Masthead header

i am HERE.

and it's awesome.

sooooo AWESOME.

i have learned so much.  
and it's only day one!

it's great.
today halfway through i thought "man….i wish all my blog readers could be learning these things!!"

so in love with the set up and the style of learning.
it's like a dream course.
just perfect for my brain….perfection.

i traveled all day yesterday.
two planes and i got a rental car all on my own….alone.
i drove it with three other ladies who also flew in for goPro with the gps and it was not graceful.
BUT i did it.
it doesn't sound like a big deal….but it was. 

first time ever for this mama to be out on her own.

i wore these with a skirt.
IMG_9398 IMG_9399

they are called sweet nothings tummy toner leggings and i got them at walmart.
and yes i wear an XL.
it's ok…i'm curvy….i am ok with that.
but these are these softest most fabulous piece of shape wear i have ever owned.
crazy soft.
no weird tightness……nothing uncomfortable at all.
i want to wear them everyday for the rest of my life.
this is not a paid advertisement.
i promise.
they rock.
order them for yourself….you will be so happy.  
for $12 how could you NOT order them?!

this is my room at the beach house.  
pay no attention to the sump pump alarm….it's fine….look at the window!
that is the ocean in the window.
the chairs are on sand.
can you believe this???

i am amazed.

and i got a haircut before i left kansas.
and i love matilda jane clothing for women.…a lot. 
i feel like i finally found MY style.

it only took 35 years….

time for bed for me……it's 1:43 AM in kansas.
much much more learning to do tomorrow.

i have smiled today more than i have in quite awhile.
and i have unlocked a little part of me that i didn't know was missing.

{happy sigh}

Zansma - Cute hair! I ran to Walmart twice this week and no sweet nothings at my store. I will have to drive to next town’s Walmart.

Moriah @ Please Pass the Salt - hahaha! Someone commented on MJ’s FB page about meeting you wearing MJ and I’d been to your blog before so it just tickled me – had to come see. 🙂 LOL. (I think it’s a clothing cult, yes?)

katie p - love your hair! the color and cut is awesome on you!

Kirsten J - Oh bliss! And you are brave – while there is so much I’ve done, and traveled here and there…I’ve never gone like that all on my own – cute hair, btw!!!

The BabbyMama - Oh man, I so want some of those leggings now!

Tiffany - You hair looks young and hip! and also mom appropriate.

Andrea T - your happiness is contagious! I will start my day with a huge smile! i really needed that post ps loooove the haircut;)

jennyonthespot - CUTE. Hair. Sounds like your time away was deelightful… can’t wait to learn from what you learned! 🙂

Sheryl M - LOve the hair.
I also bought the leggings today!;)

evelyse - i love the haircut! and also, i love coming to your blog..always fun, funny, interesting…and i will check out those tights…or whatever they’re called 🙂

Andrea - Must you look fabulous in every cut? And that clothing line… wow.

karen - you tease!
so happy your enjoying yourself!!

danielle - um.. i love this post. i love your words! you’re so beautiful, enjoy your time – i am SO jealous. get to that ocean and get me me some of those leggings!

Deb Meyers - oh meg, have a great time!
And…Walmart Sweet Nothing control tank tops beat Spanx. Stayed put better, didn’t jump up in a roll around the rib cage. Just about $12 too.
deb meyers

rachel / - love the leggings – will be getting some PRONTO, in every color they carry. thanks for introducing! and your cardigan! i had NO idea matilda jane had a line for ladies!!! the cardigan you got & the navy one with the ruffle [i just saw on their site] … are perfection. glad you had fun. glad you got to see the beach. 😀 yay for you.

Lindsey - I’ve been wearing those leggings for almost a year now, I have them in every color!! Best leggings ever – I tell everyone about them! They sell them at Target as well. 🙂

kim sisto robinson - Very hip hair-cut…wish i could try something new! xx

Kat - You have THE most amazing eyes!! Gorgeous.
I too would love to see more of your haircut, looks great.
You sound very happy and proud of yourself. Go Megan!!!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Ok so first off…love your hair. Secondly, althought Ive gotten a few girls’ dresses(off Ebay, 2nd hand) Ive never purchased anything for myself from MJane. Can you tell us how their sizing runs? Id LOVE to get a couple pieces for my birthday but hate ordering online when I have no clue what the sizing is like.
Actually, I just remembered they only do trunk shows right? Do you know someone who does them? HELP!

Debbie - Oh Meg, I’m still smiling (can’t stop)
Love your hair!
Love that Dress, it’s you!
Love that pair of leggings, I want them too!
Love that killer room with a view!
Love that you introduced Wendy and Tyler to me!
Love that this workshop has me smiling too!
Love that I had the privilege of meeting you!
I’m just feeling lots of LOVE and I have you to thank for it…Thank you Meg, from the bottom of my heart, thank you!

steph - waaaaaaaaaaaah!!! why can’t i be a budding photog to come to the gopro?!?!
i hope you’re having tons of fun!
you look gorg, as usual. and what?! i had no idea matilda jane sold adult clothes? i came across them one time a while ago (prolly from a mormon blog) with their kiddies clothes. their adult stuff is super duper fun!!! i love that skirt that they paired with the sweater you’re wearing (ooops… i wrote swearing instead of wearing and backspaced TWO times!!!! ha ha! although maybe you are swearing while wearing that sweater?!?).
can’t wait to hear all about your w/e… and see all of wendy and tyler’s pics too!!! eeek!

Lynette - so glad you re enjoying, i love the hair!!!

Heather - love all of this times a million!!!

Chris - Love your hair!! Have fun! Can’t wait to hear about your weekend!!

Kori - it makes me soooo happy to know that you’re enjoying yourself so much. it’s always so awesome to do something for yourself and realize it’s long overdue..and i know what you mean about renting a car, etc. being a big deal. it would be for me too.
k. i’m off to check out the leggings and the other link…i forgot it’s name already. durr.
HAVE A BLAST!!!!!! 😀

christi - i am so glad you are in socal meg! i know the rain is coming and going, sorry i did a little dance hoping you’d get the incredible weather we had in january. anyhow … if you have time, stop into a world market (cost plus world market, do ya’ll have them?), the have a HUGE rainbow selection of all things. candles. tea lights. mugs. plates. measuring spoons. i walked through the store the other day and thought about you! thanks for the constant inspiration and honesty! enjoy the beach!

Lina - Gorgeous!! have the same leggings, delish, not sure how you wear them with a skirt….send pics please…. can you email me your address?? have to send you some beautiful things my cousins in colombia sent…. Mind you they think I am the same size of Lauren, hence the gift will be for her not for you or I…..skinny witches in colombia…Yes, I have not been 110 pounds since middle school…. great…Anyways, I hope you are having a wonderful time and can tell us all about it soon. I am sure you are missing your children dearly but I am also sure they miss you and all you do for ALL of them, plus you always need YOU time!!!! enjoy…

Heidi - I thought about you today when it was POURING rain and just now it started hailing. I wish the weather would have cooperated! 🙂 I can picture the driving/GPS thing- I live here and driving anywhere near the airport freaks me out! 🙂
So glad to hear you’re having a fabulous time! That room looks amazing! And I love the haircut!!!!!

Gemma - Glad your enjoying yourself!
Gemma x

Kristin S - So glad you are having fun!
I wish I knew your voice because I just love this post and would love to hear you speak it. Yes, I’m weird.
And while I’m a medium in everything else I choose XL for leggings! Who cares?!?!? I just might have to go check those out with your endorsement.

candace - cute hair. i hope you did a happy dance ~ in your cardigan 🙂

sue - Go say Hi to my sister-in-law.She lives there. have fun !!!!!

Aimee - You sound SO happy! Have a great time. 🙂

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - YAY! I am so happy for you!! Smile on, friend!

sara's art house - I checked out those clothes- super cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love your shirt. Their ruffle pants are adorable!

kat - Meg, you are so adorable! Love the new cut and color and the outfit too. Sounds like a fabulous workshop. Would love to be there!

Routhie - I should be cleaning and cooking–dinner party in 2 hours, but I have to say you look stunning. The darker hair suits. 🙂

jayne Barbour - This post made my day-that you are having such a great time! I recently started reading your blog and have enjoyed it so much. You’re real! And I’m LOVING your new hair cute and your cardigan! LOVING IT! Have fun!:)

Jenny B. - YEA! I’m so happy for you!!! 🙂 Oh, and I would be wearing the XL too. AND I would be very proud of myself for riding two planes and getting a rental car by myself… this 35yo has never done either of those things either! ENJOY YOURSELF! 🙂

Terrie - Love that you are THAT close to the ocean!! I miss it! Over-the-moon happy for you!

amy - Love the hair cut, and I am definitely going to go check out my Walmart for those leggings. I bought a pair of the Danskin ones there and they are so tight around my tummy I can’t stand to wear them!

Maria - Sounds like you are having so much fun…love that beach view…can’t wait to hear more!

Shauna - Teach us everything you learn..ha ha. Your haircut is cute and I LOVE the clothes on that website. I think I need a few skirts…

Jennifer - Your hair looks fabu! And I love that you don’t care about your XL leggings. You are the shiznet Meg.
I hope you have a wonderful rest of the trip.

jes - k…..your hair looks soooo cute.
i need tummy toners NOW.
your room at the beach house looks FAB.
matilda jane clothing??? um hello! cutest ever! and i had never heard of them! where have i been? not paying attention, apparently…
enjoy your time away. :))

shauna reed - you are the cutest ever.
just meg.
your own big girl self.
non of the loud crowd always surrounding you (i know you love them, buuuut…..)
this is so amazing for you friend.

Nicole Q. - LOVE the hair – you look fabulous!! Have a blast!!

Cathy - Very happy for you! So glad it’s everything you dreamed of and more! Show more hair… AND…. your eyes look spectacular in that pic. HAVE FUN!

Tammy - Enjoy every moment!!

Von - Gorgeous hair AND makeup! I’m just getting to know you through your blog and feel very excited that you have this chance to flex your artistic muscle. Look forward to the results!

annalea - how exciting! your hair looks amazing, that sweater is uber cute and it is such a cool thing to be doing it all by yourself. (and thanks for the tip on the leggings!)

Heather - your hair is so cute!! so happy that you are finding out new things about yourself. you are lovely!

Jacci - You’re so great. Really.
And, I’d like to say that I really, really love your hair BROWN 🙂 You always look super cute, but my favorite look is your natural hair color. And the new cut is both stylish and flirty. I bet Craig likes it 🙂
Have fun!!!!!!!!!!

Toni :O) - You look fab, haircut is awesome and I love how real you are…there’s a reason why I keep coming back to your blog, it makes me truly so darn happy!!! Have a wonderful time out there and savor every moment, you certainly deserve it chicka!!! God bless!

Leigh - I love your haircut!

Krista - What a happy post, I SO enjoyed reading it, can’t wait to hear more about your adventure! Your haircut looks great!

Geli - Looks like, you’re somewhere on Mission Beach. So sorry that it’s raining today, but the sun should be out tomorrow.

Leah - I’m so excited for you and I can’t wait to see all the photos and things you’ve learned. Too bad it’s stormy and rainy today in San Diego. And oh yeah, I’m an XL too and proud!

Robyn Farmer - This makes me so happy for you. Enjoy it and soak up all that info and then share what you learned with us. We love you!

debbie - Way to go!!! Driving in a different city is SCARY! Enjoy the ocean and beach, and your class sounds so awesome. And if you wear an XL, I must wear an XXXXXXXXL. 🙂

stacie - You look great and sound great! I love that. I also just love how very, very real you are. I wish I was with you!!

Cory - Ok those leggings look awesome! Glad that you’re having a wonderful trip!

Lisa - Go Meg!!! Enjoy and soak in every minute! 🙂 Safe travels!

Shayne - So happy for you. Love the line about how long it took you to find a style that felt like you. I’m still on that journey. 🙂
Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

Jenny Joy - I’m going to live vicariously through you while you’re there. Mkay?
You sound so happy! Go you! 🙂
And I can’t wait to see more of the hair! Crazy cute from what I can tell!

Suzanne - Your hair looks great! I live in San Diego & feel so bad that it’s raining. I’m sure that you’ll still have an amazing time, though.

Kimberly - Traveling alone is so liberating.

Lisa - Have a great time. Looking forward to hearing about your trip.

Anne @ Baking Me - How fun! Enjoy your trip! Love the hair and the Matilda Jane Clothing and the leggings! Cute! Cute! Cute!

Jennifer - LOVE the hair!!!!
I’m going to Walmart to look for those leggings!

Andrea - Your hair looks awesome! Makes you look even younger. You sound soooo happy and it makes me happy to think another mom has “found her happiness”. Can’t wait to find mine! I’ll just keep praying I know He has a purpose for me.
Keep us posted on the rest of the week! So jealous of the BEACH!


Danielle - It looks AMAZING!
On the Matilda Jane deal, PLEASE become a trunk keeper then I can shop for my little girl!!
I can’t wait to see the mad skills you are learning come to life on your blog!

Laura Phelps - YOU ARE SO BRAVE!
I am HAPPY for you!
discovering a new piece of ourselves is THE BEST

Stephanie - I am so excited for you to be there… you look and sound so happy. Can’t wait for you to share about the rest of your trip. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!
Gotta get those leggings:)

jodi @ back40life - Yea! – love the new do!

Danielle H. - LOVE your hair! Let’s see the back of it!!! Thanks for sharing your favs! Have fun!

Amber - soooooo wish i was at gopro too!!!! might have to start saving for that…or a new lens. 🙂 LOVE the hair, and can’t.wait. to get those leggings!
ps hair is fab

Michelle - GO MEG!! Sounds like you’re off to a fabulous start, I hope you’re weekend only gets better and better!

Myriah Mae - So happy for you that you are having such a great time!! I LOVE your haircut, it looks AMAZING! And I’m thinking I’m gonna have to order those leggings (I’m an XL too, LOL I think us curvy girls are way hotter anyways, LOL). Thanks for taking the time to post while you are on your AWESOME adventure.

Rachel J - Hey Meg!
So glad you are enjoying yourself! Sounds like Meg got her groove back?! 🙂
Love the hair! Have a great time!

kristiina - I am so excited for you!!
(and not that you asked, but am loving your hair sans highlights–you look so much more striking!)
can’t wait to hear more about your adventure…

Angel/TaDa!Creations - Your hair is gorgeous! Have fun on your trip and learn lots. Hope the weather is great for you too.

RLG - I get it. All of it.
I’m so happy for you, Meg.
Enjoy the adult time. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Sarah - So glad you are having fun!

Renae - So happy you’re having a great time! Nothing beats the coast in the winter, especially when we’re newly covered in snow here (I assume KS is too anyway). Love the post about the leggings and your admission of XL. It’s nice to know that someone out there embraces her curves…I hate mine. LOVE the new haircut!
Blessings to you!

Ann R. - This is crazy leaving 3 comments in three minutes but I just realized something. Seeing your header on the way out of your site I wanted to let you know before I forgot that in the Winter edition of Cloth Paper Scissors, I saw a great idea for your bolts of fabric and sew (ha!) easy too. She just had 3 plain white shelves perfectly measured one after another on the wall to perfectly fit her bolts of fabric. You probably already have a totally cool way of keeping those, but if not thought I’d pass along!

Carrie - You just made me cry a little. To read about what you are discovering about yourself is amazing. I am so happy for you that you were able to be a part of this.
You hair is awesome!
I think I need a Matilda Jane Shopping spree!

Ann R. - Just reread my comment and of course that was supposed to be SAHM, not SAWM! And yes kudos on doing all that stuff on your own – I can totally relate – this is for YOU so relax, enjoy and let your creative juice go!

Kimberlee J. - You sound happy. And you look stunning!

Ann R. - Am so happy for you! That does sound like a SAWM’s dream come true. You look super cute and YES we want to see lots of pics of your fab weekend and more pic of your new do! That room looks like its the best. Have fun – already looked into the leggings and a skirt by MJ.
Take care and keep us VERY updated!

Jen@thecottagenest - You put on your big girl panties and did it! I’m so excited for you. I totally get what a big deal all of that was. You look fab. Love that you claim your curves. I hope you have the happiest of weekends. It sounds like you are well on your way.

happygirl - Looking out at the ocean from your bedroom window. Perfect! Have a GREAT time. I love San Diego. Learn everything and share with us. That would be such a gift. and eat some REAL tacos. You’ll never go back to Taco Bell again.

tami - Have fun chica! xoxo

Heather - Tummy control leggings? What?!?! Walmart this morning I tell you!
Hair rocks. You’re so pretty.

Janie Fox - 1. Fab hair!
2. I am ordering the leggings, You know it!
3. That beach, those chairs… awesomeness.
4. 2 planes, rental car and you driving…I think you are a grown-up. I am not sure I could do that!
5. Enjoy it!!

Irene - Looking fab!

georgia - You sound like your having alot of fun!
If i was in a room that close to the beach, i wouldnt leave it, i would be on the beach jumping over the waves like a kid and squishing the warm sand between my toes… 🙂
Oohhhh your so lucky to be there!!!! 🙂
Have an amazing time! xx

Rebecca - Want to see more hair!
Because it looks tres, tres cute on you.

Carla - Sounds so fun, enjoy the view. I booked a session with these guys when they come to
Ireland, very excited 🙂 I hope you’re allowed share some tips when you’re done. Doing the rental car bit on your own…I completely get why that’s a big deal, I shudder at the thoughts!! Looking forward to hearing all about it. Enjoy every second!!

Sonia - i want to see the skirt!! i love skirts, but just don’t know how to wear them anymore? that doesn’t make sense, i know. but my way of dressing has changed as i’ve “grown up”

Ali - You sound very happy – enjoy the rest of your trip!

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