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good times.

after we moved into our first house in Illinois we started hosting our small group.
craig and i were the only couple with kids so it was easiest to meet at our house and get our kids to bed there.
lauren was 4 and scott was 1….i think.
peter was single at that time.
before small group he would come for dinner…play with the kids…hang out….help me pick up and get ready.
those are some really great memories for me.
i loved monday nights.
i miss those days! 

peter got married and then we moved.  :(
so we have not gotten to know his kids like he knew ours….which is such a bummer.
we see him once or twice a year which is not enough but so much fun to catch up when we do.
they met us at the bean last summer….

he was traveling in kansas for work and came for dinner this week!

after games, talking and dinner and dessert….suddenly our house turned into a WWF event…..


the noise level when this happens is amazingly loud!
everyone is yelling….the dog starts barking…'s CRAZY.
but they are all happy and laughing.
no one is being hurt….it's play.



we told the boys to say goodnight and goodbye to peter…..
this was their way of saying that.

waffle wants to wrestle as much as anyone else.


good times.

see you in july peter.



Suzi - I love your chore board, especially “pray” – can you post a close up?

elisa - Waffle, and the look on Peters face- lol

Kimberly - I’ve said it before…and I’ll keep saying it. Your husband is HAWT.

Rachel - I just totally smiled my whole way through that post. Thank you for all that happiness that just spilled across my computer screen 🙂
Your kids are kinda awesome…

Charlene @ Adventures In Mommy Land - I miss these kind of things too. We had a good friend like that, who came over all the time. He even came over once when my husband was at work just to show me the deer he shot while hunting LOL! He got married and life moved on. I miss him. Watching him throw my little (not so little anymore) ones around was fun. We have other friends now, of course that wrestle with the kids and it’s still funny to watch (especially since one of them is usually half drunk when he’s doing it haha).
Thanks for sharing….I love reading about and looking at pics of other big families like mine.

julia - Whenever my son starts doing this to his younger sisters I tell them that it’s like he’s saying “I love you” and giving them a big kiss. It always makes him stop.

Carla G - I agree with Mrs. Lamb! I have been sharing birdie pictures with my first grade class and my 8 year old son . . . we are anxiously awaiting pictures of the 3rd birdie! Can’t wait to see how those naked little guys change. So cool!!

Julie - I love Annie’s face in the 4th picture. She looks so determined!

nicole @ deliajude - this is the stuff of great memories.
ps: i love the chore blackboard.

Mindy Harris - craig’s muscles!

Sarah @ this farm familys life - That looks like so much fun! But in all the craziness, I am admiring the picture collages on the chalkboard in the background. Super cute! Where did you make them and order them? Please share! Thanks!

Christy - these pics made me smile. 🙂 looks like fun!

Lisa - Ahhh! I love good friends. 🙂
We have a couple friends that we only see a couple times a year.
They are so special to our family! I feel blessed that
we have stayed so close even with living far away from each other. - I love that your husband joyfully plays along with WWF..
and that your dog wants to join in on the fun 🙂
I dont know how you were able to get such good pics with all the flying bodies going everywhere! haha 🙂
happy home.. love it.

Sugar Mama - Our Labradoodle does the SAME thing when we wrestle. He barks super loudly at the biggest person, like he’s protecting the smaller one. It’s always interesting to see who he chooses to “protect” when my husband and I are wrestling *eyebrow raised*

shelly - I LOVE that we’re not the only crazies with wwf matches like that! The boys usually end up in a hog pile on my husband and he comes roaring up out of them like Thd Arnold in Kindergarten Cop! Cracks me up everytime—thankfully they know that momma don’t play that!

Jessica Johnson - friends like that are the best! also, my kids need to do chores. - I love stories like that. It’s really what life is all about right?

Alisa - I have been sharing your pictures of your “hatching nest” with my class each day. We printed the pictures and are enjoying the progress of God’s beautiful, amazing creation. My class asked me today if you had posted a picture of all three birds. WE NEED A NEW PICTURE!!!! Please post and tell us how they are doing.
Mrs. Lamb’s Third Grade Class, New Covenant School, Anderson, SC

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - So sweet that you guys still get together! It’s so hard to maintain friendships when everyone’s lives are changing!
Gemma x

Stephanie - Holy moley is that your front door???? I have a thing for front doors, wow that is amazing! Would you be so kind and give us a tour of some of the architectural details of your home? Please, pretty, pretty please!!!!!

Sandy - I love it! I had an uncle that played like Peter. Loved it – so much fun!! I’m glad you and your family got to visit with him.

Holly - your pillows sure are durable,lol! Great pictures!

Michelle - Great pictures meg! When my brother is home (he is in the Army) my boys play with him and my husband just like in your pictures here, they wrestle, and have pillow fights. Love, if you ask me 🙂
Hey I was looking back at the very first posts you did on here, wayyyy back when in 2007, ohhh man, I just love to look back, annie looks so tiny, gosh, they really do grow up fast! Anywho, just wanted to let you know that I loved looking back at your pictures and your posts! I don’t know, I feel like you’re one of my very good friends, that I have never met in real life 🙂
Have a great rest of the week!

ashley jensen - Haha! I love Craig picking Scott up to throw him down. It doesn’t matter that he is 13 and huge, he still does it like he’s 3! And Waffle’s open mouth is too cute. My husband, daughter and just had a wrestling session like this last week! Good times.

april - oh my goodness these pictures made laugh out loud!
1. the beast t-shirt
2. waffle getting into the mix of wrestling…that dog is awesome
3. annie being lifted by the hubs
4. pillows everywhere
good time for sure

happygirl - I LOVE how guys show how much they love each other. It’s a little violent and scary, but I LOVE it. Thanks for the pics and I long for a loving small group.

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