesome!!!!!! <3

aimee - GORGEOUS! both the necklaces and the story behind them!

Beth - Phooey. I really wanted some. Maybe next time 🙂

virginia - you have such a big heart meg

julia - So neat.
I think it’s interesting how different people go to Uganda and get different things out of it (my parents are going in less than two weeks).

BriBedell - Alright. The Party Cups. I died.

Molly Pearce - Meg! This made my heart so happy! I got my 31 bits jewelry this weekend and nearly screamed out loud at the post office, he he. I hope you sold a lot at your party 🙂 I am going to frame the little postcard with the ladies names because one Ugandan lady has my name 🙂 I wore a piece to church on Sunday and one of the little girls I teach Sunday school to asked me if I made my necklace, I said no that a lady from Uganda had made it named Florence. She then looked at me so amazed and said “how did she get it to you?” I thought that was so sweet of her. I told her I was having a party soon to sell it and she said she wanted to come. I just think this is so great! I don’t know why I am so excited about this! I just simply love it 🙂
~Molly P

Holly - sooo…how would one go about having a party like that at their house in another state????
say, Virginia??

Gemma - Beautiful jewelry and to think they are all made from recycled items….AMAZING!!
Gemma x

Laura Phelps - meg. that was me up above. the name was a previous joke. feel free to delete!

vintage vag - beautiful.
even the bananas 🙂

Rebekah - It’s amazing how much these paper beads look like the clay beads used in traditional African jewelry. Love it.
Also, the bananas? Entirely appropriate, I think. 🙂

jenni@talkinghairdryer - I bought a necklace and bracelet a couple of summers ago and LUV them! At the time I knew they were from Ugandan women, but didn’t know the company or how to get more. Thanks for posting the links!

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