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right now.

stealing this post idea from kimberlee.
i am using pictures from my phone.

right now i am…..

watching:  It's Complicated.

eating:  an apple   
drinking: ice water.


wearing:   ruffle tee from Old Navy,  striped cardi from francesca's,
                    dressy jeans from dress barn (moo)  & silver converse



avoiding: organizing my mess of a house (and life?)

feeling: overwhelmed.
            SO MUCH going on and SO MUCH needs to get done and SO MANY
            decisions to be made….

            i am not complaining.
            it's just at a point where i am feeling a little C R AaaaaA Z Y .

missing: chicago jenny  :)

thankful:  good friends…. i love/need to talk stuff out with people & my friends are so good at doing that with me and for me.

weather:  perfect day.  80 degrees.  sunny.  fall colors out all my windows!


praying:  for Pam leaving soon for Africa. 

needing:  to go for a run today.

thinking:  about what to make for dinner…something with chicken…. probably this.

dreaming:  about craft weekend and where God wants to take it…. who will come…
                      what we'll make… and eat.

                      it's all very dreamy for sure. 

loving:  my new cottage style magazine (guilty pleasure from the grocery store)


            new fabric from sarah's


             loot from michaels that had to come home with me (GLITTER paint!)



what about you…..

what are you doing?



קידום אתרי אינטרנט - Great post always with new topic! It is very informative and useful to me. I like to read it. I never found such a great and amazing post.

Melly Bee - Must be something in the stars…. I having that kind of week too 🙂

Karen Gerstenberger - I drove to Portland (OR) with my blogging friend, Laura (Live Happy) to hear a Franciscan monk (Richard Rohr) speaking about his new book, “Falling Upward,” and about “Sacred Balance.” We visited friends, ate well, learned a lot, talked about faith & family & everything in between. It was my first time away from home without my husband in about 2 or 3 years…and it was wonderful to have “girlfriend time.” Thank you for asking, Meg!

amber - i saw the glitter paint too! my husband said don’t you have that?
I was like umm hello it’s GLITTER!!! duh.
he didnt get it.
oh well I will go back without him and purchase =)

jennibell - What a fun post! Doing right now: avoiding the few things that need to be done before we can leave the house (in an hour!) to start the day. Already showered, make-up on & hair done, and dressed, though, so just need to realize that all of my favorite posts will be here later for me to read. Time to go get the brownies I made last night cut and packaged, put my cooking co-op lesson in order, and finish my bible study lesson. . .yep, I’m leaving to go do all that! Have a great day Meg. Keep praying about where God is taking you and your blog and your craft weekends. . .what an awesome opportunity He is giving you right now!!

leonieke - wow, you are having a good day! i just spend mine cleaning the house and cooking, and will be spending this afternoon driving the kids from a to b….. it’s not exciting but i love my house, especially when it’s all tidy and clean!
but have to say; watching a movie sounds a lot better 🙂

linda lou - forgot to tell you never..never pick up a glass or candle with a lip on it 🙁 its sad!
today I looked at keurig coffee makers (at body,bath & beyond) love that store ….talk about$$$$$$$ the are way out of price for one cup of coffee. today i did buy the :donut house collection “chocolate glazed donut” can’t wait to try it. what i’m doing since i’m cheap for now is put the coffee into my coffee filter and it makes 4 good cups of coffee and i’m happy for now 🙂 🙂
linda lou

linda lou - i have watched “its complicated” so many times i can repeat it line by line……….i love that movie even though happy and sad but life 🙂 blessings,
linda lou

Ashley - I did morning bible study, just put the baby down for nap, made three dozen cookies for my eldest’s Halloween party tomorrow, watching him play on pbskids, contemplating how to deal with the rest of the afternoon, needing a new hairstyle, and thought of you when I saw rainbow ice cubes in sprite on Pinterest.
Oh, the days of being a mom…
I LOVE the Converse! I may have to seek some out for winter! ( I have the same color ballerina flats.)

tiffany gardner - struggling. today…i am struggling. my kids are in public school in okc. it is a nice neighborhood school. sure…i don’t “get” all the teachers…but they continue to go. God seems to just be putting on my heart to homeschool…which scares me to death. i know what the “truth” is…if He asks you to do something..He will equip you to do it. the demands of my very young children, the rigorous schedule, the sadness of my daughter every night before she goes to bed worrying about school the next day, the “yuck” my son is learning in 2nd grade. anyway…just praying. today…struggling and praying. thanks for always making me feel better.

Lizz - Meg, I love the fabric that you get and Sarah’s choices are great…
How to you decide what to choose and do you order online? I need help on ordering fabric online, since where I live in Fargo, ND doesn’t have any trendy great fabric shops! - I am your biggest fan in Lithuania. I’m a midwestern gal too and you have no idea how much it warms my heart (and eases my homesickness) taking a peek into daily family life in Kansas. Also, I just ordered those shoes. My mother in law is coming for Thanksgiving and I am praying she can find room in her suitcase!

jodi - meg!
you need to go get yourself some of this:
appreciate you!
jodi in pa

Kerry - i’m skipping through blogland, hiding from the kids under my duvet in bed… I should be doing washing.. or something ‘mommy-ish’….
I LOVE WHAT YOU’RE WEARING!!! need those shoes.
mwah xx

Jill Franklin - OH! LOVE those silver converse! Love-Love-Love!

Lorie Yoder - Thinking I’d rather be chatting at your house with you, than being at work right now. Thinking I’d also like to get those items from the store, and go home and craft. Right NOW!

Lisa - Looks like a pretty good day! You typing “moo” after Dress Barn…it will never get old. I laugh every time!

JustMommer - I am sitting on my chaise.
Playing on my computer.
Putting off starting laundry.
Worrying about my Hermione who is at the vet.
I will be driving to Fayetteville.
Meeting my daughter.
Signing a contract to reserve wedding tents.
Delivering a tutu for my grand-dog Luna.
Life is weird some days.

casey - 80 degrees?!?! WHAT!!! I live in Maine and it was like 40 yesterday! NOT FAIR.
And loved the outfit by the way. I’m a stay at home mom, so my fashion sense these days is completely out with window! I feel like all I have in my closet these days is jeans and old t-shirts. Some how I have to convince the husband that I need to go clothes shopping! Suggestions?

Terrie G - It’s 2:25 am…and I’m reading your blog, watching a youtube video on how to swaddle a newborn while my daughter nurses…daddy sleeps and I get to burp and rock him to sleep. Great reason to be sleep deprived!! Wish blogs were around when my kids were little…maybe I would survive the nighttime feedings! 🙂

karla @ bluegrass jewelry designs - Reading your blog while watching reruns of Friends. : )

Jenny Joy - I’m sitting here on my laptop at 1:16 am, trying to get sleepy. My husband is in the next room, snoring like a freight train. My children are sleeping. The dog is curled up next to me with his head buried in my butt. And I can’t stop thinking about how tired I’m going to be tomorrow if I don’t get some rest. COME ON, Mr. Sandman! Bring me a dream!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I wore THE SAME ruffly T today, only mine was stripes, so it wasn’t really THE SAME. Maybe just the same.
But was yours $4???

Jacci - lol – i’m listening to The Sing Off with my husband on his laptop and sitting beside him reading on *my* laptop. guess what i’m reading… i’m reading your archives! and i’m thinking that we’re really similar in a lot of ways – 5 kids, believers, working hard a thappy marriages, polka dots, hormonees … but different in quite a few, too. for one, i mean, i’m willingly listening to the SING off… on tv. i don’t mix playdoh, either. oh, and i love canteloupe. now i’m going to bed, though. good night!

Kimberlee Jost - Watching Frasier in bed.
Listening to Talia snore between Bruce and me.
Drinking water.
Feeling sore…3 miles on the treadmill today.
Missing Phood this week.
Craving pumpkin cheesecake.

Jennifer - I am a Playstation 3 widow this evening so I am reading blogs!

TinaM. - I love It’s Complicated !!

Sara Torbett - I am smiling at everyone’s comments and your post-make me feel so much more “normal” 🙂 about to put my baby to sleep, need to do cleaning chores. Booooooooo. Would rather sew or craft 🙂

Astrid - Just came home from a super fun trunk and treat put on by a school group (we dressed our car trunk to look like a giant monster mouth with teeth and a huge tongue, so much fun!!!)
Not getting stressed about our impending move to china. Nope, no stress at all. LoL!
I gotta get me a cute ruffly shirt. 🙂
Life would be boring without challenges!

tara - I’m laying in bed with two of my three kids watching 19 kids and counting.
We had dinner tonight with a couple from the them.
that’s all. it’s the end of the day for me, and I’m wasting time on the computer….and the only thing I’d RATHER be doing is watching It’s Complicated. HILARIOUS movie. YOU WILL LAUGH…get ready.

Jenna@CallHerHappy - eating the best recipes I have ever put together! and looking at my super cute baby 🙂

Darcie L. - We painted pumpkins today per your previous post. So entertaining with my oldest being only 3 years old! She wore one of my old t-shirts and it touched the floor. By far, hers was my favorite of all the pumpkins. My “symmetrical and artistic” painting style had nothing on her creativity.:-)

jennie w. - That movie is one of my favorites!!!

Nichole - Eating rice after not feeling well today and wishing it was fall out here. We don’t get fall, we get summer and we get winter.

happygirl - Drinking myself into a stupor after working to find hotel rooms for 350 students displaced from their dorm rooms because of mold. I’m exhausted. 🙁

karen - watching x-factor…and pinning 🙂 love your shoes

Susan - Reading your blog! Wondering if I should buy another one of those Starbuck’s double wall glasses…I have broken 3 in the past 2 years…3! I am terrible at not screwing the lids on tight enough and then of course grabbing it from the top and onto the tile floor they go!

Ashlyn@Pinecone - I bought the Cottage Style too. I always feel a little (a lot) guilty spending $10 on a magazine – but when I see it I get so excited, I HAVE to buy it.
My life/house is a disorganized mess too. I am still unpacking and looking for things even though we moved 2 months ago. Tonight I found my stapler and ipod…it was actually pretty exciting 🙂 xo

ann - I love that movie – especially where Meryle Streep has to admit to what she likes a lot of OMGoodness
Right now I am reading your blog which I love to do, I’m eating Maltesers and watching Anderson, considering a house move and thinking longingly of my bed

Seriously Sassy Mama - Sitting on a stool with my computer on the counter reading your blog. Just finished dishes, and really need to empty the dryer. Finished my questionnaire for my MD appt tomorrow. Really need to start my knitting for gifts, not to mention my other homemade gifts. Really want to buy some new clothes and boots, but will buy for the kids first. I could write a toilet paper list.

Jessica Johnson - 100% procrastinating. avoiding my bickering children. avoiding making halloween costumes for bickering children. texting husband to pick up dinner instead of cooking. because i’m SOOOO busy. reading blogs. 😉

julia - Today I made pennants for my daughter’s birthday x-trav-a-ganza.
Plus driving and folding laundry and making dinner and no exercise.

Heather - right now i am…..
watching: Listening to KLove and reading your blog in my 15 minutes of downtime before I start dinner
eating: nada
drinking: nada
wearing: yoga capris, champion tee, champion socks
avoiding: thinking about what I have to do tomorrow
feeling: grateful to my hubby for doing the ballet rush so I could get groceries and dinner alone
missing: my sis
thankful: the two hours I got to chat with my bestie over Starbucks this afternoon
weather: cloudy now, but was gorgeous until about two hours ago
praying: for revelation. God is stirring in our hearts – it feels BIG – we don’t know what it is yet
needing: a hot bath – sore muscles from workout yesterday
thinking: about how to appreciate my hubby this evening…..
dreaming: about vacation in the spring. Hopefully heading to the Gulf Coast for a week.
loving: being in my house COMPLETELY alone (homeschooling mom here – this is a RARITY)

Wendy - … typing with sticky fingers bc I am eating rice krispy treats that aren’t set yet 🙂

Kimberly dial - Right now I’m reading over my favorite blogs while watching last night’s episode of RHOBH that I DVR’d … put on a pot of decaf, lit a candle … trying to relax … feeling a bit overwhelmed by the day’s events … trusting in the Lord … (I didn’t have to cook dinner ’cause the hubs & I ate out this evening! YAY!)

Courtney Henson - I just got the same magazine the other is chock full of eye candy and inspiration! I was just searching a friend’s blog for a really inspirational do something good type of project that I want to replicate…but then I saw your new post and thought I’d hop over here!

lisa willis - Wishing I could come to a craft weekend (but I’m pregnant- with our 3rd…and we are pinching pennies right now). Interested in doing a craft weekend in Seattle?
Looking at the sunny (!) Seattle day…from inside during nap time. Thinking about going for a walk later.
Procrastinating my bsf and womens group studies until…later.
Looking around my messy house thinking about all the things I need to pick up before our small group comes over tonight, but I just don’t have the energy to actually pick anything up.
…that’s it.

Malia - Hey there Meg, wanted to “introduce” myself since I have been reading your blog for at least a month or two now. I have a small handful of blogs that I read on my iPad while I do the elliptical and I found yours one day and it stuck. Reading your blog and some others are my main source of motivation for getting on the machine! But that is why I haven’t been able to comment at all yet. Please know that I admire your honesty, faith, photography, humor, craftiness, family and zest for life. Thank you for sharing pieces of it with me all in the way in Hawaii Nei. There is so much goodness to explore where you are. (Like I so wish we had anything even remotely close to that antique shop I saw you post on once when scrolling through but that’s another story.) Anyways, thanks again, good luck with your to do list and know that I am reading. mahalo, malia

shannon - Love that movie and watched it yesterday while my girls napped and even crazier is I am wearing the exact same sweater from Francesca’s except mine is blue and white!! How cool are we 😉

Becki G. - Obsessively watching my new photography website’s stat counter!

Tracy Fisher - I love that you wear sparkle tennies. Gotta get me some of those! Could be a fun craft project, you know. I just wanted to say I relate on the overwhelmed feeling. I just got a call from my friend who told me she saw my daughter (when picking up hers from after school activity). Oh my goodness… I forgot to get her! She said she would. But how humiliating I had to tell her that. Thought you might appreciate that today! 🙂
Tracy Fisher

Jen Christians - Trying to sell my home and get ready to move to Colorado! Trying not to be the Devil mother everytime my kids touch something! And praying for God to open doors that humans cannot. BIG life choices going on here… Maybe someone on here wants to buy my house… it’s in KAnsas…
I really don’t want to be a single mom to four for too long. Okay, enough whining,
I am heading out the door to Cross Country practice to watch the CUTEST little “Flying Angels” (that is their team name)Do what they do best..
That is all.

Laura Phelps - cooking turkey burgers in my VERY CLEAN HOUSE because life smacked me down HARD this week and when I get super stressed and sad I CLEAN….and I have candles lit and kids are outside with neighbors playing and I am feeling very on top of things for the first time in a very long time and I am looking forward to doing some lesson planning for my religion class tomorrow and watching Parenthood with my husband who I will be married to for 15 years on Thursday 🙂
and reading blogs while dinner…burns!

Lori - I am waiting for my son to come home from his behind-the-wheel lesson. Making a TON of food to take to my Dad since my mom is in the hospital after hip-replacement surgery. Well, you did ask 🙂

Georgia - Im just writing my blog post about my Wedding and Honeymoon, and took a well needed break to read your happy colourful post 🙂

Leah - I’m reading your blog instead of doing actual work at my job. This is way more fun.

shannon - I have also avoided cleaning my messy disorganized house all day and I will probably repeat tomorrow. We have been on the go every single day, all day for 2 weeks now and I’m tired of it! I was actually able to scrapbook 1 page today….was hoping for lots more but the little one did not cooperate! We have been to the park and we are about to head out for soccer, then home for dinner and baths and bed!
LOVE the outfit….where did the striped sweater come from?

Michelle Rotner - love this idea.
i do something very similar called “wednesday senses.”
trying to savor the hear and now.
fun twist using pictures.
your weather looks heavenly.

Mindy Harris - eating sinfully delicious pumpkin chocolate chip oatmeal cookies!

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