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this week….


remember when i partied in my cardigan?
that was for my sister's birthday.
well that was almost a month ago….and i just got her gift to her….really late.

(if you know me in real life….that is the NORM for me…)


but i think her gift was worth the wait.

this is my favorite necklace in lisa leonard's designs.  (i like it all but i really love this one)
it's simple and classic.
you can get printing on both sides.
it goes with everything.
it's my fave.

my sister loved it.
lisa makes giving gifts so easy!  a few clicks and it's all done.  love that.

on friday my three youngest came out of school with reading reward coupons for free ice cream cones.
i drove them straight to the source.
they were very surprised and happy.

talby pulled out her brand new book that was published from her ELP group. 


i swooned over it. 
it was adorable.

i don't know what this was about…..i can't recall….but annie made this face twice in ten seconds.
i caught the second one.

what a goofy girl.

we hit the park.
the sunshine was so needed.
i felt so much lighter.

and it was still so nice friday night that we had a campfire in the back yard!

today….it hailed, sleeted and snowed.

so….this week:

i really want to get my shop opened!

wish me luck.

before i die in a freak pillow collapsing accident in the craft room…..

don't worry there will be no surprise shop openings.
i will give you lots of warning.
i promise.

also….i have a five more rainbow hoodies!



kristine - natalie is on my lap looking at this post with me and she just said, “whoa mommy. a huge stack of pillows!” 🙂

Molly - where do you buy your fabric?
love love love reading your blog!!

Tiffany - OMG…pillow love here!!! Apparently I am living under a rock, I missed the hoodie pic…wonder if you’ll have it in size 7/8?? Or a 10 even…

chasity - it would be sooooo much fun to fill a fort with those piles of pillows and sit down to a good story.
such great colors and fabrics!

Julia - I love that sneaker shot!

carolyn - popped over her via marta writes, and now i don’t want to leave!

shelley - I pray that all those pillows fall onto my couch ! and I totally cant wait to see more of your little hoodies.

elisabeth - I am really. really. really. excited about the rainbow hoodies. Keeping my fingers crossed for a 3 T!
And I stalk your blog ALL the time. Just love it.

Jill - OMGosh…my children and I say, “lovel” too! :o)

Crissie - I am a lurker on your blog. I feel bad because I should have let you know my feelings about your blog by now. I ADORE your blog, and it soothes my soul and warms my heart. I have been lurking for about a year and should have already told you what gift you give me on a daily basis. The thing I love the most about it is how you remind me to appreciate the little things in life and to cherish my children (just as I am ready to wring their little necks! LOL) So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you! 🙂
Anyway, I have to have a rainbow hoodie! I spied it in your pic the other day and I thought, “I have to ask her where she bought that!” Then I scroll down and read your caption! Lo and behold you answered my question! LOL I’m glad you are enjoying your sewing!

Sara - My daughter definately NEEDS a rainbow hoodie! Can’t wait!

Courtney Walsh - You know that front stack of pillows? The 8th one up from the bottom. That’s the one I want. 🙂 lol

mel @ the larson lingo - Love that Lisa necklace…I have a giftcard to her shop & can’t decide what to get! eek!
And, I want to buy one of your pillows for my guest room! Can’t wait for your shop to open 🙂

Tracy E. - Open that shop already! I NEED one of those pillows! Stat! 🙂

Shauna - Are you making Rainbow hoodies in baby/toddler sizes too?? (pretty please??)From the response to them I think you need to make 50 more!! Did you go to a trunk party for Matilda Jane or did you just order the stuff through someone? I love their skirts and dresses but Im afraid to buy something only to find out I need a smaller or larger size…I just LOVE Annie’s dress!

Mindy Harris - so excited for your shop to open. i am going to try to buy a bunting if they don’t sell out first.
also, i can’t wait to hear you speak at blogsugar.
i hope you remember me because i am going to come up to you and hug you!

Caroline - Oh my heavens! You are so talented! I have got to get a rainbow hoodie for my twin girls to share…or maybe they each need their own!

LIlly - Lovely things! I live in Ethiopia and am always worried I will miss the “opening” … so glad you will give us some warning. Look forward to snatching up some of those lovely pillows and hoodies for my girls. God bless 🙂

Esther - Hurry up and open the shop!!! I am dying over here with all of them “pillow eye candies” soooo… like loving them pillows!!! Let us all know when…PLEASE!!!!

Valerie Page - Every time I see these pillows, I get so excited. I can’t wait till your shop opens. Those Published books are awesome. As a retired(decided to stay at home with my baby) teacher, I cannot even begin to tell you how long it takes to make those books. All the time and effort that goes into them is well worth it. I used to be exhausted at the end of the day when I would help my students with them. But then, I would just get soooo excited when the published books came in and I couldn’t wait to open them. My students loved sharing them with the other students. My older daughters still look back and giggle what they wrote and drew in the books. Great keepsake:)

virginia - i really think your pictures are more crisp looking since you went to that blue lily thing, what’s your secret?

Ivy Smith - I can’t wait for the shop to open. I have been desperately needing some new sofa pillows but I have been holding out cause I want some from you! Everytime you post a pic of the pillows I pick out the ones I want:)

Jenny Joy - Who knew that an enormous pile of pillows could put a big ol’ smile on my face?!
And I cannot wait to see these rainbow hoodies. Seriously. Cannot. WAIT.

Kirsten J - Love those little books….I had the pleasure of putting them together for my daughter’s 1st grade class…and must confess, I spent a few too many minutes reading all of the books 😛

Hoosier at Heart - Looking forward to seeing your lovelies in your shop! By the way, I’m going to BlogSugar and I’m so so excited to meet you.

Leah - I feel like laying down in the pile of pillows. Looks so peaceful. Are you going to have the Hungry Caterpillar pillow like you did last year? Sophie and I love that story!

Shannon - Everybody better leave me some pillows to buy in your shop, Oh and I want a sweatshirt too! Can’t wait to see all the goodies 🙂

erlfisher - A freak pillow collapsing accident? Well, let me help by taking some of those pillows off your hands! The sleety-snow thing was weird. Glad it didn’t stick around. Great, colorful pictures on such a gloomy day!

megan - can’t wait for your “shop” to open. also, so wishing my girls could pull off the matilda jane look. think they are too old or too finicky! lord knows they could use some new clothes…you should have seen what #4 wore today!!
thanks for the beautiful pics.

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Love that Talbly has her own book. Is that wonderful or what? By the way Talby, goofy faces rock. Love the pillows Meg. Good luck on opening this week.

Christy - ooh can’t wait for the shop opening! Dying for a rainbow hoody.

Gemma - Love love love that necklace! Very simple but lovely!
I wish I had some icecream : )
Gemma x

ashley jensen - I was so worried yesterday while we were coming home from camping that you could have possibly opened up your shop and I would miss out on a hoodie! Gald to know you will be giving us lots of notice! I think I see a pillow in there I might have to have also.

Hannah - hoodies….are they for adults??? 🙂 hope so… 🙂

deborah@applesinwonderland - annie makes the best faces….i’m willing to bet big money that surprise ice cream had a little to do with that. i blame you for my sudden need to fill my artsy/fartsy space with pom-pom ric-rac….don’t worry i’ve already forgiven you:) love when my kid’s wrote book in and out of school. talby’s vacation to michigan? if i had known i’d have baked a cake. or something. 🙂

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - As we just moved my youngest DD into her own room and will soon be painting her walls just like your girls”(she keeps telling me, “mommy..I want THAT pink room”) I will also be needing a heart pillow. And Im already wanting a rainbow hoodie. I cant wait….

Sonia - ummmm, i hope the hoodies come in adult sizes. 😀

Jeddie - I’ve been checking like crazy, so glad we are going to get a heads up:). Still hope I am quick enough!

Jenn Thomas - London wanted to know if those were Annie’s “lucky tights” Like Olivia (the pig) because she also has a pair of striped tights
that her lucky tights 🙂
I would hate for a fellow neighbor to die from a stack of falling pillows – I don’t think it would be good advertisment for the selling of our house. 🙂 Have a good week – it’s been a while since I’ve seen ya.

Trish - i love the foot shot of annie’s cute shoe. so fun!

Jessica @ This Blessed Life - I’m sure you probably got 80 million e-mails about this already, but in case you didn’t: you were featured in my babytalk magazine as a top mom blogger! They did a little blurb about you with a link to your site. Congratulations!

andria - are you going to post a bit of advance notice when the shop will be open? i would love a rainbow hoodie and am worried everything will be sold out before i can access your shop. thanks!! gorgeous pillows by the way!

georgia - I love them pillows!!!! I don’t dare buy one as my dogs are partial to the odd pillow…. Ill be eager to check your other stuff though 🙂 🙂
Eeeeeeeee so excited for shop opening! What do the proceeds to towards, you or a charity? I’m not fussed either way, just wondered if it was for a charity event

Sandy - I know which pillow I want and I hope & pray that I get to it first because I know many others will want it too.

karen - yay for more rainbow hoodies!
i think you are going to crash the etsy server!!

Stefanie Shultz - I want those pillows! 🙂

tam - The weather looked fantastic, we are still dreary and snowy-I’m hoping spring is right around the corner! I love Talby’s book, QB’s class did that this year too. A pillow avalanche would be….colorful! Can’t wait for the shop opening.

Su@The Intentional Home - I have been checking your blog everyday for the announcement of your shop opening…I had to giggle when I read that line that said do not worry, there will be no surprise openings. . .it was like you were reading my mind. 🙂

erica - rainbow hoodie! and love that book by talby…so cute!

Kori - Talby’s real, live, actual book? AWESOME! What a cool memento to have!!

Michelle from Australia - Is it sad that I will contemplate sitting up in the middle of the night here in Australia to try and snag a rainbow hoodie? OK, don’t answer that. I know it is sad. But a girl has got to do what she had to do in search of rainbows doesn’t she???

Jennifer O'Steen - swooning over your pillows! i absolutely have to buy one <3

sue - Lovely pillows !!!

Barbara - Such a pretty stack of pillows!

Christina - I MUST HAVE THAT HEART PILLOW!!! SOOO CUTE! You must know I am serious about that because I am on my phone and had to make all those caps individually! Can’t wait for your opening. 🙂

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