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Camelia - Pretty indeed! Your pictures are great, they produce emotions and this is what it counts! Love them!

patty - oh those textures!

Lori Danelle - While I agree that every other photo you posted is amazing, . . . .
I CANNOT BELIEVE you took a picture of box elder bugs!!!!!!!!!
I hate them with every ounce of my being. I can’t describe to you how they make me feel anytime I see one! But then that’s the biggest thing about them. There is NEVER just one. There are hundreds if not thousands of them.
In a pile.
A huge disgusting, swarming, pile.
I will admit, though I have never done it out-loud, that if there was just one box elder bug (and never, ever the pile) I would say that they were pretty. BUT, since that isn’t the case and the pile is a constant with these vile creatures, I will maintain my disgust for them.
And yes, very unknowingly, you have hit a nerve with me. 🙂
I might be ridiculous, but I just can’t help it!!!
(you’d probably be laughing at me right now if you could see me as I write this. I’m quite agitated & animated as I type!)

jaz - OooooOOOOoo I think you need to enter some of these into our photo challenge this month (the two categories are ‘seasons’ and ‘love’ and need to be emailed to me by tomoz) I love the pumpkin! And I love all the old textures in this old country! Australia is so young in comparison – especially perth where I am from…

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - beautiful Meg!

Emily - LOVE!!!

Trish - You make the “mundane” come alive!!

katie w - beautiful photos!

patti - i’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…i just love chipped paint!

julia - Hey Meg – I’m giving away a bag…

asnipofgoodness - Just found you, and boy am I glad I did, because, OMGoodness it is Fan-crazy-tastic, and your pics are Wonder-rific-ful I LOVE it all….and shoot me to the moon, for not finding you sooner, because I can’t even wait to see more, or find out what is next, or stop thinking that I wish I was you, I mean, not that I want to stop being me, cause I like me, and I like the life God has given me, I mean I love it, but I want to be more you like, with like the colors, and the textures, and the beauty, anyway, thankyou, for showing the world from a little different perspective, and sharing it, and making it all so super yummy anyway,thanks! You are awesomness personified!

gina f. - phenomenal photos… totally capture fall.. i love them!

Happygirl02 - what kind of camera do you have? It takes GREAT pictures!

Kacey - Fantastic shots! Love the autumn feeling.

Ali Richardson - GREAT shots!

Emily B. - Beautiful shots, you have a great eye! I would never have taken one of those red beetles… but it was really cool! Thanks for the eye-candy!

Arielle - so pretty and festive!! you are so talented. i love clicking over every day for a little dose of happy color. 🙂

Valerie - Very pretty!

tasha roe - and that is why fall us my favorite! - To echo everyone else’s thoughts… what great colors and textures. I just love fall!

Kimberlee J. - This reminds me that I need to get outside TODAY. Thanks.

April R - we live in Florida and it’s still humid and hot here…these help. Thanks =) Just wish I could smell the fall too… with these, almost…Have a blessed day

Courtney Walsh - Loving the fall feel. What lens are you using?

Crystal - Gorgeous pictures!! I love the amazing way you see things. You have a gift to help others see the beauty in them as well. I thank God for finding your blog. 🙂

jennifer - Great pictures! I really like the rusty… handle thingy. 🙂 What is that?

Mel - I love your photos!! Thanks.

jeni - makes my heart sing 🙂

Jodi - VERY pretty!!!
Tell me something, what blog template do you use? The only ones I’ve found make my pictures super small. I love the size of your pictures! Thanks!!


Heather - What beautiful eye candy this morning! I love how you see such “ordinary” objects as a work of art. Fall is always a strong reminder of what an awesome God we serve!

Barbara - love these! Fall is *such* a good model =D

Talia - What a lovely look at Fall (which is my favorite season!).

Dawn - Beautiful! They would make a great wall display!

julia - Thank you for giving me my Fall fix! Great pictures.

Melanie - You always see things in such a creative way. Very pretty.

Lanny Stanard - I agree 100% …

se7en - Pretty indeed!!! Pretty Amazing!!! Love it!!!

Kat - Love the textures and colours.
Great shots!

Holly - Yes. I want to thank you for posting these. I miss Indiana so much this time of year with all it’s colors and smells. It’s just not the same living in Arizona. I’ve been here for 20 years now (hard to believe) and I almost forgot how beautiful they can be. So thank you, thank you.

Susan - Meg. Great Pics. What camera did you use and what lens? I am thinking of getting a new camera for xmas. Many Thanks, Susan.

Julie - I love texture and patina! Very pretty indeed!

Sarah - My sister sometimes takes texture pictures, like those pics of bark. She prints the texture pic larger, and puts another picture on top, so that it has a nice border. You should try it sometime, it looks really pretty.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Mmmmm… Pretty 🙂

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