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my two dorks.









love these two.
a whole bunch.

annie was just eating a ham sandwich and shouted "MY TOOTH FELL OUT!!!"  
ha ha ha
she is hoping for a thousand dollars from the tooth fairy….
the dreams big.



Diana Dickert - They’re one good couple! LOL! Your dorks are adorable. And it’s funny that she shouted that her tooth fell out. Hahaha!

kids T shirts - Love your pictures,I miss my doggilie it’s my dog’s name.Since I work in the city I need to left him in my mother’s house.Miss my doggilie so much.

Connie - Ok, I am in love with your dog. Yes, I have a wonderful dog of my own… but there is just something about Waffle that makes me want to let him lick my face, something I never let Spooky do! =)

Jill - LOVE her brown eyes! DREAMY!
Waffle is adorable too.
Ummmm, think I would PULL one of my teeth for $1000!! Okay…NOT really…

Denissa - Cutest dorks ever! 🙂

Julie - Something about Annie reminds me of Ramona Quimby. Remember that Beverly Cleary book? She just seems like she has a lot of spunk 🙂

deborah@applesinwonderland - FYI, “dork” means whale penis. I still use that world everyday– and I’m not a marine biologist. Just useless information that is taking up way too much room in my brains. 🙂

Anna Marie - She is really starting to look like Talby 🙂

Sugar Mama - awww… they are like my labradoodle and daughter together 😉 So cute, sweet, playful and funny… a perfect pair!

jamie - i {heart} waffle. he has such personality.

Leah - Tell the Tooth Fairy to stop here if she’s giving out $1,000. And my dogs are looking at this blog post, so jealous of Waffle right now. They can’t understand how he gets candy corns and they don’t. - Love the pictures of two very adorable dorks!

Tracey - awww what cute dorks!

leslie @ topofthepage - i’m glad to see someone else uses the word “dork” as a term of endearment too. they are both super cute.

brian - what a cute pic a girl who loves her dog!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - She does dream big! Yay Annie!

Mindy Harris - i love seeing your globes in the background. i have 7 now!

Anita - Is it weird that I LOVE Waffle? just saying

Brandi - Wandering if her pants are from Naartije? You need to check out their girl stuff, it’s dreamy. Oak Park in KC has a store. Great pics.

Heather - You don’t want to hear this, I know. But…..Annie is looking older. Something about her face is changing. So adorable!

happygirl - Wow, my kid is 24 and for that kind of loot, I’m afraid he’d get a pliers and start yanking. 🙂

BriBedell - Seriously. The cuteness! Btw, do you have instagram??

Shannon - they are so cute! i need to show our doodle Maverick, these pictures. seriously, these two might be siblings! 🙂

karla @ bluegrass jewelrydesigns - I’ll definitely be pulling some teeth for $1000.

TinaM. - Once my daughter lost 2 teeth at the same time and I told {I mean asked} the “toothfairy” to leave $5.00. “She” left $ 5.00 per tooth !!! Yikes. p.s. we have a new mini goldendoodle.. you should check him out 🙂

Jenna@CallHerHappy - Crossing my fingers for Annie 😉 My uncle once left money under my cousin’s pillow in a sleepy moment. My cousin ran downstairs yelling the next morning, “The tooth fairy left me 20 bucks!” oops.

Kimberly - What wonderful dorks you have!

Jodi @ The Un-Soccermom Blog - cutest dorks ever!
$1000?? If that happens, let me know.. . I’ll pull a tooth and be right over!! ;o)

denise - ah, I just posted pictures of my dog too.

Mary Susan McConnell - Soo cute! Love these pictures!

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