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not so good….yet.


so i tried cutting waffle's hair this weekend.

it's not easy.
i was so worried about cutting him….then after one hour the first day….and 30 minutes the second day
i just went for it.
and this is what we have so far!


i am nervous to get to the feet, tail and face.
but it will get done….soon enough.

i had a girl day with just this one yesterday.

we hit old navy…target….and orange leaf.

both our first times.
she said it was the best place in the whole world….wants to go there on her birthday….in 7 months.
it was really goooood.
not on jillian's meal plan….but good.
i restrained myself to only a small bowl.
banana yogurt AND peanut butter yogurt!
holy cows.


annie said during foozball with she and i against craig:

"we're winning!  i think it's cause of my muscles!"  
(by the way…we did not win….i am AWFUL at foozball.)

then a few moments later shouted to craig  "GET READY TO EAT MY GUTS!!!"

when she runs hard and then stops she says "OHHH! my heart is beeping so fast."

and my favorite annie-ism….overheard through the window while the kids were jumping on the trampoline….


she is such a hillarious little girl. 


Kelvyn - With the thousands of peolpe Google employs, coupled with the fact that Northern California (where they’re located) has some of the best bud in the states .I’m surprised they didn’t create this themselves!

Christina - The things Annie says make me laugh so. The other day my youngest was using the toilet and when she got off of it she asked me if she would ever have a “something” like Christian (her brother). I could not make out the word she was saying and I finally figured it out. She was saying “thingy” meaning boy part. I laughed so hard (on the inside…I didn’t want to traumatize her). Kids are so very funny and cute and sweet.

Jenna - I “lol”ed quite a lot during this post between Waffle and the nuts: HA!!

Lisa B - My son says his heart is beeping really fast too!! I love it!!

MommaH - Your Talby is becoming a real beauty like her older sister. You and Craig certainly have made gorgeous children!

ronda beeman - First off, your dog is hilarious. Secondly, your last “annie-ism” made me laugh out loud while all my loves are sleeping! So funny!

Tiffany @ The Domestic Fox - OMG…Waffle is such a good sport.
Hint…Kool Lube for your clippers. Friction is one of the top reasons people knick the skin of their dogs in an attempt to clip their dogs. It keeps the clippers cool – it also cleans and lubricates your clippers. In another life, before kids, and pets, and homework, and never ending house duties…I was a dog groomer. The first time is scary – especially when it’s your dog. But Waffle looks like he is being calm for ya – that is always a plus! When you get ready for the feet – use your slicker brush to back brush his fur between the toes to be on the top of his foot. You can cut this with scissors or just trim it when you clip the top of his foot. Sometimes the toes are the trickiest part. It will mean that you will need to watch the hair on the feet – it will grow faster – but you won’t be worried about clipping the skin between his toes.
Good luck on finishing that clip job – you are doing great!
Annie-isms…I love them. She is quite a character!

jeana - our orange leaf just opened. we have had some crazy frozen yogurt movement over the past few months…this is the 3rd one open in our town. can’t wait to try it out though! love the annie-isms!

Wendy - i laughed way over here in australia. too hilario!

meghan - best. hair. cut. ever!
And…i can’t believe all those prints you sent out! Nice work lady.

Quinn - HA. It takes a lot for me to laugh at something written or in pictures… but I laughed out loud for Waffle.
And the kicked in the nuts comment Annie gave… oh boy.

Courtney Walsh - that’s what Adam’s hair looked like the last time I tried to cut it myself.
hahahhahaa. 🙂

Lori - That was one of the best laughs I’ve had all day, especially the kick in the nuts! 🙂

Lizz - So, I just looked back at Waffles first picture and well I definitely see some Chuck Norris in his face and wonderful gruff face! Good luck with the rest!

Liz @ Perfect Chaos - OK, so you know when people type LOL? I’m usually like, really? Did you really laugh out loud? Well, I literally LOL, to the point of tears. Poor Waffle!!! But seriously, thank you sharing! You have made my night.

Patricia - Hope you’re not offended that I laughed at Waffle and my first thought was “poor guy”. He’s still adorable, even with his interesting trim ;o)

Karen Gerstenberger - You had me at the Waffle photos. Best LOL of the day! Thank you, Meg! xoxo

Nancy - waffle, waffle, waffle – that was the best laugh all day. big fat thanks – that laugh was much needed!

Karlye - Meg,
I was so excited to see you mention Orange Leaf. My husband and I opened an Orange Leaf in Lawrence, I’ve been meaning to email you that if you guys are ever up that way taking in a KU game, come by and say hi. Free yogurt in exchange for getting to say I met you in real life! 🙂

Julia - {she says with more than a little jealousy in her voice}. Your photographs have gotten a lot better in the past year.

betsy - Poor, poor Waffle! He looks so embarrassed … but I think he looks super cute. I’m only brave enough to do Minnie’s nails & a trim around her face when her fur gets really long. You are REALLY brave!
Can’t wait to see the next batch of pictures 😉

Shannon - I also laughed at Waffle, but he’s so stinking cute! So, about the Annie’s heart beeping…my daughter also said that when she was younger. I was never sure where she got it, but apparently, it’s a pretty normal description!

Ellen J - Okay, so I definitely just laughed at Waffle for a good two minutes. I’ve thought about getting a kit to groom my morkie, but I haven’t been brave enough to even purchase one yet!! Great job with Waffle…love it. hehe

Lucylu ~ - Wow, Waffle, new look! Yum… Orange Leaf. I LOVE that place!

Cindy - This post made me laugh! All of it. The dog. The fact that Jillian got tossed to the wayside for a girly day and the part about the “nuts” Thanks for the smile.

Courtney Henson - Waffle looks really good! We have a Wheaten Terrier and he looks so much like Waffle. I’ve tried grooming him myself and it is really a nightmare! And it took forever! So I’m super impressed that you are doing it yourself and it looks that good! And I love the furry head and feet look…very cute!

leonieke - i’ve cried three times today, so much fun looking at waffle with my kids and husband..thanks, haven’t had such fun in days:-))
please don’t ever try to cut your kids hair.

Barb - Ohmygosh, that’s hilarious. What do the girls think of Waffle’s haircut?
My son always said his heart was beeping, too. Love that.
I am jealous. We had snowflakes this weekend and it looks like you have spring buds on your shrubs.
Did you ever get your new lens? How do you like it?

Mindy Harris - oh, waffle. bless you.

Julie - I would get a guard and then try cutting Waffle’s hair next time. Keep an eye on her skin they can get razor burn and irritation. Sometimes it will show up more a day after.
I found you blog in Sept when I was looking for a rainbow cake and have been stopping by since.

Jill - I’ve heard Wonderful things about Ornage Leaf. *must go there soon!* You are a much braver woman than I am with the dog hair cutting! You’ll get it in no time. You got the creative gene though, I missed that day…Boo!

Pamela Gordon - I am still laughing at poor Waffle! He looks like a french poodle doodle. Thanks for the LOL moment ;-D

Rebecca - Thank you for my laugh-out-loud moment of the day!

steph - holy… i’d be so scared to cut him too!!!
that is kinda freaky!
but he looks like a standard poodle. hilarious.
(oops…i first wrote poople!)
annie is hilarious.
you can tell she’s the youngest of 5 sibs with all she says. 😉

Anne @ Baking Me - My dog always looks so silly when I cut his hair. I don’t have clippers so I just use scissors, it gets the job done. If he was aware of just how silly he looked, he’d be really embarrassed 🙂

Clare - Ha ha ha I haven’t stopped laughing at poor old Waffle. I’m not sure I’d be brave enough to do something like that myself lol (“,)

Sarah - I love Annie’s freckles.
What a beautiful girl!
(And good luck with Waffle…too funny.)

Kimberly Dial - Poor ‘Waffle’ … will he ever recoup from the humiliation? Meg, as always, you make me smile & (often times) laugh out loud!

Kimberly Dial - Poor ‘Waffle’ … will he ever recoup from the humiliation? Meg, as always, you make me smile & (often times) laugh out loud!

Jenifer Higgins - Oh, my goodness, that picture of Waffle is so funny, I laughed out loud! There is an alpaca ranch down the street from me, and every summer they shave the whole herd just like you shaved your dog. Hilarious! I laugh when ever I drive by them, and I have to drive by at least twice a day.

Andrea T - i just laughed out loud at the annie-isms! needed that…so cute the things they say 😉 we have a fozen yougurt place by us called cups. there was a line with a rope like it was a club on friday night!! . they have red velvet and cheesecake yuuuummy. ps jillian will be kicking my butt for 30 days as of 2morrow!! thanks for the inspiration 😉

melissa - two of your commenters made me laugh too!!! “won’t he get cold?” and “you can get a job on a sheep farm”.
you have some very funny followers! send some my way!!!! LOL

melissa - ok.!!!
waffle looks so proud of his new haircut.
annie is a hoot!!!!!! i’d love to spend one day with that girl! i bet my sides would hurt by the end of the day!

Kristin@BringingPrettyBack - He got an extreme makeover! He looks so handsome!!! hahah!I was thinking of shaving our dog coco myself… thats it! I am goung for it!
Have a pretty day!

Jennie brewer - I’m not sure which is funnier….waffle or Annie’s last comment!

Kristy - I can’t believe you groomed your doodle! You are a brave woman! We have a labradoodle so I know what you mean about paying for the groomer once again. I can’t wait to show my kids Waffle when they get home from school. I know they are going to ask to do the same to Mr. Rudy.
I think Annieisms should be a regular post 🙂 She’s a doll!

amy d - now you know why groomers get the big bucks!
he looks so silly!
did you know we are getting a twisted cow frozen yogurt place?
in the old quiznos…it’s like orange leaf! May 1st is opening day! CAN’T WAIT!!!

catie - HAHAHAHA! waffle’s cut is awesome! you should totally leave it like that, start a new trend! i love this entire post, “you’re gonna eat my guts.”
hahaha! i can’t stop laughing!

Terri Fretwell - I love where Annie says her heart is beeping! My son, who is now 8, used to say “can you hear my heart beeping” when I would hug him or sit next to him. He quit that when he was 6 or 7.

karen - HAHA … love it!

Sandy - Oh how I love the chuckles I get from your posts each day. Talby looks SO grown up! And Annie…gotta love that girl! You’ll always be able to tell she has brothers. I’ve made some comments (not that one, mind you) over the years (even as an adult) that some men have said, “where did you learn that?!” My answer is always, “I grew up with three brothers!” I love your family.

Julie K - Oh my gosh, you had me cracking up from the beginning. Waffle looks like he’s wearing boots and the Annieisms are killer! So funny. Great start to my week – thanks!! 🙂 - Hahaha! Just spat diet coke all over my keyboard at that photo of Waffle! If I tried clipping my Westie I’d have no fingers left by the time I’d finished. 🙂

becky - my almost 3 year old was sitting with me when the first picture of you “shearing” waffle came up and she said, “oh look, a sheep!” thought you’d like that!

Christine - Haha! Good stuff. My Ethan says “My heart is beeping so fast” too! All the time. I love it so much, I never correct him. 🙂

Renae - First, your hair is just so cute!! Second, my 6 year old always tells me his heart is beeping!! 🙂 And he calls his “nuts” his “guts” so I know what he’s talking about but it’s much more censored. These sweet moments in life are such a riot…glad i’m not the only one who cracks up at the goofy things the kiddos say.

Necole - What great annieisms. Personally fav “You kicked me in the nuts”

sam - I think you should keep Waffle’s ‘boots’ they look so cute;-)

Katy - Ohh, I love the Annieisms. 🙂

Michelle - I was thinking, if Meg can do it, I can probably do it… we spend a fortune on getting Monty groomed. He is half Waffle’s size and now I’m thinking, it is money well spent. I can’t do it. HA!

Karen - Ohmygosh!!! I cracked up over Waffle! And I remember the “first time” my little girl got kicked in the, ah-hem, “b*lls”…. hee hee….I have ALL GIRLS – where did THAT come from???!!! It really wasn’t a talk we were ready to have!!! Too funny!!!

ky - Oh you sucker punched me with that last Annieism! I burst out laughing! Too funny!!!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Oh my gosh, although we have a beagle I am so not a dog person(I love kitties). But Im feelin for waffle. hurry up and shave his feet please!:)
And I am rolling with laughter over Annie’s sayings. What a funny kid!:)
Have a great Monday!

Toni :O) - OMG…poor Waffle….I couldn’t help but burst out laughing! Another commentator was right…it will grow back, he just may not want to be seen in public during that timeframe! You get an A for effort right?! Your Annie is a doll…love her sayings, just too cute!

Edie Steinmann - My husband shaved our two black dogs down last summer. They looked mangey (sp?) for months with their white skin peeping out from all the gaps in their black fur! We’ll be buying a guard for the clippers if he shaves them again this summer. Annie is so cute! I love the things kids say!

Amy - I tried once to groom our goldendoodle, and it was baaaaad. Poor thing looked so hideous that I would only take him walking after dark as to not scare the neighborhood children. 😉

Janie Fox - everything…just everything about this is the greatest. I love your life. Mine rocks too.

Mummy's Dress - Poor waffle 🙁
You might want to pop over and enter my Easter giveaway 🙂

Jenny Joy - I need to give our Charlie (the dorkiest Dorkie on the planet) a shave down, but I’m too SCARED. Yay for a handsome looking Waffle! You’ve done a great job so far, lady! 🙂
And Annie is the cutest. Seriously. Cutie Patootie with a side of HILARIOUS!

Heather R. - Our girls’ hearts beep, too. sweet. 🙂

Trish - haha… addie says the same thing… my heart is beeping so fast. just the other day she was eating a tootsie pop and when she got to the middle she says, ‘ohh, look mom i made it to the casserole!’ 🙂

Tess - “you just kicked me in the nuts!” i just busted out laughing.
orange leaf is in ohio… just nowhere near cleveland. {sad face}

Gemma - Heehee…cute waffle!
Gemma x

Southern Gal - Waffle looks like he has a French poodle cut! His poor pride. Oh, those Annie-isms! She is hilarious.
I’m getting Jillian’s DVD today. If no one hears from me tomorrow they’ll know what happened…

happygirl - Love your waffle cut. Now you know why those groomers get paid what they do. It’s hard work. And, it’s GREAT you hear your daughter when she speaks. I love the attention you give your children.

lovethosecupcakes - As my mum used to say to me after a, ahem, “unusual” haircut, never mind, it’ll grow.

Annika - He-he! Once you are done with Waffle, you can get a job on any sheep farm you want!

leonieke - o my god, he’s naked!!!!!!!!!!!!

leonie - Meg I am curled over laughing at waffle! not just because thats hilarious but because we have just bought our very own Groodle – Murphy, he is divine…… we are friends on Facebook you can see him there…good luck with the head and feet and please share your tips x

georgia - Ahaaaahahaha poor waffle!!
He looks like a posh poodle!

Valerie - Heeheeheeheehahaha…poor little Waffle…hahahaha

sue - Won’t he get cold?

sarah - oh my goodness…that first photo of waffle LITERALLY made me laugh out loud…so funny. and talby is adorable.

melissa @ the inspired room - Poor Waffle. We got a good chuckle over him though. He is a good sport. 😉

Terrie G - Orange Leaf Yogurt is the BEST!! My Hubby wants to open a franchise! 🙂 And you are so brave with the dog haircut!!

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