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spring break 11

um…thank you for buying (pretty much) everything in my shop.
you ladies are UNBELIEVABLE.
i love you.
i'm sorry for you that there were only so many of each thing and it went so fast.
i'm sorry that it gets crazy.
but it's fun too isn't it?  like black friday without the uncomfortable eye contact.

there are two matching quilty striped pillows left….and some prints.
i restocked the prints a bunch of times yesterday.
the two pillows are really cute….i was surprised they were left.
i think they are perfect for a boys room….blues, greens and browns.

so again….THANK YOU.
it was really fun to watch it all disappear!

now i will ship and ship and ship.

PLEASE go and double check that you paid and you completed your payment.
it's a bummer for me to have to track you down later.

now….here is my REAL post. 


my friends kerry & dan have 5 kids of their own and they run a dairy farm.

i went to visit this farm in january and it was… eye opener.

i have seen pigs and horses but never a cow close up.
not like this.
and i was not prepared.
i thought we were going out there for dinner.
i had no idea we'd go into the barn to touch the cows and be all up in their space.
i was wearing cloth leopard shoes.
i think it's safe to say i may have been the dorkiest person they have had out at the farm yet.
i tried to walk into the barn a bit and see the baby cow but i was so squeemish that i chickened out.

i blame the shoes.

but it was fascinating.
i said "i will be back…with my camera…..and my cowgirl boots….this MUST be on the blog!"

so when my city friend chicago Jen brought her family to town i knew it was the perfect time!

while our men golfed in the ridiculous kansas wind…..we went to the farm with the kids.


kerry had warm cinnamon rolls in the kitchen, coffee for jen and i and fresh milk for the kids.
it was an all american scene.
my kids were loving every second!


scotty was loving on baby kyler…..melts my heart!
kyler is so darn cute!  
i got to be at her birth…a home birth….it was so cool. 
annie loves to watch kyler's every move.
i like to cuddle her when she is sleeping.  :)

IMG_9821-19 IMG_9826-20

after our coffee we put on our boots and braved the barn.
poor jenny….we don't have the same size feet so she couldn't wear my extra boots.
i gave her some of our snow boots.
when we got out to the farm we realized they were both right feet!
she did just fine in her two right boots.  HA!
it was very funny.

i wasn't nervous….but i was being…..cautious.
i am such a baby.

everyone peeked into the milk tank.
it was ALOT of milk.


no fear from the kids though….kisses for cows?  well of course!


we got to bottle feed a one week old calf.
seriously….i could have picked her up and taken her home.
if only they stayed that size.
except for all the snot…..that was a little gross.

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oh how i love this kid.
he is just enough to make me crazy but when he is having a good day it's a great day for all of us.
and THIS was a great day.
i was so happy he was with us.

(excuse me but when did my boys think it was acceptable to grow up and be as tall as me??)

aren't we a fabulous farm group?
we fit right in.
don't look out of place one bit.

dairy cows are HUGE.
i couldn't get over how big they were……GiNORMOUS.


our gracious hosts.
seriously…..dan & kerry you were so good to us.
you spoiled us.
thank you thank you thank you.
sorry i was spazzy to the kids about the rules before we went in the barn.
i just wanted them to be good.
i am sure it was the joke of the day for you.  :)
i live to entertain. 

and just when the kids thought it couldn't get any better……TRACTOR RIDES!!!
it just went up and down but it was better than an amusement park for sure.

i love when my kansas friends get to meet my jenny!!

(kerry…..doesn't jen have the best laugh ever?!)

kerry's 10 year old son built this tree house.
by himself.
he is 100 times cooler than ty pennington in my opinion.

see how cool it is to live in kansas!?

the farm rocked.
i loved it.
jen loved it.
the kids loved it.


there is no one nicer in the world than my friend kerry.
she calls me Megs.
when i tell annie we are going to see her she says "which kerry?"
i answer "annie poo-pie kerry" because that is annie's nickname from Kerry.
and annie gets so excited!

kerry has a blog!
i want you all to mozy on over and give her some love right now!

those are farm words for "get going"


Mrinal - Hi Tamara,Both Mike and I are well impressed with the couarge you showed by bringing your story into the open. The main theme in your story is your strong will and it shows your journey through life by applying that strong will in different ways. The fact that you have definitely found the way to use it in a very positive way currently, plus that you have the couarge to open up, makes you an only STRONGER and MORE inspirational role model as far as we are concerned!Mike and Saskia

Trysha - Whoops…that’s Annie, isn’t it?

Trysha - Love that photo of Talby getting ready to kiss the cow! Adorable!!!

Carol S - Awww, what a great day. Enjoyed all the pics of the day on the farm. Yes, your boys are getting bigger and bigger…it’s sort of cool and sort of scary, isn’t it? They only grow in one direction, and I’m getting ok with that (no option!) Have a happy Sunday.

Jenna Mitchell - the 2 right boots for Jenny made me laugh out loud!!!! And then when you posted the group picture I was drawn to Jenny’s feet…and laughed even harder. πŸ™‚

Jenny B. - So fun! I agree, though… big cows are a little scary up close.

happygirl - I love a dairy farm. I think dairy farmers are the hardest working farmers out there. Do they sell the milk? Do they make ice cream? I love a dairy farm.

EllenVR - I spy an OU shirt! Boomer Sooner!!!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I love. Lu-hu-huv Chicago Jenny’s boots. (Are they snow boots?) I hope so.

Tiffany @ The Domestic Fox - Love love love moo cows – but Jerseys are my favorite! Can you tell I miss our cows?? πŸ™

april - ok ok meg…Im totally convinced….kansas IS cool!!!
april from california

Katy - Okay, when I first read that everyone peeked into the milk tank I thought it said that “everyone peed in the milk tank”! I had to reread that one. πŸ™‚ Looks like fun!

Amy - ..I guess I should have said does she live close to the town we both live in. I re-read that and it sounded kind of confusing. : )

Amy - Does your friend Kerry live close to the same town as we do Megan? I am trying to meet other local mom’s who have home birthed and would love to talk to her if she is willing.

Kelly - You Kansas people are all so fun! I am about to move to CO. Why do Kansas and CO have to be so big?! It would be so fun if we were only an hour or two away and could all play together! Kelly

tiffany - can kerry come to craft day? i wanna nickname too. sweet post.

Tracy Fisher - That was so awesome. I love the simple life…for a day or two every now and then. And I loved the snow boots!

Jenna - Kansas is the best! I recently moved away after living there all my life, but I remain very proud to be from there πŸ™‚ Looks like fun times at the farm!

Jennifer - What a fun post! I can appreciate the cows. I grew up in the country in a small town in northeast texas. We lived on 28 acres and my granddad kept his cows on our land. It was great for my dad because he never had to worry about mowing the pasture…the cows kept it looking all nice with all their grazing. We had an electric fence to keep them in, but it never failed, one or two would always escape every once in a while. It usually happened when my dad was at work and so mom had to deal with it. I can remember how she (a born and bred big city girl who moved to the country because of my dad)…she would park our big ‘ole 80’s van at the end of the driveway to block the cows from escaping down the oil road and honk the horn to keep them in until my granddad could get out there to chase them back in behind that electric fence. Good memories your post drudged up…
Last thought…love your hair, Meg!! It makes me want to cut mine short again. πŸ™‚

hannah - what a fun friendship! i’ve always loved visiting farmer friends, such a treat to taste their beautiful lives! thanks for sharing, love all your photos:)

Erin - what a cool all-american experience! i live overseas and before moving abroad i was a city girl but i am jonesing for the country (hubs grew up on a farm/in a farming family in iowa). yes, it was still fun to try to buy your stuff…better luck next year. πŸ˜‰

Heather - I had a crazy hectic deadline day yesterday and was so sad that I missed out on all of the fun pillows in the shop, but your pictures today cheered me right up! I think it’s just in my blood to love farms. πŸ™‚ Also, I need to know where you got your boots- they’re cute!!

sarah - work those cowgirl boots, lady! - That is SOOOO COOOL MEG! I’m a city girl. Born and raised in the LA area and I want to move to Kansas! I just might be your neighbor one day πŸ™‚

kristine - scott holding kyler is one of my faves so far from 2011. he looks so proud and his smile is CHAR-MING!
that tractor ride is AWESOME and the tree house!??!?! holy cow! he could grow up and have his own show like ty! πŸ™‚
so bummed to miss out on a hoodie yesterday. by the time i’d click to see what size the listing was and have to click back, they’d be gone. i’m SO proud of you. what did craig say!?

pam - I think that’s one of the cleanest barn floors I’ve ever seen. Always good to expose ourselves to different ways of life….it will amaze us what people do to provide that daily glass of milk or that slice of bread. I miss the wheat fields of Kansas….they are so gorgeous in the summer.

Vonda - The cows made me smile! We had a dairy farm for 10 years. Lots of work! I used to be in charge of feeding the calves, until the boys got big enough to do it! Then I would go work with my Mom and sister at our flower shop. That smelled a lot better!:) We live in a town with lots of dairy farms, so we’ll be driving along and my daughter will go “ew, what’s that smell?!” Then I have to remind her that she used to live on a farm! We moved when she was 2 so she doesn’t remember it at all. Dairy farmers are special people-always on call!

virginia - now THAT is country living!
the tractor ride picture is so cool, i like all that it conveys

Jennifer - That tree house is amazing! My boys wouldn’t even know where to begin doing something like that. Very cool!

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Wow what an amazing experience…those cows are HUGE!
Gemma x

Lori Danelle - I LOVE Kerry!! (Although, it’s been such a long time since I’ve seen her, I’m not sure she’d remember be any more!) Excited to start reading her blog. I watched Footloose for the very first time at her house while hanging out with her sister Jenny & friend Kristy as they got ready for Berean’s Jr./Sr. Banquet WAY back in high school. (Fitting, eh?) Needless to say, we had a bit of fun!
And I love being from KS. DEFINITELY NOT a country girl, but I do love the country. I got to experience the best of bothβ€”not that Wichita was exactly a booming city when I was growing up, but I suppose it sort of counts. πŸ™‚ One weekend we’d be running around Wichita doing whatever crazy teenagers do, and the next we’d be roasting marshmallows over a fire in the middle of a field and playing hide-and-go-seek amongst the hay bales.
LOVE it.

Jennie brewer - I’m sitting at the salon under the dryer that magically makes me a blonde. I just laughed out loud at your comment about wearing cloth leopard shoes. People are staring, but I’m just gonna keep on enjoying my day with no kids, my starbucks, a new haircut, and your hilariousness. Thanks Meg!

Amy T-Y - Yes, it is AWESOME to live in Kansas! I’ve lived here all my life, both in Kansas City & in a small town called Basehor (about 30 min. east of Lawrence). My dad has 60 acres, a barn, cows, 4-wheelers. The whole she-bang. (Did I just say she-bang??). And he lives on a gravel road with rusty, dusty pick-up trucks. The midwest is awesome. Did you let the cows lick you? They have seriously thick & scratchy tongues! And if you ever get a chance, you should definitely take your kids to Shatto milk farm (an hour outside KC) where they produce the hugely popular organic milk (you even get to sample the root beer, orangesicle & coffee flavors!). Also visit Deanna Rose Farmstead (in S Overland Park), it’s free even! Ya know, just come up for Worlds of Fun & make a weekend (or week!) of it. & feel free to take my family’s pics while you’re in town . . . just sayin.’

Andrea - We had milk goats when I was growing up. When I went to Ohio State Univ., I worked at their dairy farm. It took me awhile to get used to how BIG the cows are! But milk cows are pretty complacent – until they come into heat! The OSU dairy had Jersey cows too. They were the best! More personality and beautiful big brown eyes. I had to start work at 4:30 am…but got to watch the sun rise over downtown Columbus. (Also, could fit in the classes I needed but that is besides the point.)

Sandy - I hope Talby hasn’t taken over the starring role in let’s find the teenager. Looks like great fun! Your family is so blessed!

Christy - Love these pix, looks like you guys had a good time. I love how fierce Annie looks in the group shot…lol

karen - wow..look at the size of the cows head compared to yours!!
That looked like so much fun! My 3 year old son would have loved that tractor ride…now that’s a tractor ride!!

Samantha - I loved this post! I am from a small town and my uncle was a diary farmer! It’s awesome your kids get to experience that when so many don’t anymore!

Jodi - You.are.brave.
I grew up with cows all around me and never have I ever petted one (unless they were in the stall about to get their meds and they couldn’t go anywhere)… I was always too nervous around them…
then again, my granddaddy raised his for meat… not milk… so maybe milk cows are happier??
looks like a wonderful day was had by all!

steph - ha! i’m diggin’ chicago jen’s boots in that group pic!
LOL! that is awesome!
and i love the pic of the kids on the tractor.
so fun and cool!
FWIW, i would have been kinda nervous around the cows too.
i’m pretty freaked of larger animals.
scared they’d bite my finger off or something. ewww!
glad you guys had a great time!
are you convincing jen to move to kansas yet?!?!?!? πŸ˜‰

Heather - Very cool! We went to friend’s dad’s farm where he still HAND MILKS one of his cows twice a day! My girls got to milk the cow! My 6 yo can seriously squeeze some udders! Did you try any FRESH milk? It’s hot. Like steamin’ hot. Would’ve been OK with some Hershey’s, without – not so much! Livin’ in Kansas can totally rock, when you know some cows, that is. πŸ™‚ Looks like you showed Chicago Jen a boot scootin’ good time!

shelly - I remember my Dad doing the same thing with me and a loader when we lived on the farm! Oh, the memories!!! There’s nothing better than those huge calf eyes and the smell of milk replacer (yes, even with the slime!). πŸ™‚

Heather R. - Cool farm! I love the fact she had the milkman’s kids…ha! The cows are huge. And I love the tree house. πŸ™‚

crystal - if you think dairy cows here are huge…you should see them in holland. they were like giants there and SO beautiful! πŸ™‚

Jemm - Cows ARE huge. When we moved out to the ranch it was amazing to me how big they are. Huge and gentle, it’s amazing. Glad you and the kids were able to experience that. I think that’s really important for kids to see were our food comes from. What great friends you’ve got!

julia - Things I would have wanted to ask…is this skim milk?…is it pasturized?…..where are the cows that make chocolate milk?
Love the poses of the little girls in the group picture!

Holly - that looks like a lot of fun for sure!

Sarah@this farm family's life - Yum! farm fresh milk…that’s all we drink here. glad you had a good time experiencing the farm life!

Kimberly Dial - Tractor rides … how fun was that? Looked like lots to me! Thanks for sharing your eclectic adventures ‘Megs’ — I love it! Have a great day!

Kimberly Dial - Tractor rides … how fun was that? Looked like lots to me! Thanks for sharing your eclectic adventures ‘Megs’ — I love it! Have a great day!

georgia - Awwww i love cows!!! there so cute!
(you google ‘Dexter’ cows that breed is SO cute!!)
Love the farm photo’s! but where is talby??

se7en - Thanks for the morning chuckle!!! I especially love the photo of you all fitting in so well!!! And Annie kissing the cow is just the best!!!

fm - Meg that looks so fun!! Your kids are real lucky to have you πŸ™‚
But… where’s talbyyyy?? hehehe sorry Talby for being stalkerish!!

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