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this is where i am sitting right now… bed.
because it's warm.

after i blog i am going to work on my bible study.
in bed.
cause it's WARM!

i am super talkative today. 
so much to tell ya….or not….just stuff i have in my mind.

we watched Secretariat this weekend.
i liked it.
who wouldn't?
and then i bought the song "Oh Happy Day" on itunes and i have listened to it 25 times since.
you should listen to it too….i am right now.

and then i bought "i'll take you there" by the staple singers.  :)
1972 and 1969.
making me happy this morning.

did you watch the super bowl?
it was on in our home and my men watched it.
i made cupcakes…..played games with the little girls….read books to them….and put them to bed.
then i hid in the craft room sewing.
i didn't see one second of the super bowl.
and that is just fine with me.
it was so loud…i just had to be far away.

how old am i????
buying gospel music from the 60's and saying the tv is too loud?!
i am my father.

lots and lots of bunting.

i am getting my etsy shop stocked up again.  woo-hoo!!
pom poms and polka dots and rainbows are all around me.
(my shop won't be open for weeks….i promise i will give you plenty of heads up….)

did you know…..that even with a lock on your door….it is difficult to "be romantic" in the daytime with 5 kids?

well it is!

every 30 seconds a different kid was knocking on our door yesterday!

"mom….mom….mom….are you in there?"

"MOM….can you help me?  i need my shoe tied.  MOM????"

"DAD?  where's MOM?"

knock knock knock "MOM? can i have some ice cream?"  

"mom….hey mom?  when are you coming out of your room?" 

"mom?  the computer keeps freezing. can you come fix it?  MOM….can you fix it NOW?"

and then a blastingly loud rendention of chopsticks on the piano in anger because i wasn't coming out of my room fast enough for their liking.

BUT….romance MUST BE MADE.
no matter what.
it's important.
they will survive without their incredibly important requests of snacks or more computer time or help with zippers met instantly.
mommy and daddy need the romance!

with five kids we have gotten pretty good at ignoring the distractions in exchange for "romance"
but yesterday was one for the record books.

i know.

instead of knocking on my door non-stop they should have been folding the laundry!

the host for SNL was Dana Carvey.  
it made me happy….made me feel all nostalgic….thinking about high school.
wayne's world made me feel like i was 15.
how many times did we quote that in the 90's???

this skit was so dumb but funny. 


i apologize for that.

ok…i need to move on with my day.

and let you move on with yours!  :)


the winner of the Jolly Goode poster is…………

LOVE the poster! I have spots of red in my kitchen and this would be perfect. 🙂 This weekend – Saturday is working on my new craft storage and Sunday is Super Bowl. GO PACKERS! 🙂

Posted by: Sarah | February 04, 2011 at 02:21 PM

sarah….email me your info ok?



Tawnya - I just stumbled upon your blog. I was in a terrible mood, but if that picture is truly of your laundry pile, you have just made my whole day better. I have one to match 🙂

jennibell - I hear you on the “romance” thing. Last Saturday morning might have been one for the record books for us too 🙂 TMI but necessary to know others are in the same boat and MAKE IT WORK! I have to laugh at those who only have two little ones, some still in cribs, and “can’t be together” — ha! MAKE it happen. Good for you!!!!
Hope the snow is melting by now and you are warming. My one daughter is studying the state of KS in her geography book right now — made me think of you, someone I’ve never met. Ha! I love the blog world.
All your new fabrics and pompoms sneak peeks are exciting 🙂

Breeanna @ a brilliant melody - I watched about 5 minutes of the end of the SuperBowl. My husband and I are just not into watching sports.

Ashley - I love t.m.i. and I would love to know you and C make it work! PLEASE SHARE!! I look up to you a whole lot and really respect what you have to say about those “romance” situations! I would also love to see how you do your bible study!! I cant get enough of your blog!

Jan - Just loved this post! Just now “found” your blog via Matthew Mead…congrats to you!
Got the “Twilight Zone” chills when I read about “Oh Happy Day” because in the post I wrote last night I mentioned that it was my Grandma’s favorite song…hadn’t thought about it in years til I wrote that post…

Phoenix_Rising - That ‘tmi’ is what keeps your marriage alive and thriving!!! You are awesome <3

Carrie - I’m new to your blog and I just love it! You crack me up!!!

Karen Lehmann - oh…and I snuck away from my kids on Sunday…after being away from them all day long at a swim seminar…and I snuck away and met my husband at the hotel where he is staying for work, about 40 minutes away from our home, so that I could get some romance without those kids knocking on my door…(i kinda felt like a hooker) lol

Karen Lehmann - ok – i know you probably dont read all of these but i have to say that I turned on “oh happy day” and then I kept reading your post. I came to the part about the “romance” while the kids were trying to beat down the door and I just burst out laugh. Out loud laughing. really loud laughing. in my kitchen. by myself. and all I can say is… THANK YOU! 🙂

Amy - Lol Same goes at our house…. Lol thought it wAs just us it is awesome to hear it is not. I just found your blog today. I am really enjoying reading it. You are real! That is what i admire most in people. Love your stack of laundry.

kasey - umm….excuse me…but bryan and i tried to get in a quickie on sunday as well.
our doors don’t have locks…enough said.

Christina - “how old am i????
buying gospel music from the 60’s and saying the tv is too loud?!
i am my father.”
That made me laugh and laugh.
I loved Secretariat…I cried, and I thought it was so exciting. It made me want to know more about horse racing. For a minute, anyway. But…there are all these worlds out there, you know? The worlds where people know their stuff (or learn it really quick, and succeed!). Anyway, you’re so great!

kris - Laughing sooo hard! TMI? Nope, just real!
ps My family LOVED your baked french toast! So much easier than pan fried…and it is all ready at the same time!
Thanks Meg!

shauna reed - i assume you are using the term “romance” loosely…… and baby, you know how i love me some “oh happy day” and a good bunting… fact, some “romance” under a bunting and listening to “oh happy day” may be fun to try….hmmmmm…just a thought.

betsy - How lucky am I that I ALREADY have some of your fabulous bunting for my classroom?!?!?! Very!
I still quote Wayne’s World all the time.
“Camera one, camera 2”
“I don’t even have A gun, let alone multiple guns to necessitate the need of a gun rack.” “Fine, Wayne. You don’t like it? You know if you’re not careful, you’re going to lose me.” “Lose you? I lost you two months ago. We broke up. Are you mental?”
Too funny!

Melanie - The TMI is so funny. I think that it is hard with a 16 yr. old in the house. They KNOW what you are doing and the little kids don’t:)

Alison - oh, and I love the enthusiasm you have for the Lord. So glad when I see a post that gives praise to our awesome saviour. What would we be without him!

Alison - llllove your blog!! cant wait to see your Etsy store!! I just opened an Etsy and am having so much fun!Definetly going to Favorite you… I can already tell it’s gonna be awesome!

anna - hey meg,
could you show us how you do your Bible study, I always love learning that from other women. In fact…. I would LOVE to see a post about faith, coming to Jesus and what your faith looks like in your day to day life/ with the kids…pretty please! 🙂

Michelle - Yeah for romance!
“Party on Meg!”
“Party on Craig!”

Andrea T - thank you for that. you have no idea how normal that made me feel! you may say t.m.i but sometimes its what you need to here. I will be stalking the etsy shop date. i missed out last time, i need to add some rainbowy kansas to my jersey

Christa aka the BabbyMama - Heh, I simply DO NOT understand how you managed to stay in bed… once my daughter is awake, she is not going to let me have a spare moment to myself. Maybe it’s a two-year-old thing? Is there hope for us once she’s older?

Hoosier at Heart - Is that seriously your laundry? Holy crap. This is why I come here, I feel almost human again.

kate - Laughing because we used to have nights where my parents would all of a sudden let us stay out past “when the streetlights came on”. Wink wink.. No way would we have pressed our luck and even set foot in the house until my mom called us inside. If the house was a rockin’, we never had a clue….
It was only until later in life that the lightbulb went off..heywaitaminuteeeee
ps: I’ll Take You There-great song. Don’t let anyone tell you you’re old.

Ruth - Okay I feel SO much better about my pile of laundry after seeing yours!
Here is my question for you: where do you buy your fabric? I have been to 3 different Jo-Ann stores in the past week looking for bright & funky cute fabric to make some dresses for my girls and I can’t find anything like what you have there. Is there some sort of online source I don’t know about? Please help!

Michelle - Can I just say that I love TMI chatty Meg? You made me laugh heartily.

Kat - So grateful for some chattiness, especially seeing I am in need of a chat and I have no one here to talk to except four children under the age of eight, who are still home on summer hols (in Aus)for another week. Sigh.
Thanks for making me smile Meg and as always keeping it so real.
Love that!

Kate - Hahahaha! I love the post and love all the Modern Family references. That was ONE FUNNY episode. My favorite line was, “I don’t know what they were doing. But I think Dad was winning.” 🙂

kristine - that skit was funny. she sounds like she should be on jersey shore. oh my…
love your bunting craftiness! wish i could place a personalized order!!!
glad you got your romance on… maybe that’s why you’re so happy?! 🙂

Hannah - HA! i love that you talk about romance. i only have 2 kids and i can’t even go to the bathroom in peace! AHHHHH! 🙂 they can play fine for HOURS and the min. i walk out of the room, they come searching! it never fails! love your blog…to pieces…

Carol S. - Thank you for the SNL skit! I don’t watch it anymore, used to and that was very funny.

Erin Leigh - Love tmi & love the bunting… so cute!

Shanna - I am in love with the fabric with the school paper & letters on it. Where did you get it? Thank you! xoxo

Tracie - I agree that romance has to be made and I only have 2 kids! We used to put a movie on and then run upstairs. The laundry can wait or the kids can wear wrinkled clothes!

katie - love this post 🙂 love the comments. GOOD FOR YOU and for everyone else that that chooses lovin’ over laundry, my kinda gals!!

Tara M. - O.k. that romance story was funny! At least they didn’t walk in on you two! Did you see the Modern Family episode where the kids walk in on the parents?! It was pee in your pants funny!

Lisa - Love it. I saw you made The Nester over the weekend! Sweet!

Amber - Okay, that girl in the skit reminds me of Vienna from the Bachelor last season. lol.

happygirl - I thought SNL with Dana Carvey was so funny. Especially the Wayne’s World and opening monologue song. Oh yeah, and church lady and the Kardashian girls.

Jessica - I love this post!!
Love, love, love it! Totally makes me smile.

marta - oh goodness. i love me a colorful bunting. please please please let me know when your shop opens. yay. happy productivity. glad i’m in good company with this laundry stuff.

Gina - that is so normal, to try to fit in romance-it’s tough to do that but so worth it! We’ve done the same thing…thank goodness for the locked door! once we found a bunch of notes that one child had slipped under the door while we were locked in. Respect for mom and dad’s privacy is very important for them to learn!

Shelly foster - Oooooo……would LOVE some of that bunting for my nursery ….getting baby boys room ready now ! When will your etsy shop be open ??

Karen Gerstenberger - I agree – romance must be made, and time must be given to make it happen – and happen well. Good for you and Craig! When you are older and the kids are away, you will have a REAL relationship, instead of wondering, “Who is this person? Why did I marry him?”
Gregg & I have always made time for dates, and for romance – even when Katie was in the hospital. We were sleeping in separate places when she was in treatment – Gregg at Ronald McDonald House with David and me in the hospital with Katie, M-F; then we would swap places on the weekends, so each of us had time one-on-one with each child. When she was an outpatient (between each of the 5 weeks of chemo sessions), we all slept in one room and shared one bathroom at Ronald McDonald House. It was hard to find time to be alone, but the support of family made it possible. We needed to look into each others’ eyes, debrief, share what we were seeing and feeling, talk about what was next, and cherish one another. I think it helped us to weather everything – her passing, this new life and our grief.

Brook - Hilarious post today. Did you see the Modern family a few weeks ago where the kids bought them the door lock?? So funny. “MOM!!!” You can just never escape those kids. So excited to see what kind of goodies you get stocked up in your shop. Oh and I didn’t watch one second of the Super bowl either. Even better my hubby and big boys left and watched it at the neighbors. I painted and crafted which is more fun anyway!

julia - Um Meg…so if I show up at your house will you let me fold laundry?
Soooo, I was just wondering if you’d share with me where you get you print your photog canvases. Please, I can’t handle any more tough love like the making of the number 5.

rosemarie - i know how you feel even after 9:00 @ night my kids are still knocking on the door for me. i sometimes make my husband move our dresser in front of the door for fear they will break the door down..

Laura Phelps - I am cracking up because I experienced the SAME THING on Saturday morning…
“MOM! Open the door!!”
“Mom! Can we come in!!”
Finally I shouted, “In a minute! Your father is naked!!!”
They went running!!
and I didn’t have to lie! HA

Sarah - TMI is what makes life interesting!

Gevay - I have “Oh Happy Day” written on my chalkboard sign the hangs outside our front door. I’m with you, Sunday afternoon is a great time for romance! Have a great week!

Danielle - That exact same thing happened to us yesterday concerning the romance department:) Thank you for posting that song, I have listened to it three times in a row and posted it to my facebook. It’s gray, cold and rainy where we live, but it is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it. Perfect song to help me keep my attitude positive on a day like this:)

Tara -
and i love that you talk about locked doors and attempted romance with your husband.
also love that you had victory in the department of romance despite the screaming and the needs and the questions from your children.
i need to learn from you.

stefanie Arnold - its NOT tmi… because all of us married couples should be doing the same thing! Or, at least trying to with our kids doing the same as yours 🙂 My parents used to tell us kids “its healthy for your security” when we’d complain that they were dancing in the kitchen or suddenly “making out” 🙂
I love your chatty mood. Its how I typically feel first thing in the morning. Happy week!

Marie - Ahahaha that is sooooooooo my house! I have 4 kids and it seems like when that door locks they are right there to knock on it or try to open it even tho it is clearly locked! GAH! lol! My god Dana on snl was great. I love waynes world.

becky - romance??? i have no idea how you do it, but i’m so thankful that you DO – that gives me hope! We only have two kiddos {newborn & a 2 yr old} and romance doesn’t happen now because we’re EXHAUSTED… but you’re right. it just needs to be made. maybe tonight…… 🙂 thanks for sharing

Donna - Well the romance happens during the day at our house too, but we only have 3 kids knocking on the door! Sometimes we like to put a movie on for them and that keeps them entertained:)
I can’t wait to see the new things in your shop!!

amy - Loved the randomness of the post – hilarious. Random side note: I have the same alarm clock. $5 at Walmart or something? 🙂 Enjoy your day!

jen smith - I love ‘oh happy day’!!! have you seen sister act 2? one of my favorite renditions of the song.

georgia - Hi meg, when will you post about laurens 16th birthday! What special present did u get her for her sweet 16 🙂

Suzette - Romance! Made me think of the recent Modern Family episode. At least you have a lock!

Jana - That’s Right! Gotta keep the romance ALIVE!!

Emily - This was funny, talk about keeping it real… : ) I am glad things worked out in the end…
Enjoy your cozy time in bed with the Bible, sounds lovely!

Staci - I am sitting at my computer…eating leftover guacamole and chips from the SB and LOVING the fact that my boys are BACK IN SCHOOL TODAY!!!! Getting stocked up and ready to go for snowstorm #2 on Wednesday!!! CRAZEE!!! BUT…with kids sleeping in late…there was a llitttle time for some romance 😀 heeheee 😉 Have a great day!!!

the whyte house - lol. love this post. i am a t.m.i. person and i don’t care! 🙂

Katie - Did you see the nice shout out to you and Ashley on Nester? Love the love!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Hello Chatty Kathy or Chatty Meg, I am actually in bed reading blogs as well. I can’t use the excuse because it’s warm, just that it’s comfy and the kids are off to school and no one will know that I’m back in bed 🙂 and soon I will get up and hit the ground with my feet running, so for now I’m enjoying my blog reading in bed. Have a great rest of your day.

Londen @ Sixty-Fifth Avenue - Love the song, I’m listening to it right now. I’m a lover of old music for the 70s. I’m thinking a lock on our door is something we need to buy asap. It’s been a long time since we have had some afternoon romance.

Shannon - I didn’t watch the game Sunday either, the girls and I played outside and baked. I did eat all the snacks though 🙂
LOL at your TMI. I can’t even shut my bedroom door to take a shower without the knocking wanting to know what I’m doing they have to be with me 24/7 and there is only 2 of them!

Sheri @ Design Pop Interiors - I can’t think of a better way to start the day than with “Oh Happy Day”. Maybe I’ll listen to it first thing every morning – I bet it’ll be a great week. Thanks, Meg!

Tracy - LOL about the “romance” and knocking on the door by your children. I would LOVE to know your secret because I have yet to figure out how to “ignore and tune-out” my two 17 year olds when we are trying to make time for “romance”. HA! HELP! 🙂

bobbie - Have you heard O Happy Day by Kim Walker / Jesus Culture? It’s my favorite song ever. We played it right after our last baby was born because it was a happy day. Here’s a link in case you haven’t because you need to!
Also, our bedroom door does not close. Our house shifted and it just won’t close now. We’re going to try and fix it this weekend!

Nicole - I cannot wait to see the pennants! The fabrics are so cute!

Barbara @MadreMinutes - So glad to see someone else’s desk looks like mine…..Love your shop and look forward to learning more from you.
You can find me @MadreMinutes on MomTv and MingleMediaTv
Take care
Kindest regards,
Barbara Collins

Jamie - One time back when my now 9 year old was about 3, my husband and I were trying to be romantic in our locked room. Found out after the romance was over that our 3 year old was under the bed the whole time snooping for Christmas presents. Oooooops. He never asked and we never mentioned it. LOL

Tanya H - Eh, tmi is okay. makes me feel normal. we have a challenging time having a conversation without an audience. some things just cannot be discussed in front of kids. but the minute the door closes, they take that as a cue to either fight or neeeeed us.
I like your chatty morning. 🙂

Layla - I. Must. Have. That. BUNTING!!!!!!
Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go start hitting refresh on your etsy store ALL DAY! 😀

Sue - Hey Megan,
I wish you still lived here on Henry. I wish we could hang out…like the thousands of other women who read your blog. But I at least know you :). Happy belated birthday to Lauren! Sweet sixteen…Josh’s is next week…but he’s not so sweet. Enjoy your morning in bed!

Trish - 🙂 you are chatty this morning….
can’t wait to meet you in 17 days. AHHHHHH!

Laura - Romance MUST be made, you are right. And in our house I do not keep it a big secret from my children that romance is important. I don’t share with them details, but I let them know that their father and I need time alone. They don’t bother us because they do NOT want to know the details. LOL!

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