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can we keep him???

it all began when the girls came home and found a kitty on our porch.
and at the same moment sean opened the door to come outside….and waffle about knocked him down
PLOWING PAST to get at that cat.
the cat BOLTED and the girls were SQUEALING… was instant chaos.
waffle gone.
girls running and yelling.
and the cat UP IN A TREE.


we got waffle dog back inside…..and the girls coaxed the kitty down….and the questions begin
"can we keep him?"
"he can sleep in my room!!" 


he was such a nice kitty.
loved the attention.

 very tame.

very hungry.
the girls ran inside and came out with ham for some reason?

but that kitty, Sunshine as it was named, devoured the ham slices.

 very patient.

 and playful.

 and pretty.

and funny.

in my old age i am finally able to say
"no girls…we cannot keep him….but you can play with him anytime he stops by"

in the past…. i would have wavered.
i would have caved and tried to figure out HOW we could keep this cat.
no more.
we do not need a cat.

i do not want a cat.

i want a baby.
but not a cat.


and he did come back the next day.
and got more ham.
of course.


elisa - Cute cat- but Waffle would eat it. And then your kids would cry.
Tell me about the baby….

mrs. may - tee hee! He is a cutie pie.
I think ham is ok… I once fed a stray cat leftover pork tenderloin 🙂

Jenn Thomas - Oh My! At first I thought that was MY cat, Turman but he is much too young. I was about to tell you to send him back home 🙂 but I don’t think he wanders much past Amy’s house. Cute post – it is hard to say no – London wanted to bring back some tadpoles from the waterfall on Sunday, we left them there for others to find. By the way – they also saw 2 snakes – so watch out when you go.

Heather - Our dog chased a kitten into a tree, and my HUSBAND begged to keep him. Ugh! Ironically, the cat became immediately smitten with me. I think kitty knew who he had to kiss up to in order to stay!

Kimberly Dial - I bet he remembers where the ham came from & visits often!

Kimberly Dial - I bet he remembers where the ham came from & visits often!

crystal b. - Oh I loved this. You are such a nice mom. I am a cat hater and that little thing would not get ham at my house. 🙂

Amy Slavik - Hilarious! We’ve got two cats if you ever want to borrow them. However, we live in MN 🙂 Good for you for saying no, it’s not always easy!

deborah@applesinwonderland - sunshine is darling. we had a neighborhood kitty named *moonlight* for years. he didn’t technically belong to us, but we loved him just he same. i could go for one more kitty (we have 2) but i’m done with having babies–my uterus is closed for business.;)

Jennifer S. - Aw, that is so sweet. Im not a cat person, but there does seem to be something special about that cat. And…what a great idea…”you can play with him anytime he stops by”. love it.

ann - I would keep the kitty but I’m a sucker for cuteness.

julia - stay strong…keep the faith…just say no..

Terrie - Reminds me of when my parents gave my daughter 5, FIVE!!, kittens for her 5th birthday! Without asking…good thing we lived on the farm! 🙂

Heather R. - That looks like our “big, fat, kitty baby’s” young, thinner, cousin…ha! Good call. I love cats. BUT I think I’m good with one pet at a time. Cute pics.

nichole shinners - yes, no old lady comments at 35 please.. I am 35! And I am adopting my third baby! ( babies keep you young 🙂 Good job on the no kitty.. but I agree with the above comments if you feed sunshine she will be back. That is how I had my kitty.. she was a stray that stayed outside and I fed her everyday and she stuck around for years! Her name was meowers. 😉

Kat - I can so relate to the baby comments!!
Does this mean you are going to add #6 in some form to your beautiful family?
Not sure I can do #5, the heart is willing but the body is saying “nah I am tired from the 4 I already have!!”
Will keep following with interest to see if you let us know if there will be a #6. 🙂

melissa - I think you now have a cat…even if only as a visitor. Never FEED the cat…they will never leave again.

linda lou - what a beautiful, cute, adorable kitty he’s so pretty….if I didn’t have Regis and Kelly my two cats I would adopt him 🙂 linda
ps: don’t tell Regis and Kelly that 🙁

Anj - Yeah, I’ve notice the baby comments too… hope you share soon! 🙂

Jenny Joy - OH. MY. Every time we make a trip to the pet store for dog food/treats/etc., inevitably, someone in my posse wants to add a new pet to our household. A new hamster! A new fishy! A kitty! A snake! I have absolutely no trouble saying, “Absolutely, positively NOT.” But a baby? That’s a different story. (Which is why we have FOUR.)

Mindy Harris - gorgeous cat. i’m sure one of your million blog readers will rescue the kitty!
i kinda want a baby too but we need to wait. story just turned one.

Sarah @ This Farm Family's Life - That is the best kind of pet. One that will go away, but come back for playtime with the kids…or maybe it’s just the ham.

Becky - I hear ya (on both counts).

Rach - Might I add to the adorable kitty post that you have a beautiful lawn and I am envious. We currently have a dirt patch out back. 🙂

Sandy - Adorable pictures, as always.
Our one time with, “can we PLEASE keep him?” was saved by my daughter sneezing and her eyes getting itchy. I’m sorry for her, but so happy at the same time that we learned on that day that she’s allergic to cats. 🙂

Georgia - Ohhh no you did the fatal feed the kitty and he will keep coming back! he/she looks very healthy so im sure it has a loving family 🙂

steph - we’ve had similar cat issues.
luckily i have worked hard to not get suckered in.
man, do i love little kittens though.
it’s SO hard to resist keeping them.
but i keep telling myself this mantra, “they will turn into cats… and i hate cats”
ha ha ha ha!
so far, it has worked.
and yeah… what’s up with these baby comments?!
whatever you guys are planning for your family, i hope the best for you.
i’ve had baby fever lots lately.
my BFF is preggo right now… and our last 3 kids were the same age.
so with her having a baby and me not having one, it feels kinda weird.
if hubby was on board, absolutely…
but he’s not.
and i have to be ok with that.
3 kids are great!
maybe, just maybe, we’ll adopt one day.
we need to add a boy to this gaggle of girls we got! 😉

Tiffany - I love your cryptic baby messages. 🙂 You certainly do the mom gig awesomely…and with style! I so appreciate the gift of siblinghood you are giving all your babies!

Laura Phelps - I would have totally caved
that kitty is beautiful…like the sunshine:-)
I have a feeling the cat is yours…

Lorilee - I love cats. My 16 year old brought a very young kitten home the weekend before school was out. He found it in a ditch as he was driving home. We went back and knocked on all the nearby doors looking for the owner. We ended up with kitten milk replacement formula and a bottle. I took it to school with me the last week so I could feed it every 4-5 hours. He started at 11 oz and is now 24 oz. He is very attached to me and so loveable. I’ve been posting picts of him.

amy b. - We’ve been feeding a little stray fluffy black kitten at our house! Who knows where he came from, but, I don’t want a cat either! But, yes, I would take another baby in a second! My little one turned one in April and I have a 14 yr old son! Love the pics of the cat-maybe you could squeeze in some pet photography sessions!LOL!

Jennifer Dawn - You know what the say about cats…feed them once and they will keep coming back. Sounds like you might have a new addition to the family.
Anymore little additions coming–the human kind? 🙂

amy d - i saw him hanging in your yard the other day, but i secretly said to myself, “please don’t show up at my house!” you know me, i would cave! …he is very cute though!
…and i vote with the girls that YOU should keep him. 🙂

Shannon - I don’t think Waffle wanted that cat either, he might have eaten him 🙂 Sunshine is a cute cat though!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Oh my girls and I love kitties, but hubby and the dog don’t, so that kind of answers that. We’ve had a couple of strays try to sweet talk us into keeping them, and us girls are such sofites we would love to keep them all and if we did we’d probably have a house full of cats by now 🙂

Moriah - Ah yes, I been the child in this situation. You know feeding adorable Sunshine will mean he comes back, but he doesn’t have to live in your house. Bonus!

karen - Wow…sunshine is so majestic looking!
I did the same thing recently…with an adorable red headed kitten. The husband insisted..but with a 4 year old, 1 year old and a Weimaraner (who was not very fond of him) I said NO!
I’m thrilled I found a good home for him… a girl who just lost her daddy needed a friend…and she was redheaded too!
I love your pics!

sarah - LOVE cats. i hope sunshine sticks around and has regular guest appearances.

Stacy M - I think you should have a baby. I sorry I don’t know you but from reading your blog I feel like I do. You have a great family and lots of love to give a baby. My husband and I are having a baby in August. Our only child is 12 he will be 13 in August and we have just decided that we want a bigger family. It sure is different this time around at 34 years old (35 in August). We are loving it, and our son is so excited to be having a baby sister.

Melissa - That looks just like Pioneer Woman’s Kitty Kitty!

happygirl - Thanks for the pics. There CANNOT be enough kitten pics on the internet. And, attaboy mom. No, you can’t keep it. Good for you. Too bad for Waffle, no fun chase games anymore. 🙂

alicia @ la famille - i’m not a cat girl…i would have put the kabosh on that too 🙂 but i do kinda want a baby, too…what’s up with that? is that feeling ever going away?

Dawn - Good for you on not “adopting” the cat! We once had cats that adopted us for awhile. They would come to our door, we would feed them, and then they would disappear until the next time. They truly thought they were our cats, but we didn’t own them. One day…they just stopped coming, which was good because cat food was getting expensive. 🙂

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Ok so are we talking you want to be pregnant and have a baby? Or are you thinking about adopting? Im thinking Amy’s adoption has you thinking….am I right?
Love the kitty. We have one here who comes and goes as he pleases. I would love one that likes to cuddle:)

Esther - Oh my….I have a true story for you. My friends in Palm Springs had 9 stray cats show up one by one to their door steps, all they did was feed one and they most of told the rest of them, they never let them in the house just outside and just some love and food. They became attached to 3 of them, they moved down the street and one by one they all followed them to the new house, the other night one got his leg messed up by something (bite) they took him to the vet and spent a fortune on this cat. Make sure that this kitty doesn’t have buddies around to go and tell….LOL

Leah - That’s how it started with the cats we have now. I thought I was being nice by feeding the poor abandoned mamma cat. Next thing I knew, she and her six newly-born kittens had moved to our side yard. Mamma cat and one of her kittens are now permanent residents in this house. Yes, I’m a sucker!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh, he is adorable!!

Tam - wow, you were strong 🙂 good job! beautiful cat! I really want a babies…but I know how much attention a cat needs…at this point, not gonna happen, I have a FT job, two kids, 1 dog and 13 chickens

Emily Langston - How can you resist those whiskers…. Male, Yellow cats are the BEST! You never know… he may be going around for “ham” at more than one house!

Kelsey I - That cat looks like P-Dub’s cat!

Jenna - aw c’mon, mom! keep him 🙂

Jacci - Ha ha. You’re a ROCK. Look at you being strong! But, please don’t say “In my old age” – I’m 35, too!!!!
And pregnant, by the way 😉
I *think* I know what you’re thinking, though, and it doesn’t involve pregnancy 😉 I’ll pray for you guys.

jess - you are one strong momma…you didn’t cave!!! i think its funny that sunshine likes ham considering he seems to be a ham in front of the camera!!!

Alice H - ya what is up with all your wanting a baby comments?? are you going to have one?? I love babies! I would seriously have 4 more if I could possibly afford them. And have the room for them. But I also like the ones I can love on and send away 🙂 I love cats. They are so much easier than dogs.

tara pollard pakosta - ha! I want a baby too, but not a cat!
never a cat, I have cat phobia! ICK!
I Hope you are going to have another baby!
by the way, did you finish the 30 day shred?!
not me! 3 days maybe less and I quit!
but good news I have walked/jogged 62 miles so far in the month
of June!

Niki - That’s funny…I don’t want anymore cats or babies! LOL

Mrs. - 4 days before our move from Cincinnati to Pittsburgh, my girls found a momma kitty and 4 babies. They begged, and pleaded, and cried some more. But we did not have time for 5 kitties. We adopted two out, and gave the rest to the shelter. It was hard to resist, because they were kittens, and no one can resist a kitten. We stayed firm though, because our life is crazy enough, without a kitten or 5!

Kate S. - Hmm . . . babies seem to be cropping into a lot of your posts lately. I’m starting to wonder . . .

Holly - I do want a cat but no more babies! ha! Cute post!

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