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one year ago….

i was in africa.

i had just slept in a bed at the YMCA in freetown and had seen a whole new world.

i was a crying mess.

i felt so spoiled.

my heart was forever changed.



i am still so proud of him.
he and i have written letters all year.  
he sent MY family gifts and a letter in his handwriting at christmas.
i hope i get to see him again someday.
he is doing custom embroidery work on a steady basis now.
it was a privilege to have met him.



how has an entire year gone by?

i want to go back.

i want to see those faces again.

i want to see God there again.

this was my post the day i came home.

(all of my africa posts are together on the rainbow africa button at the top right.) 

Love - i just got back a few weeks ago and already figuring out how to get back. my heart is always there.
love the one of the baby smiling up from mama’s back. =)

amy jupin - i still love each of these pictures.
what a story they tell.
some of your best work here, meg. so good.

Melissa - I am curious as to who you went through to go on the Africa? Was it the YMCA? I would like more information. I really want to go, but there are so many groups out there I just am not sure where to start.

Jenn B - I have been to Africa twice once on a missions trip and once with college and you are SO right – it changes your life. Thank you for sharing your story. I love your photos!

dotsie (aka podso) - I’m so glad I stopped by today to see your wonderful, emotive pics of your visit. It is very true, you cannot spend time in Africa without being changed, and leaving some of yourself there.

kari - oh meg…the memories that flood back each time i see these pictures. it’s been heavy on my mind and heart as well. miss you, friend.

crystalbeutler - Wow. What an incredible experience. You pictures are so beautiful — the people are beautiful. I would love to hear the story of how and why you went to Africa. My cousin’s daughter is going over this year. I don’t know much about it — only that it involves sewing machines. She asked me to donate money. It sounds like the opportunity of a lifetime. Making a difference, changing lives . . . humility, gratitude. It doesn’t get better than that. I know two girls who need that experience. 🙂 Maybe one day, it will happen.

ronda beeman - What an incredible God we serve! To see Him working in all kinds of places, especially in countries that need His love. Thank – you for the pictures and for the encouragement and reminder to be praying for His love to spread to every single corner of the world.
Such a blessing to see the smiles on these kids!

Heather - It sure doesn’t seem like its been a year. I remember praying for you and waiting hungrily for the pics you would share. I love the guy sewing – it needs a caption something to the effect of, “yes you too can have gorgeous muscles like these! Purchase your singer treadle machine now for only 4 easy payments of….”
I want you to go back, too! Would it be a do-able trip for you and your oldest before she graduates and leaves home?

amanda - I remember these pictures … those in the church were haunting (in a good way) – I couldn’t shake those sweet faces for a few days. Wow, it doesn’t seem like it’s been a year!

evelyse - what an awesome experience!

Tracy Fisher - Just as you remember them… they are still thinking of you. 🙂
What a treasured memory. Don’t you love how the mind can keep that stored forever?
Tracy Fisher

Haven - My sister just came back from Sierra Leone, and is so ready to go back. She went as a photographer through the Women of Hope International to not only capture the people of Sierra Leone, but to teach some of them to take pictures for the organization. Thank you for sharing these pictures. This really puts things in perspective of what she saw, because she is still working on her pictures. She was not able to show us quite yet! I am very anxious to see them! Anyhoo, thanks again!

danielle - awesome, meg. i hope to do a short term mission trip in the not so distant future.

jaz - This is when I very first saw your blog, and I was absolutely and utterly blown away 🙂

Kelly - A bunch of our area churches do an annual missions conference. This year was unique in that all the missionaries here work with ABWE in Togo. ABWE is currently building another hospital in Mango,Togo which is a really big deal. Another ministry in Mango they talked about was a sewing school run by a native man named Nogbebji. (Here is an article about the school –
Our area churches have decided to send a work team to help with the hospital next spring. My husband and I are praying about going. I told our pastor I would LOVE to see the ministry of this school! All that to say, I was thinking of you & your trip during the last two weeks of our missions conference. I can’t believe it was already a year ago!

Courtney Walsh - Cannot believe that was a whole year ago, Megan. That’s crazy. Such an indelible print they’ve left on your heart…
And I’m sure you left the same print on theirs.

Tonya - these pictures make me cry every time. i have to keep these pictures and images in front of my face to keep my mind on all of God’s creation…not just my own little world. Your time there and the way you have captured it has made a difference in me.

candace - the picture of you showing the kids the image you just took…..i can hear my little friends from africa saying “snap it. capture me.” and how precious is that little boy just to the right of the man leading prayer…his hand over his heart instantly made mine melt!
you sure do know how to capture and share the beauty of God!

Sara - The 8th picture…the small boy crying while being held, brings me to my knees in prayer for these people. Dear Lord, we are so blessed. Thank you for sharing.

kae - i love the way you have captured the moments/images. very inspiring & touching! & i really love the way you keep in touch with that guy sewing. you’re an inspiration to me in many ways…as a mom, as a crafter, photographer, blogger, etc. thank you!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - What a beautiful post. You have a beautiful heart Meg. Thank you for sharing your journey.

jen smith - aren’t missions trip amazing?! my husband and i have been on many many trips(mexico, bahamas, peru, philippines, argentina) and the one thing i have learned through them all is people are the same no matter where they live and god is still god no matter where you are.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Meg, wow. Has it really been a year? I remember crying as I read every post. Our blessings are so great. So big. How often do I take them for grated and complain and worry and worry more? Meg, thank you so much for being such a beautiful, beautiful vessel that God shines so brightly through.

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - What beautiful pictures, Meg. I know you have a very passionate heart for Africa and its people so Im curious: do you feel as if God will ever call you there to serve?(I mean for more than just a visit).

Kimberly Dial - Amazing … I loved this post! Thank you for sharing!

Kimberly Dial - Amazing … I loved this post! Thank you for sharing!

Maria - Wow, a whole year already….I loved your pictures of Africa, they were so vivid and alive. Thank you for helping us to remember.

Lisa - Goose bumps seeing the pictures again! I still remember the boiled eggs and the vitamins and all their sweet faces…awesome.

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - Puts my little adventure completely into perspective.
Thanks Megan,

Jenny Joy - I remember reading about your journey. In fact, I remember it well. So powerful. So emotional. It filled me with hope. I could feel all the love that you had for that experience and how much it changed you. I’m so glad you gave us all the reminder. Thank you!

april's craft nest - oh meg, these photos are wonderful. you can feel the emotion in them. the little boy with his hand on hhis heart in church- oh my gosh! the little boy sleeping on the backpack….the oerhead photo of the shantytown, your friend with the muscles at an old sewing machine. these images will stay with me. thank you!

Routhie - All the emotions I had reading your Africa posts always bubble right back up when you speak of your time there. I would love to make such a journey and help. Surely something larger could be organized?

Janine - You don’t have to go to Africa to “see God”. It’s just easier to there because of the dire situation. You just have to open your eyes a little wider to see the need at home. Going there was a great thing indeed, and clearly the need there is immense. But do what you can from here. Focus your energies in your own community and you’ll see the same rewards.

Cassie - me too, meg.
me too.
i have been SO reminiscent the past few days thinking about “one year ago today we were getting on the plane.” or “one year ago today we met david and sheku”.
and i ran into sheila yesterday at the school and we had a “moment”. 🙂 her thoughts, too, have been taking over by memories of africa and longings to go back.
all that to say “miss you” and “love you” and “thinking about you”.
did we really go there??

Heather - Those images are simply stunning. And make me wonder what the heck I whine about. Really, though. What do I have to whine about? Thanks for this reality check on a dull, cold March morning as I feel sorry for myself that both of my kids are sickish and I’m closing in on 41. Sigh.
That pic of the young man at the sewing machine is so beautiful. And you are so blessed to have made this friend and to have kept in touch. You really never cease to amaze me.

Cara - I can’t believe it has been a year already since you were in Africa! After reading about your trip, I started dreaming about my own trip. I’m hoping to go on a similar trip sometime in the next few years. As usual, your photos are stunning!

Kimberlee J. - There is much to say about this.
A million questions I have for you about these beautiful people.
I hear a tugging for sure.

Meghan B - My how a year flies, but because of your images I’ve thought of your trip many times since you’ve come back. They pop into my head when God wants to remind me of the countless blessings I have in my life and His call to serve others. Thanks.

Tara - love every image….
reminds me of my time in India….
I want to go back, too, because a part of my heart is there…..

Tricia Anne - Oh how those images tug at my heart.
I have never had the privilege of doing mission work abroad.
I can see how your life was changed after going.
I can feel it in the picture you posted.
Thank you for doing so. Sincerely, Trish
ps. I am a new follower of your blog and so glad to have found you. I am looking forward to becoming better acquainted. Have a nice day. :o)

happygirl - Thank you for sharing your images and thoughts of Africa. Isn’t it amazing. God has made this world so big and so diverse. It’s a wonderful thing to be able to travel and experience all the differences. I’m glad your heart was able to grow in this experience. I know you’ll pass a heart for all people to your children. <3

Katy Stone - come visit me! 🙂
oh, how i love your pictures. i still have to pinch myself sometimes that the Lord has called us to call this place home for (at least) a year.

se7en - Wow a whole year has past… your trip blogging had such an impact on my life and your journey raised my already aware awareness too new heights. We live in Cape Town, South Africa – so much closer than you do to the very heart of poverty and it is so easy to drive by and donate goods and hand out a few coins at the stop light… and never feel the pain. So thank you for your heart wrenching trip, I remember crying over those kids and their eggs the same day I had gone to by candy for sunday school class. You certainly helped me to take nothing for granted and to give away far more than I thought we had just because someone else really did need it more. Thank-you.

leonieke - seems to me you have a interesting life.. all the travelling combined with your family.. wow!

Lori - Such beautiful, meaningful photos. The artist’s eye has truly shown through.

jen @ tatertots and jello - Wow – such powerful images. I hope to go one day. You are such an inspiration to me.

Melissa Morrill - I can’t believe it’s already been a year!! I loved all your posts about your Africa trip and the day that you left I cried with you!!
You are such an inspiration to me.
God is so good Meg.

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