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craft cupboard


i have this pressure that i put on myself that YOU think i have a really organized, pretty-to-look-at craft cupboard.
well…this is it.
what do you think?

i texted my friend and said "i'm cleaning my craft cabinet!" 
she wrote back "i haven't seen your craft room"
me: "no…the kids' craft cuboard…not my crafts"
she: "you have a whole cupboard?! i have a shoebox"

that cracked me up.
yes….i tend to be a bit on the hoarder side when it comes to craft supplies.

i couldn't stand that cupboard one more day.

i emptied it completely on the day we had the snow day….with NO snow.

remember i did have a whole pot of coffee myself….
(call me Magda….at least i wasn't vacuuming under the couch!)


i found places for everything….put everything together that belonged together….made labels!




top shelf: ALL the stuff i have been collecting for a year for our junk sculpture….coming soon.
third shelf: ribbons/styrofoam stuff/crayons/beads/yarn/clothes pins/old christmas cards
second shelf:  paint/glitter/glue bottles/tape/glue sticks/hot glue guns/ watercolor paint/feathers/pipe cleaners
first shelf:  construction paper/white paper/pencils/pens/scissors/paintbrushes/rolls of white paper

the cans are recycled….peaches or tomatoes
i found two packs of pencils from school supply shopping….i sat and sharpened them all! 


craft thursday just got better!

and the best part…..i did it all for free!
no fancy organizers.
no running to the store.
just used what i had.

craig will be so proud.  :)


crystal beutler - Man . . . can you come over and fix me. I soooo need to do this. You are going to laugh when you read my post tomomorrow. These pictures and your words today inspire me. My whole craft room looks worse than your first picture. And it plagues me.

Quinn - I am obsessed with clean, and this post made me feel so happy. And I mean I cringed at the first picture, and got progressively happier hahahah. Very impressed!

Tara - so impressed.
no money spent…makes the whole thing more impressive.

Andrea T - super insiring post. especially the part where you did it all for free, no running to the store. i am not that strong!!

Stefanie Shultz - Not sure how to get this to you, please check out this blog and pray for this family. I do not know them personally, but I’m touched by their story and I’m sure you will be too. Thanks~

julia - I’m feeling pretty inadequate that my kid just uses a pen and computer paper. I’ve got to find my “A” game.

Katie - I have a free standing craft cupboard…it used to be in my husband’s room growing up. My MIL gave it to me this summer and I painted it white and have lots of craft supplies in it. I use left over canning jars or any glass jars to put supplies in…can you believe I do that with 4 small kids?!
I did see a blog that wrapped twine around old formula jars and then added a ribbon on the top and bottom and then tied labels on…cute but more work:) I am saving all the formula cans, baby food jars, and pasta sauce jars for something yet to be determined.
Have fun creating!

Leah - You know what’s funny about this? You say you’re not an organized person. But looking at what you accomplished totally inspires me to organize all my craft supplies too. I’m ready to put on a pot of coffee and get started!

Amy jupin - “If I knew you in real life I would send you a bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils…”
Now I wanna watch ‘you’ve got mail’
And ‘something about mary’

Kristin S - Your built ins are glorious!
Isn’t sharpening a pack of pencils so satisfying? I can smell them from here in NC…

nic - this makes me want to come over and play.
we have a craft box…and then the rest of the house, which is scattered willy-nilly with mislaid supplies. so really, we have like a whole craft HOUSE.
which needs to be purged and straightened and herded. oh bother.

Vera - I am so jealous that you have all that STUFF. I used to be a splendid craft hoarder, but now my kids just use it all up pretty much the minute it comes into our house. I filled a HUGE cookie jar full of crayons (like 4 of those giant Crayola boxes full) and they were all gone (used, lost, who knows!) within a month. Glue? FORGET IT. It makes me crazy. Maybe I’ll re-stock and then put a LOCK on it!

Victoria - Looks great and might just motivate me to do my own….

Nicole Q. - Looks beautiful!

Stephanie - Wonder if we could start a hoarder of craft supplies support group, I’d be a lifetime member! I think we have a million pencils lying around our house and I would love to sharpen every one of them! My rule is they must have a sharp pencil to start their homework, weird I know!

Michelle - Love, love, love! Now I’m wondering if you printed the labels off your Mac and if so, what font did you use?

Londen @ Sixty-Fifth Avenue - wow! that was a lot of work! it looks fantastic! your craft room inspires me to make something!

kat - How fun!!! It looks amazing and now you can see exactly what you have to work with. Awesome job Meg!!!

Brittany - This post makes me so happy…I love seeing things get organized! It give me the itch to start some organizing of my own!! Very nice!!

Jessie - I love your closet! This makes me think of my favorite cabinet when I was teaching. I had it labeled with all of my favorite craft items. I would open and just feel happy! I brought it all home with me but need a nice big closet like this that is organized to keep it. The bins and tubs I have get messy way too fast. I love all the fun colors and craft items. Makes me want to do something fun with my boys today!

sarah - this is the sort of thing that i would add to my daily to-do list just to be able to check it off.
well done, my friend. you’ve inspired us all.
and what lucky kiddos to have such a crafty mama!

Rach - I hope to have a closet like this for my kids when they are older and I am personally attached to my P-Touch labeler and repurposing tins so hopefully it will look like this. Oh, and if I could lift my couch, I would TOTALLY vacuum under it!

jenn - It looks wonderful! And that gum-ball container!!! Mmmm…I’d be tempted to chomp into one of those beads. 🙂

Kate - I sharpened a whole box of pencils on Saturday night. My husband could hear it going and going and going. . . he finally came to check on me! (I like the old fashioned sharpeners.) It’s such a relief to find a project that you can actually start and finish. Great job!

Courtney Walsh - I would so love to have a craft cupboard. And a new house. 🙂 Looks pretty dern awesome!

Laura Phelps - I have a craft shelf
and a craft bin
a baking shelf
and a sprinkles lazy susan
and they are ALL a complete mess
when I lose this cold and feel better, the pot of coffee is going on and I am getting to work
probably not
but I will make that pot of coffee at least

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - Hmm? Just as I figured, now that the kids are all in school your inner Martha is emerging. I’m not sure if we can be friends now, as I don’t know how to get over this closet envy I’m experiencing?
Dana: )

Shannon - That seriously looks like all of my closets. It’s embarrassing whenever someone comes over and opens a closet, like Monica’s closet from Friends 🙂
I don’t have that many craft things but then again I only have 2 kids. Good job taking the time and organizing all of that. I hope your kids are back in school so you have some you time again!

Sharry - This is the “same” mess I’ve been tackling for a month and I don’t have kids – just too much fabric and all its accessories!

Dani - I actually started doing this the other day. My husband built some shelves in the hall closet for my craft supplies. I didn’t realize how many I had! I had supplies all over the place. Under the bed, top of closets, in kitchen drawers…. EVERYWHERE! So glad I have most of it organized and in the same place!

Kerri - I find there is something very therapeutic in sharpening pencils. Why is that? I also like the way they smell – LOL! Of course I am a teacher, but still…
Great job on the cabinet!

kbonikowsky - “i sat and sharpened them all!” Too funny.

Diane - Now could you come and do my Quilt Room?

Shoppin4sophia - Thanks for showing a re-do that costs no money! You know, sometimes all of these blogs make me depressed with their major overhauls. They say, “this only cost me $$$blah, blah.” Well, do you know how long it takes to save extra $$$$???? Anyways, thanks for that. I appreciate it.

Marie - Oh man I need to organize so bad! Thanks for the idea on using cans! I mean i know its nothing new but it was like a “oh yeah” kinda moment lol!

Kristin Hayne - This post just made my heart soooooo happy. I LIVE for organizing…. if you lived in Colorado, I would’ve done this for you for FREE!!! Good job. Makes everything easy to get to and the kids can find things without making a GINORMOUS mess…. LOVE it!!

Beth - Looks amazing! My craft cabinet could use some more shelves, love how yours are spaced. So…..question: how do you use the tin cans when they have the sharp edge around the top?

Carly Winborne - oh, i am in absolute heaven. the labels make my heart beat fast. love.

Aneta Kudasik - You are such a fun mom! I don’t know anyone who is like this for their children! Good job on the cupboard!!!

ashley jensen - Ah the joy of organizing. I recently organized my craft cabinet and no longer dread looking it it. It looked like yours but smaller.


Beth - I love your craft cupboard! I am going to have to fix one for Lexi…All her stuff is everywhere from bedroom to living room and where ever else she leaves her stuff.

Cathy - Love it! Of course, for me….the hardest part would be keeping it that way! 🙂

Rachel / cREaTe - AWESOME. the before pic looks just like nearly every cabinet & closet in my house. and other areas where things get stashed. this past weekend, we had an impromptu party. 16 people showed up at my house before i even got 2 minutes to do a tornado sweep through the house. it was so embarrassing & totally has me wanting to set the bar a little higher on how i keep my house on normal days. 😛 blech.

Jodi - I did that just before Christmas… My craft closet…
I need to reorganize it again… :o)

Amanda - Your before pic looks like my craft supply areas…I think they are split into 3 different spots 🙁
Makes me want a label maker once again…lol. Looks great! Feels good, doesn’t it?

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - well done!!!
we’ve got a craft closet that stays pretty well stocked thanks so a certain grandmother who’s also a preschool director. 🙂
one of my favorite parts of my job as a Professional Organizer is finding clever and creative ways to store items with what you already have. though it is fun to purchase pretty color coordinating (and functional) storage boxes, bins, and/or baskets it’s not a NEED to simply get things in order. your cupboard looks great!

Bobbie - You should see my craft shelves in our garage. Two huge industrial sized shelves that look like a little hurricane went off in my garage. Maybe you’ll inspire me to clean them soon but only after a pot of coffee

deborah@applesinwonderland - spectacular!!!!! my craft cupboard, sets of drawers and large portion of the basement may require my own barista and an IV set-up. good to know it can be done. 🙂

Candy - Looks awesome! You totally crack me up, at my prayer group the other night we had a Magda reference! Too funny.

elisa - Amazing what coffee will do for you!!

sandy toe - I had to laugh at your comment- When I organize…I also buy! Terrible habit of mine!
sandy toe

Kelly - I love organizing and labels! So fun! Kelly

jenni@talkinghairdryer - You can do anything as long as you have a pot of coffee and a box of cupcakes! Love your clean, usable space.

Staci - WAY TO GO GIRL!!!!!! Looks awesome!!!!

Penny - Wonderful Meg. It looks great. You have inspired me to tackle my craft room. I am having our next Craft Club at my house and I know the ladies will need something from that room and it scares me! You have inspried me to get it done. Thanks! And what a great place to hide the cupcakes! 🙂

Shairee - oops – meant only if it could stay that WAY!!

Shairee - Oh, if it could only STAY that why!!

Elissa - ok, so what **I** want to know is…. can you come to MY house? 😉

Barbara - awesome job! what I would give for an awesome cupboard like that…. so would my daughter!
what really intrigues me is how you plan on using the hostess cupcakes in the junk sculpture 😉 teeheee

Kimberlee J. - Yay for you! Exhale…I love a space cleaned out and organized–Even if it is a shoebox. 😉

Shayne - I love what you said about Craig being proud because you didn’t run to the store for anything to help you organize! So tempting, isn’t it, to go buy matching containers? But you did a lovely job and avoided that extra expense!

Carol S. - That’s a million dollar makeover! Bet that felt great. I keep looking at that empty space above the construction paper trying to figure out how you can get a second or third level for different paper types above it…there are organizers like that but hmmmm….for free…. Anyway, IF we get a snow day, I’m doing something similar to a junk closet or room. Have a wonderful week Meg.

Julie - Looks great! I did the same thing with our “kid’s cabinet” in the kitchen. What a disaster. Now I just need to find the tape for the label maker…it’s here somewhere! I’m digging myself out of my house one inch at a time now that my babies are all in school!

Amy Lynne - Love it! I especially love that you didn’t buy anything to make it more organized! I am all about re-purposing these days, so it’s nice to see when other folks are doing it too! Great job!

Lorie - Once again you inspire me. I need a snow day without any snow to get my pantry done!

se7en - We are in our last week of school and I am just dying to do our annual sort… of the craft/school/puzzle/games dresser ( I love yours!!! And I could look at close up pictures of crayons and markers and beads all day… everyday!! EVERYDAY!!! Thanks for the happy post!!!

Katy - I can’t help but disagree with the previous comment made by “Georgia Rowe”.. Doesn’t she know that you are never too old to craft?? 🙂
Great job organizing, Meg! You have inspired me (what’s new?).

Jen - I love anything with a label!
Looks great. There is nothing like a clean cupboard to make you feel good – at least I’m a bit on the sad side like that.

Heather - looks great! I could stare into that huge jar of beads forever… 🙂

Gemma - You did a great job – I love label makers!!!
Gemma x

georgia rowe - I want to come to your house!!!!!!!!
I love crafts, but being 23 i dont have much to craft, i need to borrow some children to do craft time with i think :o)
I cant wait to have kids so i can draw and make things with them.
Well done on the ‘free’ organising!!! i always keep old food tins, and Sauce jars to store things in. Douer egberts coffee has the best jars, there so posh! – its worth buying their coffee just to keep the Jar ! haha

Simone - ahhh sweet organisation 🙂

sue - You are a clever girl.That looks very organised.I cleaned my scrapbook/craft area too this last week and now i stand and admire it also ,ha ha.

cheryl @ a pretty cool life. - So…are there craft supplies or cupcakes in the Hostess box on the top shelf??

Keri ~ Forever Folding Laundry - Nice!
I know you guys will make some great stuff.
I love a freshly cleaned-out cupboard.
Mine never seem to stay that way.
How does everything seem to migrate out of place so quickly?
I wish you no craft cupboard migration.

Lisa - My first thought when I saw the picture of your cupboard messy was “At least she has a craft cupboard!” I’m not crafty so the extent of my crafts is crayons and coloring books. They all fit in one small bin! 🙂 Your clean and organized cupboards make me want to organize my whole house! 🙂

Amber - Holy Cannoli!
Just kidding. 🙂 My whole house is an unorganized mess. 🙂

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