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couple things….

yesterday was a good day.

-went for a run right away in the morning….endurance is on my side now.

-my computer problem was a broken charger….YAY!

-i had dinner in the crock pot by 9 AM for the family later.
  (which i forgot to mention and they got pizza instead and then found dinner waiting for them at
   home…oops….oh well…more dinner for tonight! )

and then i left with a friend to see another friend for the whole day.
because my friend Pam….who took me to africa….is MOVING TO AFRICA!!!
oh my goodness.

our time together is special.
it's NEEDED.
it's fills of my soul with Christ's love through them to me
it's sharing everything…anything….laughing and crying….and eating….and more talking.

literally 14 hours of non stop talking….by all of us.  :)

and about 15 bathroom breaks.

it's so good.
and i NEED it.

she is moving with her family to Liberia for missions.
it was SO COOL to listen to her share so many AWESOME things God is doing in their lives RIGHT NOW.
tangible, real amazing things they have seen just this month alone….needs he is providing….
it gave me goosebumps it was so EXCITING. 

oh how i will miss her!!!

but i get to go visit her too!
i can't wait to go back to africa.


one of her daughters is a spectacular artist.
i mean….wow.


i think Beth is 11 years old.
is that not amazing??
truly fabulous talent she has.


i can't wait to see what she finds to create in africa!

we got home really late and i crawled into bed so happy.
i am a girl who needs time with my close friends.
i crave it.
i need to talk things out…..share….listen….encourage and be encouraged….be REAL…and honest.
we are each SO different in our life paths and what we are doing but we love that for each other.

i love those kind of days.

what about you?
what kinds of things feed your soul?
what encourages you and keeps you going for a few weeks after you do them?



Heather G. - Happy for your special day. Your friend and her family sound amazing.

Lisa Currie-Gurney - I REALIZED A LONG TIME AGO…

Kristin S - What feeds my soul…
Reading your blog and others that are real and Christ-centered.
Reading God’s word.
Time with kindreds. I’m SO THANKFUL God created us for community.
Next week my best friend and I are taking a 4 day trip. I’ve been saving for years so I’m not going in to debt for it. We are going to eat well, get pampered, shop some, talk lots, read, spend time together, probably laugh a lot and cry as well.

Mel - glad you had a great visit with your friends, your happiness just bounces off the page !
reading your blog is very inspiring for me at the moment 🙂
my sister (i really heart her xoxo)
my friends
cups of tea in vintage tea cups 🙂
home decorating magazines & blogs
daydreaming about the places I am longing to travel to
and of course , my beautiful family , but all of the above is just for ME , us Mums really need “just for me” time & interests 🙂

Bernice - WOW! Her daughter has incredible talent! I can’t even draw a good-looking stick man… gee. Glad you had some good time with your friends. Every mama needs some of that!

Breeanna @ a brilliant melody - Glad you had a great time with friends. Something that gives me a boost is listening to music, playing the piano, and spending time with friends 🙂

sara @ it's good to be queen - yes, time with the girlfriends feeds the soul for sure. helps you feel not alone. i also crave time alone with my man. to feel like me…and not just a mama.

Melanie - Time with girlfriends? Ah yes, I’m leaving tomorrow for a girly weekend in Michigan. Can’t wait!
I can’t believe the artistic talent of that 11-year old girl…I mean, WOW! She is incredible.

Valerie @ Chateau A la Mode - Next to my hubby and kids girlfriends and girlfriend time is waaaaay imortant to me and my mental health 🙂

Life with Kaishon - That is a GREAT drawing. Wow. I am so impressed.
God bless her greatly in Africa!

Nicole - Quality time feeds my soul. It doesn’t matter where or what we are doing, but just being with my friends/family makes me happy.

Shauna - Thats one of my favorite recipes from Smashed Peas & Carrots. So easy & soooo good. I think you led me to her blog….so thank you!!

Lisa - PS- Prayed for Pam and her family… what an exciting act of obedience!

Lisa - As much as I love my 4 kids… time away from being a 24 hr mom is what feeds my soul. Time away with my husband or friends. And as much as I love just hanging out with dear friends or my husband, I really prefer the deep, meaningful long chunks of time. Kinda like your 14 hrs of non-stop talking! Not that my husband and I would spend 14 hrs talking… he’s good for an hour at a time. haha 😉

Megan H. - She is an extremely talented artist! When listening to the radio this morning a preacher talked about recognizing and using God given talents. What an AMAZING God given talent she has!

betsy - What a great day! I saw on Twitter that you went to an UnForked. Were you in Overland Park visiting your friend? The new UnForked here is literally just down the street from my condo! And I haven’t been to it yet 🙂
Need to go … maybe you can come back in town and go with me 🙂

Jen Christians - Oh MY Goodness! TALENTED!!! I cannot believe how amazing those drawings are! I want one… for real
I love me some good friend time, unfortunately it has been way too long

Staci - Love those days with close friends too!!! Just got to have one myself today!!! Not for 14 hours…only about 4, but I”ll take it !!!!!!! So exciting for Pam 🙂

Melissa - what you said about having time with close friends is so true! i love the hours i get when i can chat with my girlfriends and be encouraged. since we moved to CO last year, it takes awhile to gain those close relationships, so when you get to be reunited with an old friend, it is amazingly wonderful! thanks for sharing!

Brenda - Wow! What an amazing artist! Please share her drawings of Africa, if she will let you. I am hoping to go to Uganda this summer with our church! How exciting.

Catriona - Three of us girlfriends try to meet for dinner once a month at one of our homes and we make/bring a course each. Then just talk to, at and over each other for about 4 hours non-stop! I always wake up with a sore throat (and sometimes a bit of a fuzzy head…) the next day but it is SO worth it and I so look forward to those dinners.

happygirl - Such talent. Amazing. Sounded like a GREAT day. I love when you discover that the computer is NOT broken. friends, family, leftovers for the next day. 🙂

tara - her daughter has an incredible talent…in…cred….ible.
what feeds my soul?
being outside.
coffee in the morning.
in a very “shallow hal” kind of way…my pumpkin spice candle.
my family laughing together.
deep conversation with dear friends.
hitting the bed every night with my husband and FINALLY being able to catch up and debrief our days.

Kerry - goodness me, she is so talented!!
Aaah, my heartstrings tugged at the ‘move to Africa’ I miss Africa every day!! xx

Jenn - Feed your soul….now that’s important. I have to be creative. I need it….its me. I like to flea market. I don’t need to shop, just walk around. Of course its best with friends on both. I feel rejuvinated, fresh, like someone has charged my battery.

Holly - yay for you Meg!
Our church started a seperate jr high youth group in August and I am one of the two leaders. We started our first class with 4 kids. Last night we had 10 and that was with 3 missing. We never imagined our class would grow so fast and it is amazing to watch God start to do his work in these kids. It is also amazing what God has shown me through them. They are awesome and I totally feed off of them.

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - That kind of talent is god given. She needs to set up an Etsy shop.

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - That kind of talent is god given. She needs to set up an Etst shop.

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - I’ve been thinking about the time I need with friends. You’ve inspired me to make a few calls.

michelle - I’m the same way, I HAVE to have that time with good friends (& no kiddos) to recharge. I’m headed to Oklahoma tomorrow to spend a few days with my besties from college. Women need other women. Period. 🙂
So glad you had the opportunity to have the lovely day you did. And let me just say…Pam’s daughter? Holy moly! That girl is amazing!

Laura Phelps - well, YOU, for one…you me dear are a fabulous gift for my soul.
and my 3rd grade class! I have the beautiful honor of teaching 10 amazing children about GOD!!!
and broadway musicals…that curtain…the overture…the costumes…brings me back to LIFE

Ashlyn@Pinecone - I am glad you had such a great day.
I am completely blown back by the artist talent of Pam’s daughter!! What a gift! xo

amy jupin - craving some girl time myself.
pam’s daughter is amazing.
i am def gonna show this to anna. she’ll freak.
and one more thing…

Lisa - Awesome! So glad you had that time. I had one of those days too. Sharing and being real – crazy real – with a friend all day yesterday. What a gift. In the words of my sister-in-law “People are my treasure.” 🙂

Joy McLaughlin - Good for you! Sounds like a wonderful day! Girlfriend time definitely does it for me, and when the whole family is together. We only have one left at home, so when they are all around, it fills me up. On the other side of that, alone time rejuvenates me as well. I need both!

Sharla - Wow, I can’t believe her daughter’s drawings. They are spectacular. Sounds like her family is on a great path!

Jen - SOunds like a very special day, indeed. You are blessed! And, I don’t mean to be snarky at all, but what the heck did you put in the crock pot??? I am always looking for good crock pot recipes! 🙂

Kelley - Both of the Blue Lily workshops were so energizing for me. Not just with my photography, but creating a greater appreciation for my husband, kids and life. Time with my closest girlfriends does the same. It doesn’t happen enough, but is sooo needed.

Tricia - I think that it is wonderful that you were able to spend time with your friend before her giant move! Isn’t it amazing how energizing it can be to spend time with other women? I love my family, but spending time with friends always gives me a fresh perspective and it’s definitely something that I should do more often.

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